Saturday, August 24, 2024

Psychic Vampires with ChatGPT: Servitors Are Explained from Angelfire & Myself

Psychic vampires, or energy vampires, are terms used to describe people or entities believed to drain the life force or energy from others. This concept can be found in various cultures and spiritual beliefs. While not scientifically proven, the idea of psychic vampirism is often used metaphorically to describe certain types of people and behaviors.  (This is ChatGPT)

(& this is from myself with Angelfire as a source to back my words)  Whether they're real or not, there is a whole community of people that have certain characteristics that they believe is Vampirism.  Vampire Magick is really real, and some specialize in using astral travel to "feed" or take energy.

The astral body of the Vampire can come to us on the ethereal plane or the servitors can affect our thoughts once attachment is made.

Characteristics of Psychic Vampires

Psychic vampires are thought to feed off the emotional or mental energy of others, leaving them feeling tired, anxious, or emotionally drained after interactions.

  1. They may use guilt, criticism, or other manipulative tactics to gain sympathy or attention, which allows them to draw more energy from their victims.  

  2.  Often, psychic vampires require constant attention and validation from others, using dramatic or negative behavior to ensure they remain the center of focus.

  3.  They might foster relationships where others become dependent on them, allowing them to continuously extract energy.

  4.  Angelfire (n.d.) explains that psychic Vampirism is the most commonly practiced form of Vampire Magick, and that "other Emotional State" is a manner of feeding "in a similar way to the preference of some for energy released during sex, others have a preference for energy released by other emotional states, for example anger or grief" ( para. 5). Some purposely lower our vibrations to feed. They will do things to make us mad, sad, or bewildered while others just like sex energy. Some like sex energy that has been made to vibrate low like rape and child molestation. These kind of entities also like porn and attach to it, and can affect people just from watching. Like a "demon". I don't believe in demons, but some Vampires do these things.

  5. "Vampire Servitors. A servitor, thought-form, or egregore is an artificially created incorporeal entity made for a specific purpose in order to carry out a magician's will. Most vampiric servitors are created with the intent of draining energy (generally from a specific target) and passing that energy back to the magician" (Angelfire, n.d., paras. 12-13). Whether real or made from Magick there are astral entities that help Vampires by causing visions, whispering in ears, and stuff like that.

    1. "The vampire is an intrinsically glamorous creature, able  to alter others' perception of itself. Vampiric glamoury is most usually a part of energy vampirism. The vampire will create glamours in order to make its feeding more efficient. The most common example of glamoury of this sort may be found in sexual vampirism, where the vampire will project various attributes in order to make herself more alluring to her prey" (Angelfire,n.d. para.14). In other words, they have Magick that involves enthralling people so that they can get more "victims" for feeding or to help them get their way in life.

    2. Most importantly "energy vampirism can and does occur on an instinctive level, but here I am dealing with it in the context of a willed magickal act, rather than as an innate part of one's nature. However, natural psi-vamps may also find magical vampiric techniques to be of use" (Angelfire, n.d., para.11). These means that sometimes people do this without even knowing it.

    3. Angelfire. (n.d.). Vampiric Magick. Retrieved from

Advice for Dealing with Psychic Vampires

  1. Set BoundariesLimit Interaction,

  2. Practice Self-Care: Regular self-care activities, like meditation, exercise, and hobbies, can help replenish your energy and maintain emotional balance.

  3. Be Mindful: Staying aware of your emotions and energy levels can help you recognize when someone might be affecting you negatively.

  4. Seek Support: Talking to a therapist or counselor can provide strategies to cope with energy-draining relationships.

The concept of psychic vampires is often used in psychology to describe interpersonal dynamics where one person disproportionately takes from another, emotionally or energetically.


Protection can come in many forms, but one of the best forms is to “feed” energy to those beneficial astral entities who are around you, in Voodoo these entities are known as our Eguns.  Ancestral Reverence in whatever form you choose to participate will energize the protection that is already with you.  My Path is Voodoo, but this setup can be altered for your Path.  Water does feed spirits, so do candles, incense, crystals, playing their songs and other things.  I make altars for my Ancestors to create a sacred space for continuous “feeding” by using their photos as focal points. 

Crystals can be used for protection as well.  Grids can be made around our home and/or our child’s bed.  Due to the problems that i have had with malevolent entities, the “Imaginaries”/imaginary friends showed me a way to make a protection screen around my home.  You put a black crystal and a quartz at each corner of your home and under the windows.  As close as you can get to the center of your home put the biggest piece of quartz and black crystal; i use obsidian because it resonates with me.  The obsidian absorbs negative energy while quartz draws in goode energy.  This can be done under the  bed as well.  As you are laying the crystal form a barrier shield in your mind that will seal out negative energy and entities.

Cutting chords is very important since some psy Vamps make chords to Us through which "they feed"

Maintaining a clean environment is important because mess brings in bad energy which lays ground for the negative entities.  Certain tv shows, porn, and, scary movies will have negative energy attached to them.  Children who have been molested usually pick up negative entities from their aggressors that causes a spiritual imbalance.  A goode cleanse can do more than a year of therapy.

Mother Earth can absorb negative energy and return goode energy so that it is beneficial to spend time outside touching the Earth, absorbing the Sun, and even hugging trees.  Believe the bad energy is being pushed out and the goode is pulled in,

Chants for Kali or Hanuman to break black Magick can be most helpful.  Light some incense, and ask one or both of them to cleanse the negatives.  

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