Monday, August 5, 2024

Summer Part 9: Andrew Hilts, Jose Ramon, Fred Hill, & Jodie's Son

Justice for Summer +++


The clarifiers photos with questions are under the card meanings.

Andrew Hilts

The Hermit/Solitaire 9 Key Meanings: Spiritual enlightenment, soul searching, self-reflection, introspection, contemplation, inner guidance, solitude.

clarifier questions: was Andrew involved in Summer going missing??? in the mind/unalive.... infinity/ progress, material goals, stability in love

Andrew sure doesn't fit this description, so it must be reversed or it means that he is a creep on his own without being a part of what happened to Summer. For a long time, i thought they stole Summer, but evidence presented on KKrime Burn Barrel suggests Summer was taken on foot or horseback for a while. For these reasons i am done with him.

The clarifiers seem to have gotten it right that Andrew being guilty is in my mind. Material goals must be why he is on the tubes.

General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)
The Hermit Tarot card in an upright position generally indicates that you are entering a period of soul searching, self-reflection and spiritual enlightenment. You may find that you need time alone to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, to remove yourself from the daily grind in order to discover your true spiritual self, contemplate your existence, your direction in life or your values. The Hermit can also indicate isolating yourself or withdrawing into oneself in order to recover from a difficult situation. This Major Arcana trump card can suggest that you may be going through an anti-social phase where you just don’t want to interact with people as much as you normally would. The Hermit is wise, mature and knowledgeable and may be an indication of someone seeking the services of a counsellor or psychiatrist. This is a time to focus on yourself and meeting your own needs.

Love & Relationships (Upright)
In a love context, if you are single The Hermit Tarot card represents coming out the other side of a period of loneliness and solitude that may have been needed to recuperate from past heartbreak or a bad breakup. You will soon be ready for a fresh start. It can also indicate celibacy or chastity. If you are in a relationship, The Hermit upright can represent an older wiser partner. It can also suggest that you may need to make more of an effort to connect with your partner. It can indicate that you and your partner are too focused on doing your own thing rather than spending quality time together.

Money & Career (Upright)
The Hermit in a career context can indicate may suggest that you are putting too much focus on your career or money and materialistic pursuits, rather than sharing your attention between activities that will leave you feeling fulfilled on all levels. It can also indicate that you are wondering if you are in the right career. Money and materialism may no longer be enough to motivate you and you may find yourself seeking a new more satisfying career path. Financially, now is a time to be mature in your approach to money and investments.

Health (Upright)
The Hermit in a health context indicates overdoing things may lead to health issues. If you find that you’re rushed off your feet, never having a minute to take a breath, The Hermit suggests that if you don’t make time for yourself to rest and reboot your health may suffer. Take a break. Even taking a few minutes every day to meditate or just clear your mind and connect with how your body is feeling would benefit your health at this time.

Spirituality (Upright)
The overall theme of The Hermit is spiritual enlightenment so now is the perfect time to engage in spiritual activities. Whether it’s meditation, energy work, psychic development or connecting to your own spirit guides you are coming into a time of incredible spiritual growth. You may find yourself seeking solitude or isolating yourself in some respect. However, you should use this time to focus on evolving your spiritual side and allow yourself to take this time out to listen to your inner guidance as it will be very rewarding for you on a spiritual level.

Jose Ramone

Judgement/Aeon 20 Key Meanings: self-evaluation, awakening, renewal, composure, decisiveness, homesickness, snap judgements, apportioning blame, forgiveness.

clarifier questions: was Jose involved? risk taking, together, ... wholeness/confidence in love, female perp.....

did Jose SA Summer??? don't believe, past life trauma, no, creating balance/ mindbodysoul, nurture/good vamps ...

From what we know of Jose he was feeling judged, and died in a tent from drug overdose after being on with Chris and Josh. He was having trouble with and separated from his wife. I had him pegged for a bad guy, but the clarifiers cards indicate that he didn't hurt Summer, and had empathy.

