Imperial Dragon Oracle
Ruth Miller = Solitaire
Solitaire or The Hermit #9 Tarot Card Key Meanings:Spiritual enlightenment, soul searching, self-reflection, introspection, contemplation, inner guidance, solitude.
General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)
The Hermit Tarot card in an upright position generally indicates that you are entering a period of soul searching, self-reflection and spiritual enlightenment. You may find that you need time alone to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, to remove yourself from the daily grind in order to discover your true spiritual self, contemplate your existence, your direction in life or your values. The Hermit can also indicate isolating yourself or withdrawing into oneself in order to recover from a difficult situation. This Major Arcana trump card can suggest that you may be going through an anti-social phase where you just don’t want to interact with people as much as you normally would. The Hermit is wise, mature and knowledgeable and may be an indication of someone seeking the services of a counsellor or psychiatrist. This is a time to focus on yourself and meeting your own needs.
Love & Relationships (Upright)
In a love context, if you are single The Hermit Tarot card represents coming out the other side of a period of loneliness and solitude that may have been needed to recuperate from past heartbreak or a bad breakup. You will soon be ready for a fresh start. It can also indicate celibacy or chastity. If you are in a relationship, The Hermit upright can represent an older wiser partner. It can also suggest that you may need to make more of an effort to connect with your partner. It can indicate that you and your partner are too focused on doing your own thing rather than spending quality time together.
Money & Career (Upright)
The Hermit in a career context can indicate may suggest that you are putting too much focus on your career or money and materialistic pursuits, rather than sharing your attention between activities that will leave you feeling fulfilled on all levels. It can also indicate that you are wondering if you are in the right career. Money and materialism may no longer be enough to motivate you and you may find yourself seeking a new more satisfying career path. Financially, now is a time to be mature in your approach to money and investments.
Health (Upright)
The Hermit in a health context indicates overdoing things may lead to health issues. If you find that you’re rushed off your feet, never having a minute to take a breath, The Hermit suggests that if you don’t make time for yourself to rest and reboot your health may suffer. Take a break. Even taking a few minutes every day to meditate or just clear your mind and connect with how your body is feeling would benefit your health at this time.
Spirituality (Upright)
The overall theme of The Hermit is spiritual enlightenment so now is the perfect time to engage in spiritual activities. Whether it’s meditation, energy work, psychic development or connecting to your own spirit guides you are coming into a time of incredible spiritual growth. You may find yourself seeking solitude or isolating yourself in some respect. However, you should use this time to focus on evolving your spiritual side and allow yourself to take this time out to listen to your inner guidance as it will be very rewarding for you on a spiritual level.
Selena = Sun/Solar DragonSolar Dragon or The Sun #19 Tarot Card Key Meanings:
Positivity, freedom, fun, success, optimism, vitality, joy, confidence, self-expression, good luck, enthusiasm, happiness, truth, openness, pregnancy.
General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)
The Sun Tarot card is the Major Arcana card of positivity, optimism, freedom and fun. When The Sun appears in an upright position, things should be going well for you as this card also represents success and enthusiasm. You will find that people are drawn to the happy vibes and positive energy you are giving out and you will bring light and joy to everyone and everything you come into contact with. You will be feeling carefree, liberated and self-assured. It is also the card of truth so if you have been the victim of lies or deception, The Sun is coming to shine its light on the deceit to reveal the truth and the perpetrators of the lies. The Sun Tarot card in an upright position also signifies good luck. Any problems you have been experiencing will melt away with the warmth this card brings. It can also indicate travel to a country with a warm climate.
Love & Relationships (Upright)
In a love Tarot spread, if you are in a relationship, The Sun is an indication great joy and happiness. It can be a sign of a period of fun, passion and positivity in your relationship. At the same time, The Sun in an upright position shines light onto everything in its path and this includes relationships, so it can also indicate that any hidden issues in your relationship will be highlighted. Any issues highlighted by The Sun will be resolved for your greater good. This can either take the form of the relationship becoming more open and honest or in some cases ending to allow a better relationship to come to you. Look to supporting cards for verification. Whatever the outcome The Sun is bringing something positive and good into your love life. The Sun can also indicate a celebration such as an engagement or wedding. If you are single, The Sun indicates that a great relationship could be coming your way. It can also indicate that you will be feeling carefree and enjoying the fun aspects of being single. Whether you are involved or single, The Sun is one of the main pregnancy indicators in the Tarot deck. If you are not ready for children, take appropriate precautions.
