Friday, September 20, 2024

Jon Benet Ramsey

 Justice for Jon Benet+++

this blog is for entertainment purposes only!!! 

the video with the shuffling is @

The very sad case of Jon Benet has been speculated by many, and i feel so sad for her.  The interview with the one good cop greatly affected me so i don't include good Officers in my conspiracies.

1. Mom = Death/Rebirth, 2 of Pentacles MOC.... shallow grave, i am Kali OSL 

Is Jon Benet's Mom involved in her unaliving? stolen, Cult/Structured perps.....

Death Tarot Card Key Meanings:

Spiritual transformation, new beginnings, letting go, endings, change, transition, sudden or unexpected upheaval.

13 = Death ~ harvest, transition, cleanse, reap what You sow,                             get rid of old

2 of Pentacles keywords: economy of action, caution.

-It is difficult to serve two masters. While the soul longs to dance, your feet are planted on solid earth. Now it’s time for balance, for cautious choices, for move followed by counter move. Each thing you love, gives you its blessing. By giving them proper attention, you maintain equilibrium.

29 Shallow Grave: Message: You miss someone.
This beautiful young woman is missing someone deeply, and she knows, perhaps for the first time, what it is to lose someone. Missing someone can be very hard.. It feels like a physical ache, and our hearts can’t be broken, because humans had the capacity to connect like no others in the universe: we love, and we love so deeply that love can continue even when the form we loved is no longer with us. If you have received this card in a reading, it is time to acknowledge just how deeply you have yearned for someone’s return, and how much that person’s loss has affected you. That being could be a friend, a pet You loved, or a grandparent or parent who has left, and missing this is so strong sometimes is a physical hurt.
It is time to let something go , but before you do, let’s take a moment to acknowledge what this was to you, know that this meant so much, and that by return it to the past, rather than yearning for in the present, you are creating a future that has a greater freedom to it. There are opportunities for fresh start all the time. Every day, in a sense, gives you a clean slate.
It is time for you to stop hanging on so sadly to that which has long passed.  Mourn, and then come back to Us, ready to live again.

13 I Am Kali

Dad = Love or Lovers .The World & 10 of Wands MOC, 3 Witchy Sisters = ....

Is Jon Benet's Dad involved in her unaliving? Infinity/balance/progress, SA, No but put back

I put these cards on the wrong pile.  Her Dad get SA.  Mom got Stolen & Cult/Structured Perps

6 = Love or Lovers ~ duality, negative & positive, Yin Yang

The Lovers Tarot Card Key Meanings:

Love, soulmates, kindred spirits, perfect unions, partnerships, relationships, major choices, romance, desire, sexual connections, shared values.

XXI. World -
No journey leaves a Soul unchanged. The chrysalis that has held you tight falls away, and you emerge into a new life. You are more than you were before. Your black winged companion in the land of shadows has become a part of you,
you see it with clear eyes, you speak with its mighty voice. You hold aloft tokens of victory, for the spiral of time has brought you new gifts in accordance with your actions. And now, finally ready, at long last.

keywords: Achieve your goals, completion, and culmination, evolve and transform, bear great burdens. Wands 

10 of Wands keywords: grueling experience, being ground down, at the end of your energy and resources.

Do journeys ever end ? You found the boon you sought, secured it at great pains to yourself and now you must bring it home. Its weight crushes you, banding your back toward the tangled terrain. How easy it was to simply let it fall, to be free of it, so you could stride unencumbered towards the horizon. Then what would it all have been for? You summon the last of your resolve and continue towards the setting Sun.

9 Three Witchy Sisters: Message: the power of three.

These three witchy sisters are triplets, and they go everywhere together. Each one of them works with the others to keep their magical knowledge, strong and very grounded -and very simple, too. Their hats are designed to connect them to the celestial knowledge -all that is said to be above- and when they take them off, they connect to the Earth -what is said to be below. They are very, very good at sensing what sort of energy is about, and they often visit people who know that something isn’t quite right, but they just can’t work out what that is. These sisters are likely spooky antenna and use their powerful psychic skills to work out what really happening. Once they can identify the energy issue, they can then work with an antidote, and share the right action with you. Because for every problem, that exists, the world of magic provides a solution. When your powers are focused in the threefold way, you create a powerful energy shift in the world around you -and your world, as a result of the consciousness you choose to create, will change.

Burke = Imperial Dragon....Empress MOC....Angel of Time OSL 

Is Burke involved in Jon Benet's Unaliving ? Unalive...

8 Strength/Imperial Dragon Tarot Card Key Meanings: Inner strength, courage, bravery, confidence, compassion, taming, control, overcoming self-doubt

Strength ~ willpower to do what's right, inner power

III or 3 Empress key words: nurturing, self-care, love and loyalty, compassion for all, fertility and prosperity, motherhood, smothering and obsessive behavior.

A haunting lullaby calls from out of the darkness. It speaks to you of safety and security, a mother is eternal and unyielding love. A hand takes your hand, bearing you up against the coming storm. Her lips kiss your forehead, and leave a mark protecting you in your journey through the night. You were born from her egg as were all who live. There is healing to be found in her kindness- just be careful not to drown in it. 

40 Angel of Time 
Message: Working too hard!
The angel of Time looks very fierce and stern, and that’s because you need to hear her message. You see if she appeared to you in a soft guise,  it would be too easy for you to overlook her message and just continue on is if she had never visited. The truth is that you are forcing yourself beyond your energetic limits at this time - working too hard, self loving and connecting with the universe way too little. So she has appeared to remind you of what it is you are turning your world into: one big machine, where you are one cog in it. You are an important, soulful, beloved being, but the world of work is not going to end if you step away from its mechanism for a while. “It is time” she says “for a time out. Will you listen?

