Wednesday, March 5, 2025

There Was More to the Civil War than Slavery & If People Knew This Things Wouldn't Be So Hectic Between Folks in USA


This article is written in honorance and memory of those who suffered and died in not only in connection to the Civil War, but also for those from times past and times present who suffer from the greed of bankers and corporations. Life is an everlasting learning process. These are "Union Civil War Dead Soldiers at Gettysburg"

A journey to gain a firmer comprehension of the Civil War has presented some interesting information that will be presented in this article. This article will concentrate on the ascertains that the Civil War was about slavery and that Abraham Lincoln was the “slaves’ champion”. As this author perused sources about any hidden causes of the Civil War claims of “bankers wars” are noticed so this possibility will be explored as well. The search for information made it necessary to add more and more clues as to the possibility that nefarious outside influences seemed to have an effect on the war that caused brother to kill brother. Abraham Lincoln and social equality, slavery in the South, slavery in the North, Abraham Lincoln and slavery, plans for resettlement, the Emancipation Proclamation, “contraband camp” atrocities, the role of private bankers in America, the Morrill Tariff Act, agents reported swarming the South, Lincoln becomes President, Fort Sumter, July 4th message to Congress, Salmon P, Chase, possible Masonic connections, the Secession Acts of the Thirteen Confederate States, Robert E. Lee's letter to General Winfield Scott, and the closing remarks will be presented in this article. First, Abraham Lincoln’s views on social equality will be explored.
Abraham Lincoln and Social Equality

Abraham Lincoln is regarded as the president who fought the Civil War in order to end the institution of slavery so this section will present some data that points to ulterior motives. Morgan (1993) points out that Lincoln is seen as black freedom’s champion who waged the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865 so that races could have social equality. It has been noted that Lincoln was, indeed, opposed to slavery; however, his views on social equality are not well known. Some of his quotes about race will be presented.
In a speech delivered on October 16, 1854 while in Peoria, Illinois he stated that “if all earthly power were given me, I should not know what to do, as to the existing institution [of slavery]. My first impulse would be to free all the slaves, and send them to Liberia, to their own native land”. Later in that same speech he confessed that “we cannot, then, make them equals" (Morgan, 1993). Liberia was a plot on Africa’s west coast that was acquired in 1819 by President James Monroe. In 1822, the shipment of freed slaves to Liberia began. Unfortunately, the idea of keeping the races separate was not new in America. Next, Lincoln’s own words about race separation will be presented.
In Springfield, Illinois on June 26, 1857 he explained why he was opposed to allowing the Kansas-Nebraska Act that would have brought the slave holding state Kansas into the Union. “There is a natural disgust in the minds of nearly all white people to the idea of indiscriminate amalgamation of the white and black races ... A separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of amalgamation, but as an immediate separation is impossible, the next best thing is to keep them apart where they are not already together. If white and black people never get together in Kansas, they will never mix blood in Kansas ...what colonization needs most is a hearty will. Will springs from the two elements of moral sense and self-interest. Let us be brought to believe it is morally right, and, at the same time, favorable to, or, at least, not against, our interest, to transfer the African to his native clime, and we shall find a way to do it, however great the task may be” (Morgan, 1993). Lincoln’s words indicate that he did not want free black folks in America at all. Next, slavery in the South will be examined.
Slavery in the South

Was slavery truly rampant in the South? Morgan (1993) states that less than a third of white Southern folks were connected to slavery including those who hired slaves from the owners of other humans. Less than 2,300 out of one and a half million white families owned 50 or more slaves to be considered wealthy and influential. Slavery in the North will be considered next.
Slavery in the North
Was slavery non-existent in the North? The political, cultural, and economic fabric of the Northern states was woven with slavery from the beginning (Livingston, 2010). In 1638, enslaved Indians were exchanged for the first African slaves who were brought to New England. New Englanders sold slaves throughout the Western Hemisphere for 164 years (Livingston, 2010). It seems that slavery was not exclusive to the South. Next, some Lincoln quotes about the institution of slavery will be presented.
Abraham Lincoln and Slavery