Money & Career (Upright)
In a career context, The Sun Tarot card signifies a time of great success! New opportunities will be coming your way and you will be full of optimism and enthusiasm. You will be ready and able to jump in and make any project a success. Financially, you should be doing very well with The Sun appearing in your Tarot reading as it is the Tarot card of abundance. Business ventures, investments and any sort of money making initiatives should be going well for you. If you have any hidden debts, they should also come to the surface during this time so remember to put some of your wealth aside to cover them.
Health (Upright)
The Sun is the card of vitality so you should be feeling full of life, balance, positivity and wellness when it appears in your tarot reading. If you have been ill, The Sun is a good omen for recovery. If you are trying to get pregnant, The Sun upright is also a good omen as it is one of the main pregnancy cards.
Spirituality (Upright)
In a spiritual context, The Sun Tarot card can signify discovering the joy that a spiritual path has to offer. It is the card of enlightenment. After all the challenges, trials and tribulations the Major Arcana has thrown at you, you have finally reached a place of true insight, enlightenment and contentment. You understand your path and you are happy to let things unfold in their own time as you have complete trust in the universe’s love for you and where it is leading you.
Mazikeen = Rebirth
Rebirth or Death #13 Tarot Card Key Meanings:
Spiritual transformation, new beginnings, letting go, endings, change, transition, sudden or unexpected upheaval.
does Rebirth mean that Ruth Miller reincarnated as Mazikeen? fire/burned, SA, Innocent/Lovingfriend/ally, wholeness in Spirit, unstable, perp collaboration...switch decks... Did Ruth Miller reincarnate as Mazikeen? triumph, courage, in the mind/dead. complete success, unbalanced, Old Relations, energy to Power ...
General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)
Although it is the Tarot card that many people fear, Death generally does not mean physical death. As a rule you should never predict deaths (or the outcomes of illnesses or pregnancies for that matter) as a Tarot reader. It is unethical and irresponsible. Aside from the ethics, The Death Tarot Card usually signifies spiritual transformation and a time of change and new beginnings, not actual death! The transformation or change that Death can bring can be difficult, unexpected, sudden or even traumatic but it will bring with it a new lease of life. Its best to try not to resist the change the Death Tarot card brings as resisting it will only make the transition difficult and painful. Instead try to embrace the change as a fresh start. This Major Arcana card can also signify the need to let go of old issues or beliefs when it appears in a Tarot spread. It may be telling you that you need to draw a line under the past in order to move forward.
Love & Relationships (Upright)
If you are in a relationship, Death in a love tarot context can signify that you or your partner may be holding onto a relationship that’s not working or you may be clinging to old patterns that are stopping your relationship from moving forward. Death signifies that things are going to change whether you want them to or not. You can either resist the change or embrace it. If your relationship is not going well, the Death Tarot card can indicate that it may be time to walk away, it can indicate divorce or it can indicate that you and your partner need to make big changes and let go of old patterns or issues to make it work. The old issues the Death card seeks to change can be deep seated and painful. If that’s the case, you may want to consider relationship counselling. The outcome really depends on whether or not you and your partner are both willing to embrace the transformation and really want the relationship to survive because you love each other rather than because you fear not being in the relationship. The changes the Death Tarot card can bring to a relationship can be positive too, it can indicate an unexpected change like a surprise engagement or a pregnancy, you may find these changes overwhelming initially. If you are single, the Death card can indicate that you will soon be casting off the old beliefs, issues or behaviours that are no longer useful to you. Embrace this transformation as it will bring new love into your life.
Money & Career (Upright)
Death in a career context is a warning not to get too dependent on anything that is not working for you. The only thing in life that is guaranteed is that things change. If you are unhappy in your current job, start looking for a new one or the universe may force you to find a new job. If you are starting your own business but have been reluctant to quit your old job because of the security it offers, Death may be indicating that’s it’s time to consider jumping in with both feet. Money can be tightening when the Death card appears in a financial context, you may have a sudden drop in income or loss of money. If that happens don’t let it get you down, this change will lead you somewhere positive and you will learn from it. If you experience financial hardship, don’t stick your head in the sand, make practical adjustments and keep moving forward in a positive way. If you are tight on money, consider getting back to basics, swap big nights out for cosy nights in with close friends. And remember, any financial issues will be fine in the long run if you make the changes necessary.
