Thursday, September 12, 2024

Victoria & Haley


Hello Beautiful Lil Ladies!  This is a very good read.  I will highlight what strikes me and analyze in purple.

Is there a connection between Victoria and Haley in a past life ? Atlantis, Trees, Love Life...

Your lifetime in Atlantis is affecting your current situation. You have soul memories of this idyllic civilization that offered every imaginable wonder. There’s a longing for the utopia that you unconsciously remember, and which you know is possible in this world.

Your soul also remembers the tragic ending of Atlantis, and you may have developed phobias about the ocean as a result. Although you love the sea, perhaps you prefer not to go swimming or sailing. You also recall how the majority of Atlanteans were with the exception of a few political leaders who missed use crystal power to the detriment of all. So, you may be extra sensitive to issues relating to political corruption in this lifetime.

Y'all are a couple going way back.

This card indicates that you have a special relationship to trees. In Ancient times, particularly in Celtic and eastern European cultures trees were considered sacred. The Druids look to oak trees for prophetic information and ancient healers use tree ingredients, such as Willow bark for medicine.

Your connection two trees may have been spiritual, including the ability to receive messages from them and some cases, the seemingly non- sentient trees are anointed by real souls known as tree people. You  may have been a tree person or a tree diva in this life or a prior lifetime. This card asks you to spend more time, connecting with trees -for healing knowledge and inner peace.

I think Y'all were Druids together.

This card comes to you as an indication that your love life is affected by one or more previous lifetimes. Most likely you had a painful experience back then that has caused you to be overly cautious. In such cases, working on yourself can help you reopen your beautiful, loving heart again. In that way you can love and be loved again.
It’s also likely that this card comes to you as validation that the man or woman you’re romantically interested in was also a prominent person in your past life. This individual may not necessarily have been a romantic partner at that time, but your inclination to connect romantically in this life is definitely part of a greater plan .

Self- explanatory.

Is there a connection between Victoria and Haley in a past life ? Oracle of Shadow & Light = Winged Seer, Out Trick or Treating, Nautilus Princess, Fairy of the Green World, Sea Storm, Fairy of the Divine Hand

12 Winged Seer: Message: You see clearly, clairvoyance.
The Winged Seer  is an oracle angel: a being who can see the weavings of energy and thus the way events are set to unfold if the current energies and paths are followed. She then sends you your messages clairvoyantly, through your ability to see clearly, although your visions may seem anything but clear. As you grow to trust your own clear moments, you will have brighter and brighter flashes of insight, and you will be able to see exactly what is going on within a situation in a flash.

We're all 3 Seers, for sure.

5 Out Trick-or-Treating: Message: we’re heee-eer !
Knock, knock! they’re here! At your door front or back, or at a window, dressed in black, appear four little ones (if you include the little jack-o’-lantern). They may look scary, but take some time to discover what they have bubbling away in the cauldron. It could be wonderful, and yet you may be fearful that it’s woeful. It’s going to take courage to find out the truth. But if you do find that courage you’ll discover that you need not be scared by the appearance of death: he’s just here to help you change. And jack-o’-lantern is here to help you light up something you’ve been hiding from. The little witch with her apprentice? They are ready to help You understand the depth of your Magick. Don’t be afraid.
Don’t judge everyone by appearance: instead, understand what lies beneath, and discover what it is they want, and then feel out for any strings attached.
The Trick-or-Treaters help you save through conditioning and old thought patterns, and as they do this, they may reveal to you a world of more wonder than you thought possible. And all you need is courage.

Embrace Your Witchyness

41 Nautilus Princess Message: Powerful personal growth.
A big eyed beautiful mermaid, surrounded by her floating rich, red hair, holds tight to a nautilus shell. She is an underwater (emotional) princess, and she is growing and ways she never thought she would- because soon she used to be the queen, and she must make decisions. She feels uncertain about how she will perform when she is elevated and unsure of whether she can wield her power. She is very thoughtful and she contemplates the future -but all around her are the symbols of her future success. 
You may be a very gentle, appeasing, and attentive soul who is facing a challenge. You are being asked by the universe to step up into a more senior and conspicuous role, and you are concerned about whether you can be powerful and still be a good person. The pearls here signify that you must act from a pure place, and from a natural place, and treat this quest as a sacred task. The nautilus says you will grow in ways that are perfect, and perfectly proportioned, just as a nautilus is. And this is a natural result for you- expect to grow more and more overtime. This Is a time of spiritual and emotional transformation, which could come to you via a friend who is older or more experienced- she will share her skills and some of her secrets with you. You could be about to experience a deeper friendship, meet a teacher who really opens your mind to a new real of discovery or find a trainer who can coach you in such a way that your potential blooms strong and fast. You will be asked to deal with abundance and healthy ways. There will be responsibility and rapid growth. Dignity, truth, and wisdom are your best guides. It is now time to take yourself and your potential seriously. 