In order to alleviate Southern fears about Lincoln eradicating slavery he wrote some published letters. To Missouri Republican’s editor Lincoln said “I could say nothing which I have not already said, and which is in print and accessible to the public” (Morgan, 1993). President Lincoln penned to Alexander H. Stephens “do the people of the south really entertain fears that a Republican administration would, directly or indirectly, interfere with their slaves, or with them, about their slaves? If they do, I wish to assure you, as once a friend, and still, I hope, not an enemy, there is no cause for such fear” (Morgan, 1993). Editor of the New York Tribune, Horace Greeley, received a letter from Lincoln that stated “he was not ‘pledged to the ultimate extinction of slavery,’ and that he did not ‘hold the black man to be the equal of the white” (Morgan, 1993). In his inaugural address, Lincoln stated that "I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so", and "no state, upon its own mere motion, can lawfully get out of the Union" (Morgan, 1993). A review of Lincoln’s own words indicate that he waged war on the South in order preserve the Union in lieu of freeing enslaved people. Lincoln’s resettlement plans will be summarized next.
Plans for Resettlement

President Lincoln supported a plan to colonize Negros outside of American main land. Several hundred thousand acres of the Chiriqui region in present day Panama were obtained by Ambrose W. Thompson who proposed that free black folks in America could be settled there to mine the abundant coal (Morgan, 1993). The plan was to allow the US Navy to buy their coal so that the profits could be utilized for the black colony’s sustenance, and to establish rice, sugar, coffee, and cotton plantations (Morgan, 1993). United States commercial dominance of tropical America would also be accomplished with this plan. Charles Wesley, a black historian, reported that “Although Lincoln believed in the destruction of slavery… he desired the complete separation of the whites and blacks. Throughout his political career, Lincoln persisted in believing in the colonization of the Negro" (Morgan, 1993). It seems like the plan of the Chiriqui Resettlement was to isolate the black Americans in a hot climate while requiring the same work they were doing for the plantations owners with the additional work of dangerous coal mining in order to survive. Next, the Emancipation Proclamation will be considered.
Emancipation Proclamation

Did the Emancipation Proclamation actually free any slaves? Lincoln issued the final Emancipation Proclamation on New Year's Day, 1863 which did not immediately free a single slave. Confederate slaves were freed while those in lands under the Union’s control remained in servitude (Morgan, 1993). Secretary Seward noted that the Proclamation “emancipated slaves where it could not reach them, and left them in bondage where it could have set them free” (Morgan, 1993). Allan Nevins is an historian who stated that "the popular picture of Lincoln using a stroke of the pen to lift the shackles from the limbs of four million slaves is ludicrously false" (Morgan, 1993). Lincoln asserted that the Emancipation Proclamation was necessary military move; in fact, it is recorded that he said "Understand, I raise no objections against it [slavery] on legal or constitutional grounds ... I view the matter [emancipation] as a practical war measure, to be decided upon according to the advantages or disadvantages it may offer to the suppression of the rebellion" (Morgan, 1993). He thought that the slaves would create turmoil in the South as they were helping the Confederates with the work while the men were at war. It seems that the Emancipation Proclamation did not free any slaves. Union “Contrabands Camps” will be presented next.
“Contraband Camp” Atrocities

What happened in the Union “Contraband Camps”? Runaway slaves and those seized with the Confiscation Acts were held in “Contraband Camps”. In 1963, Confederate President Jefferson Davis stated that "there is little hazard in predicting that in all localities where the enemy have a temporary foothold, the Negroes, who under our care increased sixfold ... will have been reduced by mortality during the war to no more than one-half their previous number” (Morgan, 1993). Even a Union officer declared that conditions in these camps were “frightful” and spoke of mortality rates as "most competent judges place it as no less than twenty-five percent in the last two years" (Morgan, 1993). Although the number lost is not known, there were many who died and even more who suffered from neglect, exposure, and starvation (Morgan, 1993). It is sad that even those who screamed for abolition of slavery could not or would not extend human decency to the slaves who were freed. This author can continue with evidence of President Lincoln’s racism; however, it seems like enough data has been presented in order to move on. Next, a cursory view of banker involvement in America will be presented.