Health (Upright)
Don’t panic if you see the Death card in health reading, again the Death card only indicates physical death in extremely rare cases and only in certain combinations! If you have been feeling like your health is never going to improve, Death can signify that a change is coming. However, how you handle this change will go a long way to determining the outcome. If your health has been bad and illness has left you feeling pessimistic, try to embrace the coming changes by changing your attitude. Try to find something positive in each day even if you feel ill. You may also try a new approach that you haven’t tried before like a different diet, holistic therapy or energy healing. Know that your current state is temporary, it will change.
Spirituality (Upright)
Physical death is a form of transformation when our spirits leave the physical body behind and transform back to the spiritual beings we all are intrinsically. The Death card represents spiritual transformation. In a spiritual Tarot reading, it indicates a time where you can deeply connect to your higher self and discover a depth of spirituality that you may not have even known you possessed. This spiritual transformation may be brought about by grief or loss or heartbreak that you have experienced. It can represent a difficult transition from an old situation to a new beginning. Try to embrace the change even if it is difficult, it’s leading you to your higher path.
Carlos in relation to Selena = Temperance & Magus or Magician
Temperance # 14 Tarot Card Key Meanings:
Balance, peace, patience, moderation, inner calm, perspective, tranquillity, harmonious relationships, soulmates
In a general context, the Temperance Tarot card signifies balance, peace, patience and moderation. This Major Arcana card indicates that you have found your inner calm and have a good perspective on things. It is a sign that the relationships in your life are harmonious. You have learned not to allow yourself to be dragged into other people’s conflict or to let minor issues knock you off balance. Instead you adapt to the situations with a clear mind and calm heart and keep your balance. Temperance can also signify that you have found peace and tranquillity and you are feeling content. Temperance indicates that you are truly in touch with who you are inside, what you value and your own moral compass and you are finding it easier to figure out your aspirations and set yourself goals.
Love & Relationships (Upright)
In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship, the Temperance Tarot card is one of the best cards you can get. It signifies a harmonious relationship where you and your partner find the perfect balance of love, commitment and respect. It is also a signifier of soulmates. If you have been having relationship problems, Temperance is an indicator that you will both resolve whatever issues have been holding your relationship back in order to move forward together. If you are single, Temperance is an indicator that you will be learning to balance the other areas of your life in order to make room for a loving partner to come into your life. Once you have done this you will attract the right partner to you.
Money & Career (Upright)
In a career context, Temperance tells you that now, is a great time to set goals as you have the patience and persistence to achieve what you want. Your hard work and dedication will be noticed with Temperance upright in your Tarot spread. If you are hoping for a promotion or career advancement, Temperance tells you to be patient and not to jump at the first opportunity if there is a chance for something better further down the line. In a financial context, things should be going well as you should have balanced finances. However, be careful to practice moderation in relation to money as now is a time to maintain the balance and build your savings up at a steady pace rather than take risks with money or make risky investments.
Health (Upright)
In a health context, the Temperance Tarot card indicates that moderation is the key to good health so if you need to get any unhealthy habits under control, you will find that now is a great time to do it. If you have been experiencing any health issues, look to the areas of your life or health where you have been overdoing it or under-doing it. Bringing balance these areas may give you the healing boost you need.
Spirituality (Upright)
In a spiritual context, Temperance tells you to listen to your inner guidance and is an indicator that your spirit guides are all around you. Temperance can also signify that you are finding the right balance between your mind, body and spirit. Remember to have patience as you follow your spiritual path and know that everything is happening at the pace it is meant to.
Magus or The Magician #1 Tarot Card Key Meanings:
Power, influence, willpower, resourcefulness, skill, ability, logic, intellect, concentration and psychic powers.
General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)
When The Magician appears in a Tarot card reading it is a sign that you have all the skills and abilities you need to be successful. The universe is aligning to bring positive changes your way. This Major Arcana trump card shows you that you must use your intellect, concentration and willpower to make things happen. The Magician usually signifies a time in your life when you have the power to manifest the outcome you want. If it is referring to other people in your life it usually refers to someone you can learn from whose ability and wisdom will impress you.
