Saturday, August 3, 2024

Pick~a~Pile for a Message from Your Ancestors with Santa Muerte


                        pile 1                                                   pile 2                                  pile 3

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pile 1


III. The Empress: This card represents a first and important explosion of creativity, dynamism, and intuition; a natural pulsation, passionate and spontaneous, capable of dominating, seducing and shining with happiness. The Empress brings with her development, abundance and progress, but an action that is too impulsive and undertaken with little experience could bring quick results that do not last -like a branch that has been prematurely removed before fully developing. A further risk is that being caught in not taking action if presumption or malice has the upper hand.
Advice of the Dead: Make the most of your experiences and act quickly, avoiding indecision or laziness. If necessary plan your actions more rationally in order to let you let what you desire blossom in your life. 

5 of Cups: The five of chalices brings a period of introspection into the labyrinth of our emotions, our sentiments; a period of reflection and solitude that could bring us to reconciliation or a retreat. The initial resistance, 
disappointment, or prudence can be transformed successively into something else.
The Advice of the Dead: Stay with your emotions and let them overwhelm you. Let them flow and follow their course, as only in this way will you arrive at a new harmony and alliance.

pile 2

Page of Wands: An arcana in continual movement, a messenger, a stranger with good news and contacts who come from afar. The Page of Wands brings with him small displacements, reliable new things and subordinate situations that could, however, be transformed into uncertainty in acting, inconclusiveness or excessive delays.
The Advice of the Dead: This is the moment to become more independent and to manage your own affairs by yourself, given that you are more than able. Delaying this will only bring about problems.

XIX The Sun: The Sun represents the male and paternal architect, rationality, the conscience, like the beginning of a new construction and the arrival of a great success. This card, more than any other brings with it abundance, brotherhood and unconditional love and illuminates and warms our way. An arcana of power, command and a guide through circumstances, but also people. For this reason, the reverse could be the transformation into a tyrant, encouraging, rivalry, vanity, or arrogance. We must never forget that an excess of Sun can burn and provoke drought.
Advice of the Dead: Move ahead on your projects with serenity as they can now derive energy from a new luminous and benevolent source. Leave all of your worries that darken your life behind you.

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2 of Cups: Love is the imperative of this card; passion, a strong connection of reciprocal exchange and attraction, affection, complementarity, and comprehension. It can signify a gestation after an accumulation, but reversed it can also symbolize the 
birth of jealousy, frustration, a betrayal, and a resulting separation. 
Advice of the Dead: Gain well-being and happiness when you have rightly accumulated it, but also when you have received and prepared for the next steps to take.

8 of Pentacles: The eight of pentacles brings us an ideal situation of balance, of accumulation and prosperity, a luxuriant garden where energies flow harmoniously. However this too perfect situation that you have in your hands could change and unbalance itself, even rotting and blocking itself because of greed bad advice or meanness.
Advice of the Dead: There can never be enough prudence, therefore face the situation with careful choices, and evaluations, also accepting advice from people you trust.

4 of Swords: The number 4, stable and balanced associated with the swords, bring us to a timeout to solitude isolation a barrier a fence, a her medically, sealed container around us that will decelerate or ensure we never reach our ideals or realize them. By exploiting this isolation is a period of rest and in-depth searching, the situation could change and be reborn.
Advice of the Dead: Remain calm, wait, and use this moment of stasis to study and think deeply about all that you need for the near future.

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