Monday, June 3, 2024

Monday is for Eshu

Before there was organized religion, Eshu
ruled the Crossroads in the Tales of the
African Tribal Folk...why da fuck do Ya think the
system works so hard to demonize Voodoo???

Eshu and Yemoja were the first Orisha that i worked with.  The Papa Legba face is the one that i resonate with, but it seems like the power of Him with whichever face that He is using is almost limitless.  I have been a "tool" used to trick or test other people and have been disciplined by Legba.  Nevertheless, i have found every time i was chastised was necessary for my soul growth.  It is not exactly easy to figure visions out; to me Papa Legba is kind, gentle, loving, and He gives me discipline; however, to others He can be nastyish. Eshu is a complicated subject, and it seems most logical to report what others have said about Him.  May all who honor Eshu have the right Gates opened and closed for them +++ase+++



Eshu partially serves as an alternate name for , the messenger for all Orishas, and that there are 256 paths to Eleggua—each one of which is an Eshu. It is believed that Eshu is an Orisha similar to Elugga, but there are only 101 paths to Eshu according to ocha, rather than the 256 paths to Eleggua according to Ifá. Eshu is known as the "Father who gave birth to Ogboni", and is also thought to be agile and always willing to rise to a challenge.
Both ocha and Ifá share some paths, however. Eshu Ayé is said to work closely with Orisha  and is thought to walk on the shore of the beach. Eshu Bi is a stern and forceful avatar, appearing as both an old man and young boy, who walked with Shangó and Oyá (the initial two Ibeyi), and Eshu Bi protects both of these, as well as all other small children. Eshu Laroye is an avatar believed to be the companion of Oshún and believed to be one of the most important Eshus, and the  of Eshu Laroye is thought to be talkative and small.

Other names[]

The name of Eshu varies around the world: in , Eshu is Èṣù-ElegbaExu de Candomblé in Echú in  and Latin America; Legba in Leba in Exu de Quimbanda in Lubaniba in ; and Exu in Latin America."

Ifa Foundation
"Eshu (Èṣù, Elegba, Elegbara, Echú), the divine messenger of “God – Olodumare” and the Orishas. Eshu can bridge the spiritual world with the tangible world. It is said that Eshu is everywhere at any given moment and waits at the crossroads between heaven and earth between the two worlds. He is the divine messenger that clears a path for you, brings you success, and provide you with wisdom and Ashé.
For Ifa followers, having a personal Eshu is one of the fundamental steps in their spiritual journey. Typically done after you’ve had a “life path reading”.  The reading would indicate which of the 256 Odu, or spiritual experience you’re having in this life.  This is why you will often hear that Eshu has many paths (Spanish: “caminos”), the paths actually correlates to the 256 Odu. Your personal Eshu is created in a way that would resonate with you and your life path. Your personal Eshu becomes your guardian, protector, and spiritual messenger. There are many variations in how they look, so don’t fret if yours looks different from others you’ve seen, Eshu is Eshu, no matter the size of how it’s adorned."

Tribe of the Sun
Traditional Colors: Black and red
Number: 3
Areas of Influence: Messages and all communication, crossroads, doorways (physical and spiritual), keys, sex, cemetery gates, children and protection
Entities associated with: St. Benito and the devil (Umbanda)
Symbols: Keys, anything to do with gambling (cards, dice, etc.), Neptune’s trident, a necklace with red and black beads.
Offerings: Liquor (Rum is excellent), tobacco, chili peppers, candy, anything hot and spicy, drugs.
Feast Days: August 24th
Astrology: Saturn
Tarot: Magician or Magus, the Devil
Chakra: Throat
Gemstones: Onyx, Jet, Mahogany Obsidian, Rubies, black pearls
Animals: Coyote, raven, snakes and other trickster animals. Rottweilers and Doberman Pinschers.
Entities of Similar Energy: The god Mercury, Kokopelli, Odin, Coyote, all tricksters
Plants associated with: Marijuana, , sugarcane
I think of Eshu as Ellegua’s older, darker brother. Eshu understands the darkness in the world and in men’s hearts. One story about him says that when evil first entered the world, the Orishas didn’t know how to combat it because it was so different from themselves. Eventually, Eshu stepped forward and sacrificed half of himself to become half evil. Because he did this, he now understands evil and knows how to fight it.

While many of the areas of interest and traits of Ellegua and Eshu overlap, Eshu seems to show up when a situation involves drugs, dirty sex or black magick. In Brazil, Eshu is seen as the devil but please don’t think of this as some sort of Satanic thing. The Brazilian’s concept of the devil is much different than ours. To them, Eshu represents the major issue or weakness in each person. There are 21 different Eshus. For some, their Eshu is drugs or alcohol, for others, sex, maybe for you, your Eshu is compulsive gambling or an eating disorder or stealing…. the list goes on. Whatever your Eshu is, the Brazilians believe that you have to make peace with him and learn to live with him. He’s a part of you. For those of you familiar with the tarot, this is very much in line with the Devil card in the major arcana.
eshu’s children
Eshu’s children will have some of the same characteristics as Ellegua’s children but have a darker edge (moodier and more pessimistic). They could also be involved in illegal activities. I bet many of those involved in the drug trade belong to Eshu.

Yoruba Religion
"Eshu is an Orisha, of the group of the Orisha Oddé (warriors). He governs the manifestations of the malevolent. For the good to manifest, it's neccesary to know the evil and the ways to evade it. He is the one who is always making traps and deceives the Orishas and men in the different legend or patakines. He means the misfortunes that happen in our lives when we are not in syntony or balance with which surrounds us. Eshu is of exclusive power of the Babalawos, they load it and give it, Eshu is not crowned. According to ifa it has 201 ways or paths. The Babalawos consecrates it with diverse elements of the nature. It does not speak by the Dilogún and it does not go to itá. It works directly with Orunla; he is the one that takes ebbó and gives account of the offerings. Most of the Oshas and Orishas are accompanied by a specific Eshu. In addition, all the Odun of Ifá has their particular Eshu. Eshu as adoration object is made by the Awó of Orunmila. The Eshu-Eleggua combination represents the constant bond between the positive and the negative, so that all change demands a crisis and there is no calm without calmness. When a home is protected denotes the presence of Elegua and when there there are problems it is that Eshu has entered. The western culture confused Eshu with the Devil, but that's not correct, in any case it could be confused with the Devil that tempted Jesus; Eshu, the trickster, but in nothing else it is resembled, since its objective is to provoke chaos so that measures to obtain the balance are taken ."

Michael Vaughn 1: Brandon, Adrian, Sara, Stacey, and duffle bag

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