Money & Career (Upright)
In terms of money and career, The Magician Tarot points to a new opportunities presenting themselves. They will require you to make a brave move and to put your original ideas into practice. Play your cards close to your chest with certain people as The Magicians never give away their secrets. It’s a good time for promotions or starting a new business venture, you will be feeling powerful and self-assured. Big things are coming your way! You might be presented with an opportunity to mentor someone or be mentored by someone who will give you the benefit of their experience. Your finances will be improving or you will have a great opportunity to make extra money when this card appears.
Health (Upright)
Your strength and good health may be making a comeback if you have been ill recently or feeling drained. If your illness or ill health is not improving you may benefit from trying alternative therapies. In a health context, The Magician Tarot can indicate that an experienced, powerful healer may be needed to give you the healing boost you need.
Spirituality (Upright)
The Magician Tarot card in the context of spirituality indicates that now is a good time to begin some form of spiritual development. If you’ve had an interest in a spiritual subject but never made the time to pursue it, you would do well to concentrate on this pursuit in the near future as your ability to channel magical energy will be increasing dramatically. You will be surprised at how much you will benefit from this spiritual development if you concentrate your energy. For those interested in psychic development, The Magician is an excellent card to get as it points to strong latent psychic abilities coming to the fore.
Past Life Oracle
Scribe or Writer: This card reveals that you had a career as a writer or scribe in a past lifetime which may be why you currently desire to write. You have the natural thinking style of someone who can organize thoughts into the written word.The fact that you had the discipline to sit down and write in that previous lifetime shows that you can exercise the same trait in this life. If you dream of being a published author, this card urges you to pursue that path. Do research on writing and publishing, and more important, write every day- which can be in the form of journaling, letters, creative, writing, or nonfiction, writing, such as blogging or articles.
If you have a strong enough desire to be a published author and you’re willing to put for the effort, you can attain your dream. their hold on your unconscious. It’s all about awareness.
Your relationship with money is being affected by your past life experiences. For instance, you may have had a lifetime of extreme poverty or even wealth. Many people. Struggle to save money because their other lifetimes involved communal wealth,
where the convent, tribe, or village provided for everyone’s needs.
In those lifetime, there was no such thing as individual savings account or separate possessions. As a result, you may find that your finances are perplexing and upsetting mystery. Your income may roller coaster up and down until you come to terms with the fact that you’re currently incarnated in a western capitalist society that operates on individualism.
To heal this situation understand that money is merely energy and can be used for good purposes or negative ones. Know That money, is in itself, is neutral; it is what you do with it that matters. Act with the intention to help the world through charity and generosity. That is a noble virtue.
Karmic Relationships
This card indicates that one or more of the people in your current life are from previous lifetimes. You both ended your relationships with karmic imbalances.  This means that one or both of you are most likely harboring old feelings that need to be healed and released.  When this occurs you will be set free from recurring, destructive and toxic relationship patterns.
In some cases this card will arrive when there’s a reunion with a beloved soul from a previous life . Perhaps you finally reconnected with the romance partner from your past are new friendship is bringing you great joy. With healthy past life connections, you’ll immediately feel a sense of comfort and familiarity.
You received this card in answer to a question or concern that involves a karmic relationship. Fortunately, you can’t appeal to heaven for help in releasing any old, stuck energies or emotions. You may also be guided to work with a specialist and past life regression and relationship healing.
You probably already know that you were a high priest or high priestess steering one or more prior lifetimes. Most people who have held these rolls have a conscience sense of it.. You also retain your height and spiritual knowledge which this card is urging you to put into greater practice.
Itis time for you to reignite your spiritual power and use it to service of your divine mission of healing, teaching, and helping the world. This card urges you to release any insecurities You may have about your spiritual abilities or any fears about others knowing your beliefs.
Health Your relationship to health and healing is influenced by other lifetimes. You may be suffering from a physical problem that was inflicted upon you during your last life. Perhaps You reincarnated so quickly that you didn't have time to deal with the underlying issues. Your physical health has caused you hardshi, yet it has also taught you a deeper level of compassion than You could have learned in a healthy body. You've also developed healing skills that can benefit others; in fact, You may already know that you're a Healer. This knowledge was acquired in previous lifetimes when you performed healing for others. Back then, your Earthly needs were likely taken care of by the community so you may struggle with the idea of charging money for healing work in this life. It's helpful to know that in this current Western Society, everyone must charge for their work, including those who provide spiritually Based Services.
