Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Issac Kappy 2: Messages from Kappy with Santa Muerte Tarot

Justice for Issac Kappy+++

the video with the shuffling is @

This blog is for entertainment purposes only!!! All statements are the opinion of crazy ole me!!! 

 Imperial Dragon Oracle 


has Issac already been reborn? clouded, work to goal, NO, demons/physical abuse, stability, energy to power...

i made a music video to give Kappy some love and Voodoo computer Magick to bless his Soul @

Rebirth or Death #13 Tarot Card Key Meanings:
Spiritual transformation, new beginnings, letting go, endings, change, transition, sudden or unexpected upheaval.

General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)
Although it is the Tarot card that many people fear, Death generally does not mean physical death. As a rule you should never predict deaths (or the outcomes of illnesses or pregnancies for that matter) as a Tarot reader. It is unethical and irresponsible. Aside from the ethics, The Death Tarot Card usually signifies spiritual transformation and a time of change and new beginnings, not actual death! The transformation or change that Death can bring can be difficult, unexpected, sudden or even traumatic but it will bring with it a new lease of life. Its best to try not to resist the change the Death Tarot card brings as resisting it will only make the transition difficult and painful. Instead try to embrace the change as a fresh start. This Major Arcana card can also signify the need to let go of old issues or beliefs when it appears in a Tarot spread. It may be telling you that you need to draw a line under the past in order to move forward.

Love & Relationships (Upright)
If you are in a relationship, Death in a love tarot context can signify that you or your partner may be holding onto a relationship that’s not working or you may be clinging to old patterns that are stopping your relationship from moving forward. Death signifies that things are going to change whether you want them to or not. You can either resist the change or embrace it. If your relationship is not going well, the Death Tarot card can indicate that it may be time to walk away, it can indicate divorce or it can indicate that you and your partner need to make big changes and let go of old patterns or issues to make it work. The old issues the Death card seeks to change can be deep seated and painful. If that’s the case, you may want to consider relationship counselling. The outcome really depends on whether or not you and your partner are both willing to embrace the transformation and really want the relationship to survive because you love each other rather than because you fear not being in the relationship. The changes the Death Tarot card can bring to a relationship can be positive too, it can indicate an unexpected change like a surprise engagement or a pregnancy, you may find these changes overwhelming initially. If you are single, the Death card can indicate that you will soon be casting off the old beliefs, issues or behaviours that are no longer useful to you. Embrace this transformation as it will bring new love into your life.

Money & Career (Upright)
Death in a career context is a warning not to get too dependent on anything that is not working for you. The only thing in life that is guaranteed is that things change. If you are unhappy in your current job, start looking for a new one or the universe may force you to find a new job. If you are starting your own business but have been reluctant to quit your old job because of the security it offers, Death may be indicating that’s it’s time to consider jumping in with both feet. Money can be tightening when the Death card appears in a financial context, you may have a sudden drop in income or loss of money. If that happens don’t let it get you down, this change will lead you somewhere positive and you will learn from it. If you experience financial hardship, don’t stick your head in the sand, make practical adjustments and keep moving forward in a positive way. If you are tight on money, consider getting back to basics, swap big nights out for cosy nights in with close friends. And remember, any financial issues will be fine in the long run if you make the changes necessary.

Health (Upright)
Don’t panic if you see the Death card in health reading, again the Death card only indicates physical death in extremely rare cases and only in certain combinations! If you have been feeling like your health is never going to improve, Death can signify that a change is coming. However, how you handle this change will go a long way to determining the outcome. If your health has been bad and illness has left you feeling pessimistic, try to embrace the coming changes by changing your attitude. Try to find something positive in each day even if you feel ill. You may also try a new approach that you haven’t tried before like a different diet, holistic therapy or energy healing. Know that your current state is temporary, it will change.
Spirituality (Upright)
Physical death is a form of transformation when our spirits leave the physical body behind and transform back to the spiritual beings we all are intrinsically. The Death card represents spiritual transformation. In a spiritual Tarot reading, it indicates a time where you can deeply connect to your higher self and discover a depth of spirituality that you may not have even known you possessed. This spiritual transformation may be brought about by grief or loss or heartbreak that you have experienced. It can represent a difficult transition from an old situation to a new beginning. Try to embrace the change even if it is difficult, it’s leading you to your higher path.