The Role of Private Bankers in America
In order to comprehend the role of private bankers in America it is most logical to start at the beginning. The new country of the United States gained economic freedom from private banks after the Revolution by issuing its own value based monetary system (Rivera, 2017). With this new economic system, Americans were no longer subject to the interest-bearing bank notes of private banks such as the Bank of England that functioned to siphon the wealth of the American people. In 1790, Mayer Amschel Rothschild famously stated “Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws" (Rivera, 2017). Then in 1791, Alexander Hamilton helped the Rothschilds establish the private central bank known as the First Bank of the United States.
Rothschild Threatens America
Within 20 years America’s economy was ruined while the bankers were flourishing which caused Congress to refuse to renew the bank charter. Nathan Mayer Rothschild threatened the US government because they desired to return to a value based currency that cut bankers out of the money system of America. Nathan Rothschild’s threat stated "either the application for renewal of the charter is granted, or the United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war" (Rivera, 2017). When Rothschild realized his first threat was ignored by Congress he further stated that he would “teach those impudent Americans a lesson! Bring them back to colonial status!" (Rivera, 2017). The wife Mayer Amschel Rothschild and the mother to his five sons, Gutle Schnaper, stated "If my sons did not want wars, there would be none" (Rivera, 2017). Although these threats were not immediately acted upon it is possible that the famous bankers had a “bone to pick with” America.
The War of 1812 and Further Debt Plunge
The war of 1812 was provoked by Britain in hopes of recolonizing America when Rothschild’s Bank of England financed England at virtually no interest. Although US remained free, war debt forced Congress to issue a new charter for public currency to be issued by another private bank thus establishing the Second Bank of the United States (Rivera, 2017). Poverty, unemployment, and debt spread across the United States again due to private central bank predations.
“Jackson and No Bank!”
Andrew Jackson won his second bid for the Presidency with the slogan “Jackson and No Bank!” in 1832, and later he foiled the charter renewal for the Second Bank of the United States (Rivera, 2017). A failed assassination attempt was made on Andrew Jackson shortly after he paid off the bank debt and ended the bank’s charter.
Buchanan Survives Assignation Attempt
The private central bank was also opposed by President James Buchanan. In 1857’s panic, he required all bank notes that were issued to be backed by Federal Government assets and attempted to limit banks from granting loans that surpassed their funds (Rivera, 2017). President Buchanan survived arsenic poisoning that killed 38 of the people who ate that meal with him.
President Lincoln Refuses Loans
The bankers offered Abraham Lincoln loans at 30% interest to fund the plight to get South back into the Union when the Confederacy seceded. It is reported that he said that he “would not free the black man by enslaving the white man to the bankers”, and we know that he created greenbacks to use as currency (Rivera, 2017). A London Times article records a harsh reply to Lincoln’s decision not to involve the private bank; it states "if this mischievous financial policy, which has its origin in North America, shall become endurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt (Rivera, 2017). It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains, and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe (Griffin, 2007, para.5). President Lincoln was assassinated shortly after his announcement to continue using greenbacks.
Lincoln Quotes About Money and Banks
"I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe." -- Abraham Lincoln
"The money power preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, and more selfish than bureaucracy." -- Abraham Lincoln
"The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity. " -- Abraham Lincoln (Rivera, 2017)
The Morrill Tariff Act
The Morrill Tariff Act seems to have had a great impact on the Southern states’ decisions to secede. Scruggs (2005) claims that although slavery was one issue of the Civil War, there may not have been a war without the Morrill Tariff Act. Prior to 1860, unjust taxation exploited the agricultural South to enrich the North’s manufacturing states. In May of 1860 the U. S. Congress passed the Morrill Tariff Bill 105 to 64 with only one 1 Tennessee Congressman out of 40 Southern Representatives voting yay. The Morrill Tariff raised “the average tariff from about 15% to 37% with increases to 47% within three years” (Scruggs, 2005, para.9). Scruggs (2005) also explains that the South was paying 87% of United States’ tariff revenues with 80% of these revenues being spent on Northern industrial subsidies and public works before the Morrill Tariff Act. Lincoln signed the Morrill Tariff Act into law a few days after he was inaugurated. The manner in which tariffs affected the South and North will be briefly explained next.
Tariff Effects
Were tariffs really unfair to the Southern states? Scruggs (2005) explains that there was not a U.S. income tax before the Civil War so 90% of the government’s revenue came from tariffs placed don imported goods. Selected imports such as manufactured or finished products are commonly taxed in the form of a tariff to protect domestic industry and raise money. The tariff makes foreign goods more expensive so that domestic makers can charge more for the same goods and make more money which, in turn, lowers the standard of living because consumers are forced to pay higher prices. Southern commerce and cost of living was raised considerably while Northern industries were protected by tariffs. The trade value for European agricultural exports were also reduced by tariffs (Scruggs, 2005).
Agents Reported Swarming the South
