Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Delphi Tarot Chronicles 6: Past, Present, Future Spread on the Odin Cult & Richard with Extra Questions on the WorldWideWeb


The video with the cards shuffling is @


 Not all Satunian deities are evil since Saturn rules karma.  Santa Muerte is Saturnian as is part of Masonic worship.  This is relevant because Santa Muerte comes out in the place as the past of the Odinist.  Lots of bigger Cults have smaller ones nestled inside so i was curious because Brad H is a Mason, and the cards say he is connected. Allegedly.

Past, Present, Future on the Odinist Cult with Santa Muerte

I ask Santa Muerte for a past, present, future of the Cult in Delphi...past is Santa Muerte which i just explained is Saturnian, and that the "elites" are partly a Saturnian Cult.... present is page of swords~ page is young so it could mean that Cult is relatively new in comparison to the Ancient Saturnian Cult of the wanna be oppressors.... the future card is the devil & the devil is also a Saturnian deity.... 

does Santa Muerte mean that the past was the Masons? page/adventure/student..... is the Odinist cult pretty young? perp collaboration, the Odinist Cult a cover for a bigger Cult??? buried for money ....are the Odinist headed to devil worship ways like hurting children? make a plan for money...

XIII - Santa Muerte: A profound transformation, a renewal, a true and proper revolution. If it is life that generates death then death generates life. We Are connected to all that surrounds us to those people who have come before us into those who will come from the cradle to the tomb, from the coffin to the womb, in a continual exchange and a continual regeneration, not opposites but complementary elements. Santa Muerte brings with it new projects, changes, cuts and the necessary abandonment of what we keep stationary and entangled, like the past or suffocating ties. These
Changes however, are not always pain-free, but can bring with them trauma, anger, violence, and loss, including an immobility when we refuse to take on these transmutations.
Advice of the Dead: Accept the changes that are offered in front of you, without fear of cutting ties and cutting yourself off from your old positions, old ideas, or preconceptions. A mutation is imposing itself.

Knight of Pentacles. The knight of pentacles brings with him a rabid and dynamic game, such as an assured booty. He is a resistant and persevering worker very practical and taking initiative. He can also easily be egocentric and unconcerned about his own or other people’s feelings as long as he can achieve his own interest. He can also be caught between laziness and a difference.
The Advice of the Dead: Do not let a good occasion escape when it is in front of you. Take a risk even if it is your heart that is pushing you in that direction.

XV the Devil: Creativity and passion at its highest point. The devil is the source from where we attain will, audacity, and charisma unto the profound depths of the psych and human subconsciousness. It pushes us to realize and liberate our true nature by encountering, successes, contracts, and solid and lasting targets. When the situation; however, is in the negative, this could become a synonym of arrogance, possessiveness and dependency, creating suffocating and binding ties like the strings a puppeteer holds in his hands.
The Advice of the Dead: free yourself from what you think you are tied to and become who you really are, following your instinct and your inner fire, without giving into flattery and properly evaluating the dangers that surround you.

I asked Murder of Crows if the ritual was filmed for the dark web? the World which could be for the world or world wide web

XXI. World -
No journey leaves a Soul unchanged. The chrysalis that has held you tight falls away, and you emerge into a new life. You are more than you were before. Your black winged companion in the land of shadows has become a part of you,
you see it with clear eyes, you speak with its mighty voice. You hold aloft tokens of victory, for the spiral of time has brought you new gifts in accordance with your actions. And now, finally ready, at long last.
keywords: Achieve your goals, completion, and culmination, evolve and transform, bear great burdens.

gulp there's a questions abt achieving goals in Part 3; well, it was completing goals when i was asking abt the Dark Web films... What goal was completed?                                                                                    

does Kegan have connections to the WWW world wide web? female perp popped up for the third time, but came out this time, Wisdom/compassion/good ghost.... Kegan got Wisdom from past life oracle on an earlier read that i didnt photograph, but remember clearly...

Past, Present, Future with Richard & Circle of Life Tarot

Past for Richard is Magician meanings: using the tools you have for the right purpose, self-control, self-knowledge.

is Richard involved in the Cult? Lilith the female perp? Vampires/ Lilith one of the female perps? connections, and Richard Allen gonna take the fall for what happened to the Girls? clean aura, triumph, good vamps popped up again for him, stolen /healthy mind....

His Present is King of Pentacles: discipline; protecting what is Yours; an achiever.

do You have anything to tell me about Richard in the present? infinity progress, change in relations, yin yang, spiritual awareness/ Richard connected to Lilith? SA ...did Lilith set Richard up? trafficking/financial choice, unalive......

Richard's Future is 3 of Wands: preparation; creating mutual partnerships.

Is Richard Allen gonna take the fall for what happened to the Girls? clean aura, triumph, good vamps popped up again for him, stolen /healthy mind...

I the Magician meanings: using the tools you have for the right purpose, self-control, self-knowledge.
A wizard dressed and fine red robes sets off on a pilgrimage.  The tools of his trade surround him: the wand, the chalice, the pentacle, and the sword. All will aid him when he needs the support.
The magician steps out from behind his table confidently. His position on the card exudes power. He reminds us that we all have the seeds to make magic manifest in the hearing now. His robes keep him warm. His tools are all easily within reach to use. He looks to the beyond and ask us what we can do to make magic in our lives.

King of Pentacles. The Eagle King sits on his nest, prepared for action. He wears a Sun disk around his neck. Feathered wands provide stability to his position. His foot is a tether. The king is no stranger to action and holding his ground. The tether around his foot suggests that this person once belonged to someone but he fought his way to freedom. His wands help keep his position so that he can remain on top. He stares, daring those to try and take him. This card tells us that in order to keep our freedom and all that we have, we need to be prepared to take action and to defend what we have.
Meanings: discipline; protecting what is Yours; an achiever.

3 of Wands. A tired warrior rests against the body of a dragon. They seem to have a symbiotic partnership. The dragon’s tongue is out, revealing a red tip, suggesting that they had been successful and a small battle. The Warrior has two fiery wands strapped to her back. She holds a third down and a defensive gesture.
The Warrior nose that the two have a delicate partnership. Diamond must have the same goal or else the truce will fall apart. Keeping the torches light is another challenge the warrior faces. The Warrior concentrates on the future, planning on where to go and what next steps to take. When we take the time to properly prepare, we are carried forward towards our goals.
Meanings: preparation; creating mutual partnerships.


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Robert E. Lee Tarot Spread Analysis

  the video with the shuffling to see the cards coming out for Yourself is @ my blog with deep research about ...