Tuesday, September 24, 2024



The link for card shuffling is @ https://youtu.be/Mz3nwrNicU0

Seeker or The Fool Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings:

Innocence, freedom, originality, adventure, travel, foolishness, carelessness, idealism, youth, spontaneity, lack of commitment, new beginnings.

General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)
The first card of the Major Arcana, The Fool is generally a positive card indicating new beginnings. If it appears in your readings it could mean that you are on the verge of an exciting, unexpected new adventure. Your new adventure will bring you along a path which may require you to make a leap of faith but you will grow as a result of this new experience. This new adventure could be a literal new adventure, like travelling to a place you’ve never been before. The change this card can bring will usually be a welcome one. While the Fool is generally a positive card, its appearance in a reading can also indicate that you need to take the time to look before you leap.

Love & Relationships (Upright)
The Fool in love is exciting and spontaneous but a little bit fickle. For those in relationships, The Fool indicates being so in love you can hardly contain your excitement. However, if the person asking the question is asking about commitment, this card is linked to lack of commitment or not being ready for a commitment. However, as it’s a travel card, it can also simply mean you will be going on a romantic trip such as a couple’s weekend or a honeymoon. For those that are single, it is a very good indicator that an impulsive, carefree romance is on the cards (or many such romances). If the Fool appears, prepare for a fun-filled romance but be careful not to miss true love if it comes your way during this time. Money & Career (Upright)
Opportunity knocks! With the Fool in your career, it may be time to go for that new job or start your own business that you’ve been dreaming of. Other people may try to put you off or may not understand what you’re doing, be patient with them and try to make them understand but do not let them deter you. For current projects it indicates fresh new ideas and being reinvigorated with energy. The Fool indicates big opportunities for advancement. Be clever and research your opportunities and the risk but don’t be afraid to take the plunge! Financially, if you take the chance and work hard you will make more than you thought you would.
Health (Upright)
The Fool bodes well for physical health if you have been ill as it indicates vitality and energy. However, it can also indicate being accident prone so if you get the Fool for health be extra careful. It can also represent pregnancy as it represents the beginning of a new life.
Spirituality (Upright)
The Fool indicates that you are at the beginning of a new spiritual journey which will lead on to great things. You will be eager to try many different approaches, allow yourself to do this. Others may not understand the journey you’re on but you must do what is right for you.

19: Amara the Menehune.
Message: Aloha healing.
Amara represents the spirit of the tropics: she is warm, sensual, sweet and laden with gifts for you. She eats fruits and flowers and dances and sings the songs of her ancestors. She is laughter and fresh, flowing water and hope and warmth. She yes at home in the world outside , in a nature field with the sound of dolphins, the music of waterfalls, the song of the warm breeze. There are also many sweet aromas when she comes to you, and she wishes for you to slow down and relax and to take your time and smell the frangipanis! There is no rush when Amara comes into your world: she knows that while you feel rushed. You are not eating right, nor digesting properly, nor connecting deeply, nor sleeping well, nor feeling fully.  You are barely noticing the beauty of nature both with in and outside of you.. so it is time to treat yourself to some relaxation of the Hawaiian time when she comes to visit, and embrace the aloha spirit.
Aloha, it is time for get free time out for you when you will invite the energy of Hawaii and more self nurturing into your life . You need the power of sunshine on your body please give yourself a sunbath, natural energetic healing of pure golden light and feel the radiance warm your bones and fill you with joy!

15 Mildew Fairy.
Message: Clean-up time.
Some things just look like they’re yuck, but they’re not- they’re very good things and they can be powerful and helpful when used in the right way. So if the mildew fairy turns up in your reading, it’s time to check out what could be profoundly useful for you, which you’ve dismissed. And this could be an aspect of yourself or an aspect of the environment you’re in. It’s very important not to try to hide this from yourself, or to cover it up. The health situation rest upon the degree of openness you approach it with.
Think of ways to decrease stagnant, moisture or sticky emotions and increase airflow or fresh thinking in your home and environment.