Is it possible that those bankers who wished for war placed agents among the government and armed forces divisions? Griffin (2007) reports that private bankers viewed America as a threat and did place “spies” to help destroy their threat. The European bankers saw a connection between England’s cotton manufacturers and Southern aristocracy as the “achilles heel” of America. Griffin (2007) states that the Illustrated University History, 1878, p. 504 reveals that British agents swarmed the Southern states to conspire with local politicians in order to harm the United States. “Their carefully sown and nurtured propaganda developed into open rebellion and resulted in the secession of South Carolina on December 29, 1860. Within weeks another six states joined the conspiracy against the Union, and broke away to form the Confederate States of America, with Jefferson Davis as President” (Griffin, 2007, para. 8). It is reported that mints, arsenals, and other Union property as well as armies were raided and that forts were seized by plotters while Buchanan was still the President. Buchanan made no steps to stop succession even though he claimed to deplored it (Griffin, 2007). It is very curious that these early aggressions from the South are not widely known. A particular man that has been revealed reported as a key agent for bankers in the Confederates will be discussed next.
Judah P. Benjamin
Judah P. Benjamin has been named as a banker agent in the South. The Jewish Virtual Library (2017) admits that Benjamin is called the “brains of the Confederacy” by some historians while other historians blame him for the Confederate loss. Judah was a Jewish lawyer in New Orleans who was born in the West Indies and reared in Charleston, South Carolina. Civil War Trust. (2014c) reveals that Benjamin began to speak in favor of secession after Abraham Lincoln’s 1860 presidential election, and that he delivered his farewell address to the U.S. Senate on December 31 of that year. “In her autobiography Confederate President Jefferson Davis’s wife, Varina, informs us that Benjamin spent twelve hours each day at her husband’s side, tirelessly shaping every important Confederate strategy and tactic” (Jewish Virtual Library, 2017, para.2). Civil War Trust. (2014c) also refers to Benjamin as the “brains of the Confederacy” because he was the right-hand man of Jefferson Davis.
Lincoln Becomes the President
It is possible that earlier attacks may not have started a war because Buchanan ignored them. Ghosn (2012) reports that seven states formed an alliance on February 7th, 1860 and named Montgomery, Alabama as its temporary capital. Peace treaties were turned down and most union forts were taken over by the Confederates (Ghosn, 2012). On March 4, 1861 Abraham Lincoln became the President of the United States (Griffin, 2007). Lincoln immediately acted to cut off supplies that were pouring into the South from Europe by blockading the Southern ports. Although it seems warlike tactics may have occurred before the official start date, the Civil War began on April 12, 1861 when the Confederates bombarded Fort Sumter, South Carolina (Griffin, 2007). A closer look at Fort Sumter may be advantageous to solving this dilemma.
Fort Sumter
Fort Sumter is remembered as the first battle of the Civil War and there are peculiar circumstances surrounding it. The supply ship, The Star of the West, was turned back from Fort Sumter by Confederate fire so that the fort was low on supplies (Ghosn, 2012). Strangely, Robert Anderson, the Union major, was warned that in an hour the Confederates would fire on the fort in an hour. Civil War Trust (2014) informs that Confederate Brig. Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard ordered fire to begin at 4:30 a.m. and that the battle lasted for 34 hours without a single casualty. It is reported that the Union held their fire until 7 a.m. and fired less than the Confederates because they were low on munitions (Civil War Trust, 2014). It seems like a peculiar start to a war, and hopes are that it will become more clear later. Lincoln’s first message to Congress will examined next.
July 4th Message to Congress
Is it possible that there are even more clues recorded in Lincoln’s own words about why he was making war against the Confederate? Abraham Lincoln stated that “the policy chosen looked to the exhaustion of all peaceful measures before a resort to any stronger ones. It sought only to hold the public places and property not already wrested from the Government and to collect the revenue” (Abraham Lincoln, 1861, para.5). It seems that the revenue he was talking about is the money that the government was making from the tariff. Next, Lincoln's Secretary of the Treasury as the Civil War began will be discussed.
Salmon P. Chase
Under the watch of Salmon P. Chase internal taxes were implemented in the United States. In 1861, Chase resigned from the Senate in order to serve as Lincoln's Secretary of the Treasury (U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY, 2010). The cessation of Southern Customs revenue from cotton trade meant that money needed to be raised for the war so Salmon commenced to taxing Americans. He implemented the Bureau of Internal Revenue that later became the Internal Revenue Service to collect internal duties and stamp taxes (U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY, 2010). In 1863, the IRS began the Nation’s first income tax. Chase was against Lincoln’s greenbacks so he created the National Banking System in order to “establish uniform currency” and named the greenbacks unconstitutional. In 1864, Chase resigned as the Secretary of Treasury until Lincoln reassigned him as Chief Justice (U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TREASURY, 2010). This is interesting information because Salmon P. Chase is known as the “banker’s man” who operated in the Union. Although Lincoln refused bank loans at the onslaught of the war, it seems like banks were reestablished in a different form. What could the possible ramifications be?
Possible Masonic Connections

