"American Horror Story" has done a disservice to the Voodoo deity, Papa Legba, that this article will correct. Except for wanting Innocents, their version better represents the Guardian of the Dead, Baron Samedi.
Voodoo is not even accurately portrayed by hollywood, but that is a whole other article. The African Orisha are much like Native American deities who work in between the Creator and humankind as helpers. Papa Legba is the Gate Keeper Who sits at the Crossroads to facilitate communication between humans and other Orisha or God, much like St. Peter or Mercury.
Legba is the lwa who allows connection from the spirit world to our physical |
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Exemplore tells Us Legba's offerings "Legba is the loa to petition when you have special problems or when things are getting in the way of your progress in life. It is customary to offer things to him as payment for his help. Legba likes candy, toys, and coconut as offerings, or anything children would enjoy. The dog is sacred to him. His favorite color is red and black, and his number is three." See, no children or human lives asked for.
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