Santa Muerte for Messages from Ruth Miller for Selena
The Wheel of FortuneX The Wheel of Fortune: according to the position in which this card appears, it represents the beginning, the middle, or the end of a cycle. It represents dynamism , mutation, and the complementarity with which we move uninterrupted, changing direction and orientation. On the horizon can be seen unexpected but positive events, favorable circumstances, and successes, but one’s not to linger upon in order to avoid risking stagnation. If we do not continue to move, to be fluid, and changeable like the wheel itself we will find ourselves blocked and laziness will make our situation even more precarious.
The Advice of the Dead: Support new circumstances, and face the changes in front of you in time, if they enable you to proceed until it is necessary to change once
Santa Muerte
XIII 0r 13 - Santa Muerte: A profound transformation, a renewal, a true and proper revolution. If it is life that generates death then death generates life. We Are connected to all that surrounds us to those people who have come before us into those who will come from the cradle to the tomb, from the coffin to the womb, in a continual exchange and a continual regeneration, not opposites but complementary elements. Santa Muerte brings with it new projects, changes, cuts and the necessary abandonment of what we keep stationary and entangled, like the past or suffocating ties. These Changes however, are not always pain-free, but can bring with them trauma, anger, violence, and loss, including an immobility when we refuse to take on these transmutations.
Advice of the Dead: Accept the changes that are offered in front of you, without fear of cutting ties and cutting yourself off from your old positions, old ideas, or preconceptions. A mutation is imposing itself.
Queen of Wands: The Queen of Wands represents a person who is very dynamic and energetic, projected towards success and capable of optimal and generous advice. Her experience will also bring protection, self-assurance, and professional objectives. Only an excess of authoritarianism or obstinacy could cause instability, caprice, possessiveness or the inability to communicate one’s own ideas.
The Advice of the Dead: Concentrate your energies on the fundamental things in order to realize your projects, economizing and cutting off anything superfluous.
2 of Pentacles
Two of Pentacles: We are in front of two aspects of the same thing that once United will be ready to fly, but not until a great transformation has occurred. The transfer, however will be precarious and full of obstacles and worries. The desire to conclude a situation that is currently on hold, such as a contract or a financial project, could result in arguments are problems.
The Advice of the Dead: Moderate spending and acquisitions for the moment and a wait a more favorable and clear moment to act.
XIV or 14 is Temperance: this card is protection, healing, and circulation. It forces us to mitigate, to find the middle path, and to add something valid that is capable of placating to avoid traumatic cuts. Temperance is an arcana of adaptation,
reconciliation and harmony where it is corporation that determines the birth of something new, ready to spread out into the world. Whenever problems are raised, however it will be disorder and coldness that take the upper hand, unsettle the balance, and close off any kind of circulation or communication.
Advice of the Dead: Evaluate your objectives well and with moderation try to reach a balance that will enable you to make the unstable stable or move what is fixed.
6 of Cups
6 of Chalices/Cups: The balance is precarious and the tendency to live in the past accumulating memories and nostalgia could bring us to accumulate uncertainties, to hide from the present and an inevitable solitude. Only through renewal and new acquisition of trust regarding the future can the situation be reversed.
The Advice of the Dead: Carefully analyze the reasons for your current situation and use the energy at your disposal to organize your future rather than letting it shrivel and stagnate.
King of Chalices/Cups: The King of Chalices represents steadiness, calm, and benevolence. He is a mature figure, full of inventiveness, artistic abilities and capable of comforting, such his presence is a strong signal of success and expansion. Reversed however, he could represent the eruption of a fraud, egoism, or even corruption.
The Advice of the Dead: Rely on your emotions are trust the inventiveness of a male figure who is near to you and who will help you in your enterprise.
The Fool
0 The Fool: Whether it be the beginning or the end of a new project or journey, what the Fool brings with him is a great flood of energy, a feeling of lightness and novelty. The road on which he found himself-going towards moving away from something-can be seen as as an escape or a liberation. It is never the last always illuminated by intuition and perspicacity. If we are in the middle of a problem or a negative moment, this is because the card can bring with it as baggage things like chaos, impulsiveness, and decision and can lead to irrational choices, incoherence, or the flightiness of a butterfly.