“Disclaimer: This article and subsequent ones are not in any way a generalisation of Judaism or Freemasonry; they are just a compilation of referenced historical facts about a narrow sector of influential usurists (bankers) and top level members of secret societies who seek far more than simple economic gain from their activities” (Icke, 2009)
This author searched for clues about who may have infiltrated the South and North to arouse aggression. There is a well-known conspiracy theory that states “the Judeo-Masonic conspiracy -associated to Jewish bankers throughout Europe- can be traced back to the middle ages, and predates “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” by nearly 1.000 years (Icke, 2009, para.1). This author does not presume to know what the connections really are; nevertheless, she theorizes that there may be connections between bankers and Jews due to history of usury practice by them. It is possible that there are some deep and high connections between Jewish bankers and Masons. In the search for concrete clues, some mysterious photos from the Civil War were located. This meme explains the “hidden hand” which can be seen in previous photos of Salmon P. Chase, Robert Anderson, and a possible variation by Judah P. Benjamin.

Robert E. Lee and his Generals

Ulysses S. Grant 

William T. Sherman
Salmon P. Chase
Robert Anderson 

Judah P. Benjamin
Now, these observations will be left here for the reader’s discretion. Next, the Secession Acts of the Thirteen Confederate States will be summarized.
Secession Acts of the Thirteen Confederate States
This author read through the Confederate states secession acts in hopes of finding more clues about the state’s decisions to leave the Union. It is not necessary to read the provided acts, but they are here to aid the author’s critical thinking in this matter. The link with the full succession letters is…/primarys…/declarationofcauses.html
South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, Tennessee
South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, Tennessee, simply dissolved all ties to the "The Constitution of the United States of America" and declared themselves Sovereign and independent (Civil War Trust, 2014b). Very simple invocations of succession from the Union were penned by these states. The remaining 5 states made declarations that suggest the Union was not the best alternative for these states who wished to be Sovereign so they will be considered separately.
Alabama mentions "state institutions" and some other interesting data. “Be it resolved by the people of Alabama in Convention assembled, That the people of the States of Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and Missouri, be and are hereby invited to meet the people of the State of Alabama, by their Delegates, in Convention, on the 4th day of February, A.D., 1861, at the city of Montgomery, in the State of Alabama, for the purpose of consulting with each other as to the most effectual mode of securing concerted and harmonious action in whatever measures may be deemed most desirable for our common peace and security” (Civil War Trust, 2014b, para.14). It seems interesting that Alabama is asking the other Confederate states for council as if one may not have previously occurred.
Texas claimed that the Union government was not protecting them on the front as well as stating that "the recent developments in Federal affairs make it evident that the power of the Federal Government is sought to be made a weapon with which to strike down the interests and property of the people of Texas, and her sister slave-holding States, instead of permitting it to be, as was intended, our shield against outrage and aggression" (Civil War Trust, 2014b, para.24). Slavery doesn't seem to be mentioned again in this 6-paragraph succession act.
