Thursday, July 18, 2024

Summer Wells Tarot Part 3: Fred, Ziggy, Candus, Don, Tim

The video for this read is @


Fred Hill

The Magician Tarot Card Key Meanings:

Power, influence, willpower, resourcefulness, skill, ability, logic, intellect, concentration and psychic powers. 

General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)
When The Magician appears in a Tarot card reading it is a sign that you have all the skills and abilities you need to be successful. The universe is aligning to bring positive changes your way. This Major Arcana trump card shows you that you must use your intellect, concentration and willpower to make things happen. The Magician usually signifies a time in your life when you have the power to manifest the outcome you want. If it is referring to other people in your life it usually refers to someone you can learn from whose ability and wisdom will impress you. 

Money & Career (Upright)
In terms of money and career, The Magician Tarot points to a new opportunities presenting themselves. They will require you to make a brave move and to put your original ideas into practice. Play your cards close to your chest with certain people as The Magicians never give away their secrets. It’s a good time for promotions or starting a new business venture, you will be feeling powerful and self-assured. Big things are coming your way! You might be presented with an opportunity to mentor someone or be mentored by someone who will give you the benefit of their experience. Your finances will be improving or you will have a great opportunity to make extra money when this card appears.

Health (Upright)
Your strength and good health may be making a comeback if you have been ill recently or feeling drained. If your illness or ill health is not improving you may benefit from trying alternative therapies. In a health context, The Magician Tarot can indicate that an experienced, powerful healer may be needed to give you the healing boost you need.

Spirituality (Upright)
The Magician Tarot card in the context of spirituality indicates that now is a good time to begin some form of spiritual development. If you’ve had an interest in a spiritual subject but never made the time to pursue it, you would do well to concentrate on this pursuit in the near future as your ability to channel magical energy will be increasing dramatically. You will be surprised at how much you will benefit from this spiritual development if you concentrate your energy. For those interested in psychic development, The Magician is an excellent card to get as it points to strong latent psychic abilities coming to the fore.

Red deck Is Fred involved in Summer going missing? demons/physical abuse, unbalanced, stolen.... 

Blue deck is Fred Hill involved in Summer being missing?   buried

Demons means that there are demons around him, unbalanced is self-explanatory.  Stolen means Fred needs to be further looked into :O  Although i am not sure about buried, Fred is definitely going in the look further into section for demons and stolen popping up.  I saw a video that thinks Fred was in the holler are at the time Summer "got gone".

Ziggy Hill

Temperance Tarot Card Key Meanings:
Balance, peace, patience, moderation, inner calm, perspective, tranquillity, harmonious relationships, soulmates
In a general context, the Temperance Tarot card signifies balance, peace, patience and moderation. This Major Arcana card indicates that you have found your inner calm and have a good perspective on things. It is a sign that the relationships in your life are harmonious. You have learned not to allow yourself to be dragged into other people’s conflict or to let minor issues knock you off balance. Instead you adapt to the situations with a clear mind and calm heart and keep your balance. Temperance can also signify that you have found peace and tranquillity and you are feeling content. Temperance indicates that you are truly in touch with who you are inside, what you value and your own moral compass and you are finding it easier to figure out your aspirations and set yourself goals.

Love & Relationships (Upright)
In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship, the Temperance Tarot card is one of the best cards you can get. It signifies a harmonious relationship where you and your partner find the perfect balance of love, commitment and respect. It is also a signifier of soulmates. If you have been having relationship problems, Temperance is an indicator that you will both resolve whatever issues have been holding your relationship back in order to move forward together. If you are single, Temperance is an indicator that you will be learning to balance the other areas of your life in order to make room for a loving partner to come into your life. Once you have done this you will attract the right partner to you.

Money & Career (Upright)
In a career context, Temperance tells you that now, is a great time to set goals as you have the patience and persistence to achieve what you want. Your hard work and dedication will be noticed with Temperance upright in your Tarot spread. If you are hoping for a promotion or career advancement, Temperance tells you to be patient and not to jump at the first opportunity if there is a chance for something better further down the line. In a financial context, things should be going well as you should have balanced finances. However, be careful to practice moderation in relation to money as now is a time to maintain the balance and build your savings up at a steady pace rather than take risks with money or make risky investments.
Health (Upright)
In a health context, the Temperance Tarot card indicates that moderation is the key to good health so if you need to get any unhealthy habits under control, you will find that now is a great time to do it. If you have been experiencing any health issues, look to the areas of your life or health where you have been overdoing it or under-doing it. Bringing balance these areas may give you the healing boost you need.
Spirituality (Upright)
In a spiritual context, Temperance tells you to listen to your inner guidance and is an indicator that your spirit guides are all around you. Temperance can also signify that you are finding the right balance between your mind, body and spirit. Remember to have patience as you follow your spiritual path and know that everything is happening at the pace it is meant to.

 Is Ziggy a fraud with her cards?  dispute/defeat, clean aura, gates; blue deck demon, and disrupt.  