3 Sea Beacon Fairy - Message: Guidance: but where will it lead You?
Sometimes when a clear path seems to be taking you in the right direction it helps to know who is holding the light up. Because while this beautiful Sea Beacon Fairy is most certainly guiding a llost ship, who knows whether she leads it towards rocks or towards safe harbor? And this is the choice you have to make now. Is this path that is clearly being lit the right one? Simply because there is light, is the source a true and good guide? Would you be best to await another way out of the storm- or are you so eager to avoid the storm and the challenge that you will follow the first like it comes along?
I understand this may be confusing. But I am assuring you mostly of one great truth. That perhaps you must find your own way out at this time.
Do not be too quick to follow the first opportunity that comes . Wait, and check both your sources and your inner wisdom. There are many paths and many solutions. Not all advice will be right for you.

Link to the Santa Muerte Tarot book with Advice from the Ancestors @ https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xpUmmNmHFTbF2Mc-bVEZsHs9kBCT0uB4/view?usp=sharing

Kings of Cups
8 of Wands

1 of Wands

8 of Swords

Love Life. This card comes to you as an indication that your love life is affected by one or more previous lifetimes. Most likely you had a painful experience back then that has caused you to be overly cautious. In such cases, working on yourself can help you reopen your beautiful, loving heart again. In that way you can love and be loved again.
It’s also likely that this card comes to you as validation that the man or woman you’re romantically interested in was also a prominent person in your past life. This individual may not necessarily have been a romantic partner at that time, but your inclination to connect romantically in this life is definitely part of a greater plan .

Forgiveness. The situation you’re inquiring about will be healed or improved through your willingness to release old stored anger. You May not even be consciously aware that you’ve been holding onto resentment. Your anger may show up in subtle ways such as high blood pressure, addictions, insomnia, and moodiness. Wouldn’t it feel great to have stable moods and more control over your health?
Forgiveness isn’t the same as saying that the actions of others were justified or acceptable. Instead, forgiveness is a statement of self empowerment. You choose to detoxify yourself all stored anger, and other negative energies. After all, when you hang onto anger, it only hurts you and not the other person .

To heal this situation be aware that meditation and introspection are important practice that can help you. See that your anger is merely a transient feeling, like a dark cloud floating across the sky. Recognize that the source comes from a past life and let it go. Forgiveness is cathartic and profoundly healing. Free yourself from negative and harmful emotions.

Baby: The situation you’re inquiring about involves an infant on some level. Your unconscious mind will reveal the way in which a baby plays a role in your current life. You may have already received the answer in the form of a thought or feeling.
Trust this information, and your unconscious mind will slowly and gently help you remember and release painful memories . At first, you may think you’re imagining this information, But as you put together more pieces of the puzzle through signs and additional recollections, you’ll feel confident and “claiming” your past lifetime.
This card can speak about you as a baby and this are a previous lifetime. There may have been a trauma that you suffered as a baby, or that involved a baby of yours and that lifetime. It also made describe parenthood and this our previous lives. Your feelings and thoughts will guide you so that you can discern the specific meaning.

Asia: A significant past life in Asia is influencing your current situation. You learn group harmony, and the sacrificing of individuality in the Asian culture, but the lessons of that lifetime need to be balanced with your current life’s culture. For instance, you may have been in the habit of suppressing your emotions and opinions in that lifetime. However, In this life, it’s essential that you be aware of your inner truth. you’re also being guided to express your beliefs and feelings openly with your loved ones in order to deepen your relationships.

Your fascination with the Asian culture stems from your love and respect for the people you met in that lifetime . Consider taking trips to Eastern lands to reconnect with your ancient self and to learn more about your soul’s, previous journey.

9 of Coins = past

Attainment in the physical world.

4 of Cups & Wheel of Fortune = present

 4 of Cups = Stability in emotion

10 = Wheel of Fortune~ evolution, things change, usually better

King of Cups = future

King of Cups = Knowledge of Emotion

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