Advice of the Dead: Continue along Road having focused on your objectives. Often, traveling lightly and freeing yourself of some “baggage” can help to channel your energy better.
The Queen of Pentacles: The Queen of Pentacles is an able an influential figure, secure in herself and able to cope in the material world without problems and from which she is abundantly rewarded. She is an ambitious woman who desires to always go higher, but for fear of falling and failing, risks remaining a victim to uncertainties, hesitation, or showing avid and capricious behavior.
Advice of the Dead: Do not remain too attached to what you have obtained or earned, but continue climbing with without worrying about how much you are risking.
10 of Swords
10 of Swords: The chrysalis has closed and the moth is now complete, evolved and able to hang from a height to have a total impartial view. The pain, the problems we have dealt with, the tears we have spilt, have reached their apex and are transformed, ready to overcome the situation by grabbing the opportunities that are presented in front of us and that we are now able to deal with.
The Advice of the Dead: Sublimate all the negative events that have passed and make the most of all the possibilities that are manifesting around you as soon as possible.
6 of Swords: The moment has arrived to distance ourselves, to face change and to move towards new ideas and solutions. The Six of Swords forces us to change even orientation, to find new expedients and new solutions in order to avoid easy and predictable solutions that also bring dissatisfaction stagnation or instability.
The Advice of the Dead: Continue to road towards the voyage that you have decided to embark upon, bringing with you the weight of all the errors you have made, but they have enriched you and made you mature.
King of Pentacles
King of Pentacles: A
rational person, mature, wise. Through his intelligence, he has managed to prosper into accumulate a lot of material goods. The King of Pentacles therefore brings with good earnings, rationality, and certainty. His defect is the risk of materialism poisoning, his moral and spiritual characteristics.
The Advice of the Dead: Help someone who needs it and who asks for support, as you can. Your reward will arrive in another form visit will enrich you all the same.
Page of Pentacles
Page of Pentacles: The Page of Pentacles, even though in a phase of maturation, brings an impetus towards a positive affirming search and with this initiative, good news and the first, if moderate earnings. The only risk is that of an excessive lightness, superficiality, and vanity that could bring premature waste and superficial investment.
The Advice of the Dead: Carefully evaluate the right moment for acting and invest your resources with the aim of avoiding any type of waste.
II The High Priestess: The high priestess represents wisdom such as the rigor and commitment to attain this through study, evaluation, management, and also through the consultation and closeness of a female figure, maternal and mature. She suggest a period of waiting or perhaps isolation during which it is possible to think deeply about what we need and then to grasp the key that will open what was previously accumulated. The risk of this process; however, is to remain too closed within oneself to accumulate, perhaps secrets, and then be prey to pride, laziness, or positivity, much like a bird that certainly observed from above, from its point of view, without acting.
The Advice of the Dead: proceeded with study and meditate on the best road that will take you where you can realize your project, without forgetting to value what you are accumulating or keeping.
Oracle of Shadow & Light = Messages for Selena
Dried Flower Fairy
This darling little fairy just loves to collect memories and treasure them, wearing them as garland, their sweet faded fragrance, reminding her of happy times. She helps you by collecting all your happy, sweet memories and keeping them from fading too. She has wings that resemble the wonderful monarch butterfly, which is renowned for the vast distances it can travel. So these memories may be a very long ago- down through the ages, but they are still able to fly to you and reach you with their message of love and sweetness, wherever you currently find yourself. When you experience a difficult and challenging time, the Dried flower fairy flies to your side, shows you a moment that you had forgotten, and magically the present moment transforms. You will always have her with you, most especially in the times when those sweet moments seem furthest away. She will come to you, and she will remain with you. Expect calls out of the blue, bumping into old friends, a photograph of a loved one, or a reminder of happiness coming to you in other sweet and serendipitous ways.
Shallow Grave
29 Shallow Grave: Message: You miss someone.This beautiful young woman is missing someone deeply, and she knows, perhaps for the first time, what it is to lose someone. Missing someone can be very hard.. It feels like a physical ache, and our hearts can’t be broken, because humans had the capacity to connect like no others in the universe: we love, and we love so deeply that love can continue even when the form we loved is no longer with us. If you have received this card in a reading, it is time to acknowledge just how deeply you have yearned for someone’s return, and how much that person’s loss has affected you. That being could be a friend, a pet You loved, or a grandparent or parent who has left, and missing this is so strong sometimes is a physical hurt. It is time to let something go , but before you do, let’s take a moment to acknowledge what this was to you, know that this meant so much, and that by return it to the past, rather than yearning for in the present, you are creating a future that has a greater freedom to it. There are opportunities for fresh start all the time. Every day, in a sense, gives you a clean slate.