 Past Life Oracle 


Ships. Your prior lifetimes spent on ships bring bring this card to you today. As a former Sailor, crew member, or ship passenger, you've had experiences at sea that have exerted an influence on the situation you're inquiring about. You probably already have a sense of the type of life you had aboard ships. The question now because how your experiences have affected your present life. negative reactions such as fears and phobias, or positive reactions such as longings to travel or a special affinity for the ocean all may have arisen in Prior lifetimes.


Wisdom. This card indicates that you have tremendous wisdom and knowledge from prior lifetimes that seek to resurface now. Even if you’ve never thought of yourself as particularly wise, this card indicates that you learned important lessons and information that will serve you and others if it’s reawakened now. 

This card can indicate that it’s time for you to return to school or additional education of some sort . Yes, may be a sign that you’re changing your career path. Your emerging knowledge is guiding you toward work that is more meaningful. This card asks you to believe in yourself and to know that you have what it takes to tackle a career related to your true interest and passions.

 Santa Muerte Messages from Kappy 

10 of Pentacles

10 of Pentacles: The chrysalis has closed into itself, and I change it now vitally necessary in order to continue in progress. The 10 of Pentacles pushes us to go even beyond the material world and to fly in different places in order to bring abundance and fortune to other territories. Only fear of letting go of a life and a stable, but past situation could create problems, uncertainties, and disagreements.

The Advice of the Dead: Aim what you have gained or earned and other directions also, that evaluate every decision properly.

3 of Pentacles

3 of Pentacles: The first benefits or fruits of what we have invested or sown the seeds for have begun to arrive. Three, a particularly active number, combined with pentacles, brains, a powerful expansion and a positive outcome where perseverance is completely repaid. Only haste are a certain immaturity and management to bring about problems, weakening, incapability or disagreement.
The Advice of the Dead: Persevere without hesitation towards Batton, which you are placing all your physical and economic reserves, without letting anyone trample on your harvest.

 9 of Swords

9 of Swords: Your strength to withstand adversity and your ability to truncate what is clearly useless and stale, bring you to success and the achievement of your project. Even if a period of cleansing, complications, protracted, evaluations, or adversity, slow down the process of expansion, you will manage to harvest the fruits of what you have sown.

The Advice of the Dead: Take the situation in hand and with patience, fight for what you wish to attain while waiting for a more favorable moment.

8 of Pentacles

8 of Pentacles: The eight of pentacles brings us an ideal situation of balance, of accumulation and prosperity, a luxuriant garden where energies flow harmoniously. However this too perfect situation that you have in your hands could change and unbalance itself, even rotting and blocking itself because of greed bad advice or meanness.

Advice of the Dead: There can never be enough prudence, therefore face the situation with careful choices, and evaluations, also accepting advice from people you trust.

2 of Wands

2 of Wands presents as a complicated arcana, where an accumulation of desires could cause rivalry and cause two opposing forces to arise, such as rebelling against limitations imposed by a third-party. This card can bring not only regrets with it, but also radical changes, surprises, and positive events.

Advice of the Dead: Evaluate what is the best way in which to act and terminate a situation of conflict and rivalry that makes you restless and unhappy.


XIX The Sun: The Sun represents the male and paternal architect, rationality, the conscience, like the beginning of a new construction and the arrival of a great success. This card, more than any other brings with it abundance, brotherhood and unconditional love and illuminates and warms our way. An arcana of power, command and a guide through circumstances, but also people. For this reason, the reverse could be the transformation into a tyrant, encouraging, rivalry, vanity, or arrogance. We must never forget that an excess of Sun can burn and provoke drought.

Advice of the Dead: Move ahead on your projects with serenity as they can now derive energy from a new luminous and benevolent source. Leave all of your worries that darken your life behind you.

I broke this video down into 2 as i am too busy to analyze the cards in video.  The video with these cards is @

True Crime Deck for What Happened to Issac Kappy ? 

trafficking, wholeness/confidence in love, nurture empathy good vamp, unstable, manifest good, mind, body Soul when i am talking abt spell i did, perp collaboration, Cult/structured perps, material success balance, Wisdom/Compassion/GoodGhost, New Idea/Spiritual Growth, mutual interest/partners, sold/money gained....was Tom Hanks really involved? female perp, rich man/finances.... anything else to say abt Issac ? choice for good/right path, Page/adventure/student, new beginnings/emotions in love, buried, stolen, scared/worried, unalive, spiritual growth, trafficking/financial choice, spiritual aware/ sorcerer, make a plan for money, NO

More clues about the plan he made for money.  Perhaps there was someone in this that betrayed him?

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