44 Fairy of the Green World: Message: The natural world needs you.
This little green fairy signifies and embodies the life force of the green world. She is tending to plants that are drooping too moist or too dry- she is like a nurse or healer, assigned to the plant realm, great forests and small personal gardens alike. She is joyful every time someone gives energy to this realm- every little bit helps nurture the plants, which are very tired: fewer and fewer plants and trees and forest are expected to provide more and more life-giving oxygen for animals, elements, and with humans. Sometimes she becomes overwhelmed with all we humans have done to the green world- so she may be about to ask you for your help. When you give her your help, blessings are returned to you threefold.

Y'all were Nature Worshipping Witches together in past life.

32 Sea Storm.
Message: Calm amid chaos.
Even though the seas are wild, the atmosphere is torn with stabs of lightning, and there is no land in sight, Sea Storm being is following her intuition and she will know what to do to make it home. Lightning won’t strike her, and she will keep swimming until she reaches land. She seems slightly in a trance and is using her in her wisdom and deep knowledge to swim home. She is from Atlantis where she saw beings doing things that would lead to destruction. She has seen how their hubris led to this upheaval, and her home has sunk under the waves. She now goes out and starts her new home. So too can you.
This is a time of upheaval and great change, but if you tune into that deep inner voice and follow the radar you have built into your very cells, you will find the way home through all this chaos and wreckage. The old world is gone: the new world is yet to be found. The journey will continue for sometime-but trust and follow the compass of your inner guidance. You are more adaptable, more flexible, and more able to survive than you know.

2 Fairy of the Divine Hand.
Message: intoxication, distorted view, over indulgence.
If the fairy of the divine hand has turned up in a reading, it is ever so likely that you’re being urged by friends, loved ones, or even by your own self to more accurately estimate the power addictive behaviors and substances can have over you. You know how it is you start having a piece of candy, some soda, maybe a little junk food, then before long you have more. It may be another habit such as judging yourself or others way too harshly, thinking negatively, or giving up too early on exercise and good healthy practices, that you are indulging in. Gossip too falls under the fairy of the divine hands domain. While it can be wickedly delicious it always leaves such a sour aftertaste. So, when she shows up, know that the true gift she offers is awareness of what you’re denying. Don’t ignore Fairy of the divine hand-thank her for pointing out your addictive tendencies, acknowledge their power, and then disengage and find support for living in clear bright ways that don’t leave you feeling drained, disoriented, and disenchanted.

 Ancestral Messages = 4 of Cups, 7 of Wands, Page of Cups, Tower, 1 of Swords to explain Tower, 8 of Cups, Page of Swords and 9 of Wands.... Dragon = Destiny

4 of Chalices: The number of stability United with the suit of the emotions, brings an excess of security, a monotonous rigidity and what is stagnant ends up rotting or tiring. Therefore it is good to find the right balance that transforms the stagnation, the apathy and the boredom into harmony and a healthy restlessness.
The Advice of the Dead: The moment has come to make a decision before what you have obtained ends up, boring you and stagnating.

7 of Wands: A moment of great rush of energy, openness, and growth towards the heights. The Seven of Wands brings with it collaboration, actions, structures that are already complete and formed but precisely for this reason, if the tendency is towards excessive conservatism, it could cause discussions, indecisions and friction.
The Advice of the Dead: Make a decision quickly, even consulting people around you, in order to proceed and go ahead. Is this not yet the time to put down roots.

16 or XVI The Tower: Something that you have been opposed to for probably a long time is about to emerge, explode and open itself to the world. The Tower therefore is a living construction, overcrowded and teeming , exposed due to a sudden change that will alter the balances and whose orientations and directions, therefore could seem to become confused or overturned. It could be difficult to go against the current and against common opinion, but this is how illumination will arrive. Otherwise it will be a violent separation that will win, an expulsion that will bring with it a crisis, unbalanced, and in the worst cases, true catastrophe. 
The Advice of the Dead: Destroy old structures and superficial structures without fear, and those that have become overtime, a prison and liberate the energies that were enclosed within them.

There may be trying times, 

8 of Chalices: A new moment of balance that, although connected to emotions and feelings, leaves some doubt as to its duration. This  is probably a precarious stability. If not faced in a serene and satisfying manner, it may mutate into a difficult situation through laziness, self isolation, or fear of possible delusions.
The Advice of the Dead: Accept your actual situation and the possible failures and try to be receptive and disposed towards a change of equilibrium destined in any case to mutate.

Remain serene, and everything will be okay

Page of Swords: With perseverance, a spirit of observation and curiosity the page of swords studies inquires into the situation accumulating experience in order to be prepared when the situation which is now tranquil , could change. This arcana propels us, therefore towards prudence waiting and calculating carefully the various elements in the case of unexpected events are exams. 
The Advice of the Dead: Be prepared by evaluating all the possible openings or outlets through which the situation could degenerate and vent. 