Virginia’s secession act states that "having declared that the powers granted under said Constitution were derived from the people of the United States and might be resumed whensoever the same should be perverted to their injury and oppression, and the Federal Government having perverted said powers not only to the injury of the people of Virginia, but to the oppression of the Southern slave-holding States" (Civil War Trust, 2014b, para.28).
Arkansas stated that "Whereas, in addition to the well-founded causes of complaint set forth by this convention, in resolutions adopted on the 11th of March, A.D. 1861, against the sectional party now in power in Washington City, headed by Abraham Lincoln, he has, in the face of resolutions passed by this convention pledging the State of Arkansas to resist to the last extremity any attempt on the part of such power to coerce any State that had seceded from the old Union, proclaimed to the world that war should be waged against such States until they should be compelled to submit to their rule, and large forces to accomplish this have by this same power been called out, and are now being marshaled to carry out this inhuman design; and to longer submit to such rule, or remain in the old Union of the United States, would be disgraceful and ruinous to the State of Arkansas" (Civil War Trust, 2014b, para.33). Neither slavery nor "institutions" are mentioned.
Missouri states "whereas the Government of the United States, in the possession and under the control of a sectional party, has wantonly violated the compact originally made between said Government and the State of Missouri, by invading with hostile armies the soil of the State, attacking and making prisoners the militia while legally assembled under the State laws, forcibly occupying the State capitol, and attempting through the instrumentality of domestic traitors to usurp the State government, seizing and destroying private property, and murdering with fiendish malignity peaceable citizens, men, women, and children, together with other acts of atrocity, indicating a deep-settled hostility toward the people of Missouri and their institutions” (Civil War Trust, 2014b, para. 47).
The secession act of Kentucky names many grievances that are clues to happenings in the South that led up to decisions to leave the Union. It states "the majority of the Legislature of Kentucky have violated their most solemn pledges made before the election, and deceived and betrayed the people; have abandoned the position of neutrality assumed by themselves and the people, and invited into the State the organized armies of Lincoln; have abdicated the Government in favor of a military despotism which they have placed around themselves, but cannot control, and have abandoned the duty of shielding the citizen with their protection; have thrown upon our people and the State the horrors and ravages of war, instead of attempting to preserve the peace, and have voted men and money for the war waged by the North for the destruction of our constitutional rights; have violated the expressed words of the constitution by borrowing five millions of money for the support of the war without a vote of the people; have permitted the arrest and imprisonment of our citizens, and transferred the constitutional prerogatives of the Executive to a military commission of partisans; have seen the writ of habeus corpus suspended without an effort for its preservation, and permitted our people to be driven in exile from their homes; have subjected our property to confiscation and our persons to confinement in the penitentiary as felons, because we may choose to take part in a cause for civil liberty and constitutional government against a sectional majority waging war against the people and institutions of fifteen independent States of the old Federal Union, and have done all these things deliberately against the warnings and vetoes of the Governor and the solemn remonstrances of the minority in the Senate and House of Representatives (Civil War Trust, 2014b, para.51). It surely seems like slavery is not the only reason that the Confederates succeeded from the Union. For the last piece of evidence a Robert E. Lee letter will be presented.