No, don't believe, and nurture/good Vamps are all in his favor, but together concerns me a little. Female perp surely does come up a lot.

General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)
In a general context, the Judgement Tarot card can indicate that you and/or someone you care about are being judged too harshly by others. It can also indicate that you are judging people harshly or making snap judgements yourself. Alternatively, Judgement can also be an indication that you have achieved a level of clarity and composure that allows you to calmly evaluate yourself and your choices in order to make positive decisions. You have come through your past karmic lessons with increased self-awareness and you are allowing healing to take place so you can move forward in a positive direction. If you have a big decision to make when this Major Arcana card appears, use the karmic lessons you have learnt from the past to help you make the right choice. Judgement upright can represent a legal matter or court case being resolved. If you have acted honourably and told the truth, this matter should be resolved in your favour. If you have been dishonest, don’t expect things to go your way. You need to clear your conscience and try to make amends for your misdeeds. This Major Arcana card can also signify being separated from someone you love by an ocean or sea. You can expect to be reunited with them soon when it appears. It can also indicate homesickness.

Love & Relationships (Upright)
In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship, Judgement can indicate that you or your partner may be judging each other too harshly. Be wary of throwing blame or accusations at each other during arguments to try and provoke a reaction, you may do more damage to your relationship than you mean to. Instead try to sit down and talk through how you are feeling without trying to apportion blame. You need to forgive past mistakes if you want the relationship to move forward. You may be able to breathe new life into a relationship that’s falling flat with simple, open and honest communication. It can also indicate that others are judging your relationship or talking about you and your partner behind your back. The best thing you can do in this instance is rise above it. It’s really their issue, not yours. Alternatively, Judgement can signify being separated from someone you love by an ocean or sea so it may indicate that you and your partner could be living in separate countries for a while or having a long distance relationship. If you are single, judgement tells you not to be too hasty in judging potential partners. Give yourself a chance to get to know them before you decide if they are right or wrong for you. It also reminds you to be mindful of how you come across as you never get a second chance to make a first impression!

Money & Career (Upright)
In a career Tarot reading, Judgement can be an indication that you are being assessed or evaluated. You may be in the running for a promotion and not even know it. Be careful how you represent yourself when this card is in your reading, you are being watched. If you’ve been letting projects slide lately, now is the time to pick up the slack before you lose an opportunity. Financially speaking, Judgment tells you to be careful with money and not to make snap judgements. Make sure you have all the information you need to make an informed decision before making any big purchases or investments. It can also indicate a loss in a lawsuit so don’t do anything that could be negligent or lead to trouble like dangerous driving and make sure any insurance you need to have is up to date.

Health (Upright)
In a health context, Judgement can signify a period of healing and wholeness after a difficult illness. You have come through the tough times, learned from them and you are ready and willing to take all necessary steps to help you on the road to recovery.

Spirituality (Upright)
In a spiritual context, Judgement signifies spiritual awakening. You have learned the karmic lessons of the past and you now understand what the universe has been guiding you to. You are ready to take a more enlightened spiritual path. The Judgement Tarot card can indicate that you have found your spiritual calling or may be going through a spiritual rebirth or renewal.

Fred Hill

The Magician/Magus 1 Key Meanings: Power, influence, willpower, resourcefulness, skill, ability, logic, intellect, concentration and psychic powers.  General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)

clarifier questions: is Fred involved? stolen, unalive, demon/disrupt, lose money, spiritual growth...

will Fred go back to jail??? enlightenment...

Fred got Magus on my Summer Wells 3 too.  Weird that out of 22 cards he gets the same one twice.  Resourcefulness, skill, ability, keep secrets close, just coming into some extra money paired with the Devil card he got in my last read i will definitely keep digging into just how involved he is.

Stolen comes up often on Fred's reads, demon/disrupt is concerning too.