“ i’m getting straight to the point here, because someone really has to tell you. Stop giving so much to your work. All your time. Your energy. Your passion. Take better care of your health. This is the time to fulfill all those promises you made to yourself, barely made even the key meditate eat well. Take up general exercise and change unhealthy emotional patterns that are compromising your well-being.

Jon Benet = Adversity or Chariot..... 6 of Pentacles...Sea Storm OSL 

Was Jon Benet put on the dark web? material success/balance...


7 The Chariot Tarot Card Key Meanings:

Victory, overcoming obstacles, success, ambition, determination, willpower, control, self-discipline, hard work and focus.
7  or VII= Chariot ~ identity, ability, experience, know Yourself,                                      move  forward

6 of Pentacles Keywords: Charity, redistributing, resources, balancing energy, self-care.

- Hands open, hungry mouths feed. Wings flapping against one another, each in the little family stakes its claim to its rightful portion. You must give so that others might eat. In the end, who really serves and who is served? You stretch your hands forth to mouths that never cease crying for more.

I saw this card wrong, it is Death.

XIII or 13 Death keywords: Closure, closing the present chapter, sickness and weakness, fear of change, the transfer for something new to grow out of the ashes of the old.
And now has he come, the herald of all endings, the angel of oblivion. Black wings spread above him, blotting out the stars. It is silence between one word and the next. He is time, the great devourer. It serves no purpose to struggle against the door he closes before you. Your task now is to find a new path.

32 Sea Storm.
Message: Calm amid chaos.
Even though the seas are wild, the atmosphere is torn with stabs of lightning, and there is no land in sight, Sea Storm being is following her intuition and she will know what to do to make it home. Lightning won’t strike her, and she will keep swimming until she reaches land. She seems slightly in a trance and is using her in her wisdom and deep knowledge to swim home. She is from Atlantis where she saw beings doing things that would lead to destruction. She has seen how their hubris led to this upheaval, and her home has sunk under the waves. She now goes out and starts her new home. So too can you.

This is a time of upheaval and great change, but if you tune into that deep inner voice and follow the radar you have built into your very cells, you will find the way home through all this chaos and wreckage. The old world is gone: the new world is yet to be found. The journey will continue for sometime-but trust and follow the compass of your inner guidance. You are more adaptable, more flexible, and more able to survive than you know.

cops = 5 Mercy or Hierophant, ....5 of cups, 8 of cups...Winged Seer and Nautilus Princess

 are the police in a Cult that covered for the Family? Mutual Interest/ partners

5 or V= Mercy is Hierophant 
The Hierophant Tarot Card Key Meanings:

Traditional institutions, traditional values, conventional, conformity, marriage, commitment, religion, beliefs, knowledge sharing.

This card reminds me of Linda Arndt, the female detective who was left at house with no help.  The link is

5 of Cups key meanings: Disappointment, dwelling on mistakes, anxiety.

- As you cry into the night, the startled members of your murder flap their wings, taking to the darkened skies. If you hold your agony silently, you let it take root too far inside to ever be free of it. So let loose the whoop of pain, of loss of fatigue, of condemnation. You dig sharp talons into the soil. What does not kill us makes it stronger or stranger.

8 of Cups keywords: Choose a new pass a time to pivot, go further.
-You can seek for something for so very long and yet discover the desire was not yours after all. Perhaps others encouraged you along this path. The time has come for you to find your own way. You leave them to struggle and attend to petty dramas that no longer hold any meaning for you. The night is young. To remain. Here is to dwell too long on someone else’s dream.

12 Winged Seer: Message: You see clearly, clairvoyance.

The Winged Seer  is an oracle angel: a being who can see the weavings of energy and thus the way events are set to unfold if the current energies and paths are followed. She then sends you your messages clairvoyantly, through your ability to see clearly, although your visions may seem anything but clear. As you grow to trust your own clear moments, you will have brighter and brighter flashes of insight, and you will be able to see exactly what is going on within a situation in a flash.

41 Nautilus Princess Message: Powerful personal growth.
A big eyed beautiful mermaid, surrounded by her floating rich, red hair, holds tight to a nautilus shell. She is an underwater (emotional) princess, and she is growing and ways she never thought she would- because soon she used to be the queen, and she must make decisions. She feels uncertain about how she will perform when she is elevated and unsure of whether she can wield her power. She is very thoughtful and she contemplates the future -but all around her are the symbols of her future success. 
You may be a very gentle, appeasing, and attentive soul who is facing a challenge. You are being asked by the universe to step up into a more senior and conspicuous role, and you are concerned about whether you can be powerful and still be a good person. The pearls here signify that you must act from a pure place, and from a natural place, and treat this quest as a sacred task. The nautilus says you will grow in ways that are perfect, and perfectly proportioned, just as a nautilus is. And this is a natural result for you- expect to grow more and more overtime. This Is a time of spiritual and emotional transformation, which could come to you via a friend who is older or more experienced- she will share her skills and some of her secrets with you. You could be about to experience a deeper friendship, meet a teacher who really opens your mind to a new real of discovery or find a trainer who can coach you in such a way that your potential blooms strong and fast. You will be asked to deal with abundance and healthy ways. There will be responsibility and rapid growth. Dignity, truth, and wisdom are your best guides. It is now time to take yourself and your potential seriously. 

This blog is for entertainment purposes, only & the analysis is my opinion... 

Justice for Jon Benet+++

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