 It looks like her cards dispute what i call the truth, clean auara means she has negative energy and entities around her, her demons cause her to disrupt Summer's case, for sure.  Gates means that there are doorways open to entities on Other Side, but demons and clean aura let Us know she is channeling disruptive and dirty entities


40 Angel of Time Candus.
Message: Working too hard!

The angel of Time looks very fierce and stern, and that’s because you need to hear her message. You see if she appeared to you in a soft guise, it would be too easy for you to overlook her message and just continue on is if she had never visited. The truth is that you are forcing yourself beyond your energetic limits at this time - working too hard, self-loving and connecting with the universe way too little.  She has appeared to remind you of what it is you are turning your world into: one big machine, where you are one cog in it. You are an important, soulful, beloved being, but the world of work is not going to end if you step away from its mechanism for a while. “It is time” she says “for a time out. Will you listen?
“ i’m getting straight to the point here, because someone really has to tell you. Stop giving so much to your work. All your time. Your energy. Your passion. Take better care of your health. This is the time to fulfill all those promises you made to yourself, barely made even the key meditate eat well. Take up general exercise and change unhealthy emotional patterns that are compromising your well-being.

Did Candus sell Summer?  Past life trauma, learn to communicate (good eguns, vampires/sex abuse, No did pop up and i put it back because so many claim she did) learn to communicate, good eguns, overcome, and courage.  That was the third time that good Eguns presented itself.  Eguns are the person's Spirit family, Ancestors, and friends who help them from the Other Side.  Good eguns means there are good spirits around Candus.

The innocent card popped out in my first recorded read too.  Maybe Candus was running errands or the people around her aren't good referring to the Circle of Life read on her

Blue deck clarifiers for did Candus sell Summer are scared/worried, and  Innocent/Ally/Loving Friend.  The innocent card popped out in my first recorded read too.  Maybe Candus was running errands or the people around her aren't good referring to the Circle of Life read on her.

22 Voodoo in Blue is Don. Message: Back off!

This fairy is letting me know that it’s time to back off from a person or situation that is not in your best interest and that you may need to be brave and stop becoming being so welcoming what you actually do not want . So, this blue fairy, waving her voodoo doll is letting you know very clearly that you now must tell someone to take a step back. You know that you have been overriding your instinct with what seems rational, with misguided desire to help and befriend someone who may not be particularly good for you. Voodoo in blue doesn’t mind if she looks a bit nasty when she gives the back off message: she’d rather she was loud and clear, and the person pushing her buttons leaves quickly. So she wants you to start trusting your instincts to start valuing being honest about being nice. You do feel like you need to stay away from someone that person clearly to stay away from you.. In stepping forward to speak with you confirms that your hunches have been ever so right.
You are doing so well right now that you may begin to attract some attention from people who are, quite simply, opportunistic and you are being kind and wish you to help and so I’m going to step in and give you a very clear warning. I don’t mind if I look like the bad guy.

Is Don involved in Summer being missing? The red deck said balanced, in the mind/dead, alliance, and don't believe.  Maybe there is someone who Don thought is an ally, that is not good.

Blue deck Did Don sell Summer? NO, Cult/structured perps, unstable, infinity/progress.  No Don didn't sell Summer.  Structured perps has popped out twice in my reads about Summer. For instance, my first recorded read told me this when i asked what happened to Summer :O Fred got stolen and he may be one of Don's alliances.  See what the cards do?  I like to do a series of reads to compare cards.

Tim Mullins

Card 25: Sewer Mermaid is Tim.

Message: Your sensuality is beautiful. 

When the sewer mermaid swims in, she is here to remind you of the treasures you have that you may have labeled “bad” and perhaps even pitched away, forced underneath.  We often have negative thoughts or speak to ourselves in negative ways and we begin to feel we are not good enough.  And when this takes place, the result can be that we begin to create negative experiences, blockages, and difficulties.  We push people away rather than attract them. We hide for fear that what others see will not be good enough.  The mermaid at the hidden spaces is here to show you that your dark thoughts have told you lies about your great beauty. You are your own self and all that you are is perfect whole and complete.

Sorry, but i don't see how this for Summer's case.

Is Tim Mullins connected to Summer being missing?  The red deck said incomplete, stable, and triumph.

Blue deck cards are stability in love, and balance/material success.  It seems like Tim must have some financial interest in Summer, but other than that i cannot tell.  I will ask if he's in a coverup on a future read.

Questions About Summer

 Is Summer still alive?  Stolen, Justice/Commune/Mercury, Spiritual growth (Trafficking did pop up and i stuck it back) (Flipped over card said unalive but not sure when it flipped)  change in relations, completion/at peace/attainment, (trafficking & new beginning popped up a mess of cards again but put back cuz so many cards) Wisdom/good ghost/compassion.  This is interesting because Summer's Past Life Oracle card was Wisdom .  Ssummer was stolen, and Justice may have helped her.  She is at peace whether it's on this side or the Other.  She had a change in relations, but there are good Vamps and ghosts around her.  There are lots of different kinds of astral psy  Vamps, and some feed on Nature or love. Vampires are as varied as humans.  

Red deck is Summer still alive?  Good vamp, enlightenment, cleanse, no/not communicating were last cards i read...then that's all about Summer today.


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