General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)
When The Magician appears in a Tarot card reading it is a sign that you have all the skills and abilities you need to be successful. The universe is aligning to bring positive changes your way. This Major Arcana trump card shows you that you must use your intellect, concentration and willpower to make things happen. The Magician usually signifies a time in your life when you have the power to manifest the outcome you want. If it is referring to other people in your life it usually refers to someone you can learn from whose ability and wisdom will impress you. 

Money & Career (Upright)
In terms of money and career, The Magician Tarot points to a new opportunities presenting themselves. They will require you to make a brave move and to put your original ideas into practice. Play your cards close to your chest with certain people as The Magicians never give away their secrets. It’s a good time for promotions or starting a new business venture, you will be feeling powerful and self-assured. Big things are coming your way! You might be presented with an opportunity to mentor someone or be mentored by someone who will give you the benefit of their experience. Your finances will be improving or you will have a great opportunity to make extra money when this card appears.

Health (Upright)
Your strength and good health may be making a comeback if you have been ill recently or feeling drained. If your illness or ill health is not improving you may benefit from trying alternative therapies. In a health context, The Magician Tarot can indicate that an experienced, powerful healer may be needed to give you the healing boost you need.

Spirituality (Upright)
The Magician Tarot card in the context of spirituality indicates that now is a good time to begin some form of spiritual development. If you’ve had an interest in a spiritual subject but never made the time to pursue it, you would do well to concentrate on this pursuit in the near future as your ability to channel magical energy will be increasing dramatically. You will be surprised at how much you will benefit from this spiritual development if you concentrate your energy. For those interested in psychic development, The Magician is an excellent card to get as it points to strong latent psychic abilities coming to the fore.

Jodie Sue's Son

Wheel of Fortune/Destiny 10 Key Meanings:
Good luck, destiny, change, karma, soulmates, decisive moments, cycles of life, fate, fortune, upheaval, chance.

Jodie's son's wheel of fortune card matches progress, overcome obstacles, triumph.. It seems like he cut the chords or apron strings from his Momma, and escaped by joining the military.

clarifier questions: is Jodie's son? ground, Yin yang, cut chords, infinity balance/progress, spiritual awareness/sorcerer, overcome obstacles, triumph, not together, enlightenment...

did JS son take off because he's involved??? old relations , complete success...

General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)
The Wheel of Fortune is generally an indicator of luck or destiny and it is a Major Arcana signifier of change. When the Wheel of Fortune appears upright in your Tarot reading big changes are coming. These changes should be for your greater good, but remember not all change is easy even if it’s leading you to your destiny! The upright Wheel of Fortune signals that the universe is working in your favour to help you reach your goals. Make sure you make the most of this time by focusing your intention on what you truly want! Know that the universe has a plan for you even if that plan is not clear to you at this point. The Wheel of Fortune also represents the ever-changing cycles we go through in life. We must learn to accept this process as part of living, even if it’s uncomfortable at times. This trump card is also a karma card so remember to be nice to people on your way up, you may be meeting them again on your way back down!

Love & Relationships (Upright)
If you are in a relationship, Wheel of Fortune in an upright position normally indicates a positive change so you could be taking the next step in your relationship or starting a new phase with your partner or even some sort of joint project. At the same time, the change the Wheel of Fortune Tarot card brings can be difficult. If you have been finding that you are no longer content in a relationship, this card can signal an upheaval. That could be you and your partner shaking things up and making much needed changes to improve your relationship or it could be a breakup that will leave you free to move onto better things. Whatever happens, it will lead you to where you are supposed to be. If you are single, Wheel of Fortune in your Tarot reading can indicate that the universe is working to bring you the love you deserve but you have to work with the universe! You have good fortune coming in love so now is the time to put yourself out there, get out and meet new people. Make sure you are discerning about exactly what you want in a partner as you have an opportunity to get just that with this card making an appearance in your Tarot spread. The Wheel of Fortune is also a card of destiny so in a love context it can signify soulmates. If you are single you may be meeting yours soon. If you are in a relationship, it may indicate that you and your partner are meant to be! Look to the supporting cards to confirm this.