Prepare Yourself, and evaluate

Page of Cups: A curious and reflective figure not yet mature and prepared, but an attentive observer, waiting to acquire his own critical judgment and decision-making capacity. The page represents a timid beginning, but destined to evolve positively is any experience or some initial jealousy does not dump in his interest or love. 
The Advice of the Dead: Continue to study and dedicate yourself to what you are doing and good results will not take long to arrive, but do not let yourself be distracted by facile illusions. 

Although there may be difficulties things will evolve positively

 The Ace of Swords represents a strong conquest, force, a genuine intelligence that is penetrating and aggressive. A very dynamic card that is aligned with ideals but for this reason could easily become sinister, bringing on excesses, violence, and extreme behavior.
Advice of the Dead: Evaluate and choose carefully the direction in which you wish to channel your abundant and intellectual and subconscious energies.

There will be a strong conquest or You will win 

9 of Wands: Your strength to a stand adversity and your ability to truncate what is clearly useless and steel brings you to success and the achievement of your project. Even if a period of cleansing complications, contracted, evaluations, or adversity 
may slow down the process of expansion you will manage to harvest the fruits of what you have sown.
The Advice of the Dead: Take the situation in hand and with patience for what you wish to attain while waiting for a more favorable moment.

You will harvest the fruits of what You sow in the long run

Dragon = Destiny

4 is Destiny or Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Key Meanings:
Good luck, destiny, change, karma, soulmates, decisive moments, cycles of life, fate, fortune, upheaval, chance.

Very cool and interesting card. The meanings You can or dont have to read.
General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)
The Wheel of Fortune is generally an indicator of luck or destiny and it is a Major Arcana signifier of change. When the Wheel of Fortune appears upright in your Tarot reading big changes are coming. These changes should be for your greater good, but remember not all change is easy even if it’s leading you to your destiny! The upright Wheel of Fortune signals that the universe is working in your favour to help you reach your goals. Make sure you make the most of this time by focusing your intention on what you truly want! Know that the universe has a plan for you even if that plan is not clear to you at this point. The Wheel of Fortune also represents the ever-changing cycles we go through in life. We must learn to accept this process as part of living, even if it’s uncomfortable at times. This trump card is also a karma card so remember to be nice to people on your way up, you may be meeting them again on your way back down!
Love & Relationships (Upright)
If you are in a relationship, Wheel of Fortune in an upright position normally indicates a positive change so you could be taking the next step in your relationship or starting a new phase with your partner or even some sort of joint project. At the same time, the change the Wheel of Fortune Tarot card brings can be difficult. If you have been finding that you are no longer content in a relationship, this card can signal an upheaval. That could be you and your partner shaking things up and making much needed changes to improve your relationship or it could be a breakup that will leave you free to move onto better things. Whatever happens, it will lead you to where you are supposed to be. If you are single, Wheel of Fortune in your Tarot reading can indicate that the universe is working to bring you the love you deserve but you have to work with the universe! You have good fortune coming in love so now is the time to put yourself out there, get out and meet new people. Make sure you are discerning about exactly what you want in a partner as you have an opportunity to get just that with this card making an appearance in your Tarot spread. The Wheel of Fortune is also a card of destiny so in a love context it can signify soulmates. If you are single you may be meeting yours soon. If you are in a relationship, it may indicate that you and your partner are meant to be! Look to the supporting cards to confirm this.
Money & Career (Upright)
In a career context, again the upright Wheel of Fortune is usually a good omen and an indicator of big changes coming. If you’ve always wanted to start your own business or you’ve been considering a career change now is a good time to make the change. The universe is conspiring to help you reach your dreams so now is the moment to go for whatever you’ve been hoping for in your career. If you are happy and stable in your career, Wheel of Fortune can still be an indicator of changes coming. Even if these changes are challenging for you, they will ultimately lead to bigger and better things so embrace the change and try to go with the flow as much as possible. Financially, Wheel of Fortune also indicates change, if you have been consistently comfortable money wise, it cautions you to be prepared for the unexpected and make sure you put something by for a time when you may need it. If you’ve been experiencing financial difficulties the Wheel of Fortune Tarot card upright is an indicator that things are going to improve for you as you will have good financial luck.
Health (Upright)
Again, change is the theme of Wheel of Fortune in a health reading. So if you’ve been battling health issues the wheel may start to turn in your favour. Likewise you may experience some health issues that force you to make a necessary adjustment in your life. For instance, if you’ve been pushing yourself too far mentally, physically or emotionally, you may find a bout of illness forces you to slow down and take things easy. This may simply be the universe’s way of telling you that you need to take better care of yourself. So heed the warning and make positive adjustments that are kind to your body and health.
Spirituality (Upright)
Fate is smiling on you with the Wheel of Fortune in an upright position. In a spiritual context, you should use this time to develop and grow. The universe is guiding you on this spiritual path but you must also play your part and seize the opportunities that are opening up for you. You may find that situations just fall into place to help you along the way and that you meet spiritual people who can assist and guide you just as you need them. You may notice a lot of synchronicity happening at this time, signs and symbols are all around you.

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