Robert E. Lee's Letter to General Winfield Scott

Arlington, Washington City, P.O.
20 Apr 1861
Lt. Genl Winfield Scott
Commd U.S. Army
Since my interview with you on the 18th Inst: I have felt that I ought not longer to retain any Commission in the Army. I therefore tender my resignation which I request you will recommend for acceptance. It would have been presented at once but for the struggle it has Cost me to separate myself from a Service to which I have divoted all the best years of my life, & all the ability I possessed. During the whole of that time, more than a quarter of a century, I have experienced nothing but kindness from my superiors & the most Cordial friendships from any Comrades. To no one Genl have I been as much indebted as to yourself for kindness & Consideration & it has always been my ardent desire to merit your approbation. I shall carry with me, to the grave the most grateful recollections
of your kind Consideration, & your name & fame will always be dear to me. Save in the defense of my native state shall I ever again draw my sword. Be pleased to accept any more [illegible] wishes for “the Continuance of your happiness & prosperity & believe me
Most truly yours”
R E Lee” (Lee, 1861)
This whole letter has been included for reader consideration. “Save in the defense of my native state shall I ever again draw my sword” as penned in the last of this letter indicates that Mr. Lee may have realized he’d be on the offense if he served the Union during the Civil War.
Closing Remarks

This article has presented evidence and clues there was more to the Civil War than slavery. Approximately 650,000 Confederate and Union soldiers and perhaps 50,000 Southern civilians lost their lives while millions have been impoverished for generations due to the Civil War (Scruggs, 2005). In December of 1861 Charles Dickens who despised slavery penned this in a London weekly publication, “the Northern onslaught upon slavery is no more than a piece of specious humbug disguised to conceal its desire for economic control of the United States…Union means so many millions a year lost to the South; secession means loss of the same millions to the North. The love of money is the root of this as many, many other evils. The quarrel between the North and South is, as it stands, solely a fiscal quarrel” (Scruggs, 2005). Karl Marx favored the North and wrote this for major British papers, “the war between the North and South is a tariff war. The war, is further, not for any principle, does not touch the question of slavery, and in fact turns on the Northern lust for power” (Scruggs, 2005).

Abraham Lincoln and social equality, slavery in the South, slavery in the North, Abraham Lincoln and slavery, plans for resettlement, the Emancipation Proclamation, “contraband camp” atrocities, the role of private bankers in America, the Morrill Tariff Act, agents reported swarming the South, Lincoln becomes President, Fort Sumter, July 4th message to Congress, Salmon P, Chase, possible Masonic connections, the Secession Acts of the Thirteen Confederate States, Robert E. Lee's letter to General Winfield Scott, and the closing remarks have been presented in this article. This author is not a historian, she is just someone who wanted to better understand how brothers can go to war with each other and documented her search. This author does NOT claim to know the "truth" do not claim to know the truth; in fact, this article will be closed with a Socrates quote and a smart ass-meme made to remind myself and others that closed minds are dangerous things and my mind needs to remain open.
Author's Note on blog with photos:
My first blog with pics was this one, and i did it because i could hear the Confederate Ghosts crying.  I spent months researching this because it's weird bringing spiritual knowledge to the physical.  I decided to redo this on one blog so it would be easier to read.  Youtube comment wars are a great way to exchange information, and blogging to leave one link is much easier.   
"Sometimes you gotta fight with Your fists and sometimes You gotta fight with Your mind." ~Mike Muir~ 

Abraham Lincoln. (4 July, 1861). July 4th Message to Congress. Miller Center: University of Virginia. Retrieved from

Civil War Trust. (2014a). Fort Sumter. Civil War Trust. Retrieved from

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Robert E. Lee Tarot Spread Analysis

  the video with the shuffling to see the cards coming out for Yourself is @ my blog with deep research about ...