Money & Career (Upright)
In a career context, again the upright Wheel of Fortune is usually a good omen and an indicator of big changes coming. If you’ve always wanted to start your own business or you’ve been considering a career change now is a good time to make the change. The universe is conspiring to help you reach your dreams so now is the moment to go for whatever you’ve been hoping for in your career. If you are happy and stable in your career, Wheel of Fortune can still be an indicator of changes coming. Even if these changes are challenging for you, they will ultimately lead to bigger and better things so embrace the change and try to go with the flow as much as possible. Financially, Wheel of Fortune also indicates change, if you have been consistently comfortable money wise, it cautions you to be prepared for the unexpected and make sure you put something by for a time when you may need it. If you’ve been experiencing financial difficulties the Wheel of Fortune Tarot card upright is an indicator that things are going to improve for you as you will have good financial luck.

Health (Upright)
Again, change is the theme of Wheel of Fortune in a health reading. So if you’ve been battling health issues the wheel may start to turn in your favour. Likewise you may experience some health issues that force you to make a necessary adjustment in your life. For instance, if you’ve been pushing yourself too far mentally, physically or emotionally, you may find a bout of illness forces you to slow down and take things easy. This may simply be the universe’s way of telling you that you need to take better care of yourself. So heed the warning and make positive adjustments that are kind to your body and health.

Spirituality (Upright)
Fate is smiling on you with the Wheel of Fortune in an upright position. In a spiritual context, you should use this time to develop and grow. The universe is guiding you on this spiritual path but you must also play your part and seize the opportunities that are opening up for you. You may find that situations just fall into place to help you along the way and that you meet spiritual people who can assist and guide you just as you need them. You may notice a lot of synchronicity happening at this time, signs and symbols are all around you.

thanx to Tarot Guide for the awesome words _()_ Blessed Be )O(

was Andrew involved in Summer going missing??? in the mind/unalive.... infinity/ progress, material goals, stability in love..... was Jose involved? risk taking, together, ... wholeness/confidence in love, female perp..... is Fred involved? stolen., unalive, demon/disrupt, lose money, spiritual Jodie's son? ground, Yin yang, cut chords, infinity balance/progress, spiritual awareness/scorcerer, overcome obstacles, triumph, ,.not together, enlightenment..................................did Jose SA Summer??? dont believe , past life trauma, no, creating balance/ mindbody soul, nurture/good vamps ....will Fred go bqck to jail??? enlightenment..... did JS son take off because he's involved??? old relations , complete success.....

This is being typed for the very few people who will like my card reading style. The read starts with the first card for the rest.
Really, i am not a True Crimer or a "professional" anything spiritual, but got obsessed with Summer, like so many. Although i know saying Candus didn't do it will seriously affect my views and the rate at which my channel grows, the most important thing is proving that our Ancestors really are close. I am here for the few people that will see that there are really real psychics who will tell You that we are still connected to our Dead, but the world has taught Us not to nurture these relationships with Ancestral Reverence for that are simple human spirits who need energy on the Other Side.

During covid, i watched lots of You tube psychics say Summer is dead, and claim to be talking to her. Weird that me, as a naturally bourne Necromancer, cant find Summer so i took up the cards for myself. Although i already suspected someone around Summer took her, and used the parents' ways against them; i could only find two other "psychics" who weren't spinning yarns. So, here i am learning Tarot and applying it to True Crime.

Why Do i Work with Seeker???

I ordered my Dragon Oracle a few years ago, applied their teachings to my life, and did reads for some friends, and strangers to realize the cards gave great advice. I used to show them Seeker, tell them to tell Seeker what they wanna know. Later i would feel my throat and stomach tighten with the old ringing ears to know it's time to do cards for the read. People always said Seeker did good. i gave my cards to my Grandsons' Mom when she started her journey, but got them back (in their sad condition without the book) when i took cards back up. I was loving my home health job, but my leg stopped working so i had to get a wheelchair. I would gladly be working, but i can't so have time for a channel. Anyway, in African based religions those who are connected to Other Side are often crippled :O


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