It is time for you to stop hanging on so sadly to that which has long passed.  Mourn, and then come back to Us, ready to live again.
Pink Lotus Fairy
43 Pink Lotus Fairy: Message: A time for Spirit.
You may love your guilt-free rants, staying up too late, and happily behaving badly, but you’re about to balance all that out with some very powerful new spiritual teaching and connections.
You are to me a wise one who seems very still , very slow, and very peaceful. She will be tranquil and sane and emerged in a past the until now has felt too slow or “foreign”for you. But this teacher, who is represented by the Pink Lotus Fairy, will assist you in finding more of your soul’s true wisdom. Within this time of inner discovery, You will commit to disciplined new training in the mental realms: study and physical movement that is unfamiliar to you, which helps you to not naturally true starts that are empowering and enlivening, yet completely authentic and real. You will learn to be still and listen to the beat of your heart without giving into restlessness, are the critical voice inside, are the clichés the ego loves to trip you up with. After you have learned more discipline through peaceful practice of meditation or exercise or mantras, You will not do yourself more willingly, without guilt, Angie will have returned to a place of tranquility, self- love, and peace. You will bring into balance your own shadows and light. Don’t worry- you will be happier and more peaceful, but she won’t be boring. You never could be.
14 Marie Masquerade: Message: Glamour, intrigue, drama.
Marie is very much like the famed Queen of France Marie Antoinette. She is stylish and delightful, always finding new and fascinatingly creative ways to amuse herself. Wherever she is, there is decadence and style, truly glamorous moments, and lavish entertainments. But even she knows she is simply amusing herself, and that there is a hole at the center of her being, where she wishes she were loved for who she truly is, and can rely only on her talent and style to express herself, and not be judged for this. To be her friend is no problem at all as long as you remain truly yourself. Only, being with her has somehow made you wish to be more like her. Look they need to mask, and the beauty, and the exquisite stylings, and see into her heart. Be her friend, and her companion, but never forget who you are, and what is important to you. Someone is about to invite you to be involved in something very intriguing. And this person will ask you in ways that are ever so charming, so the temptation will be ever so strong. Because this person is beautiful and talented and powerful you are flattered. But the truth is you run the risk of paying a very high price for this brush with same or glory. They sure that the politics and the intrigues are ones you truly wish for in your life-because there is often sacrifice that must be made, and many consequences are currently hidden from you. It is tempting, no doubt, but it may not be within your best interest to pursue the strange, slightly tainted offer that will be made.
Ghosts of the Past
Ghosts of the Past 42: Message: The past returns for a time…
At a masquerade ball, you see a beautiful young woman who has taken off her mask. The second she did so, people from her past invaded her party.
“All about me are ghosts of the past, come here, perhaps, so I can finally lay them to rest! I have taken off my mask, and I know who I am, while they are still wearing theirs and still very much as I left them so long ago. It seems I must turn and face them and make peace with them, perhaps even going over some old ground before I can move on to fresh fields. I have an urge to put my mask on, and mingle with them as I was… but I will not. I will be who I have become. I am no longer afraid of the shadows in my past. I am at peace with all that I have been, And all that I am.” These ghosts with masks are here to show you what or who needs an adjustment in your life. A clearing, where you make peace with people you feel you may have wronged, is in order. None of us is perfect. All of us need to forgive and be forgiven. This is the cause of the indecision you are now facing: the ghosts of the past are haunting you. The time for hiding who you are and pretending to be “normal” and “just like everyone else” is done.
Sewer Mermaid
Card 25: Sewer Mermaid.
Message: Your sensuality is beautiful. When the sewer mermaid swims in, she is here to remind you of the treasures you have that you may have labeled “bad” and perhaps even pitched away, forced underneath. We often have negative thoughts or speak to ourselves in negative ways and we begin to feel we are not good enough.  And when this takes place, the result can be that we begin to create negative experiences, blockages, and difficulties. We push people away rather than attract them. We hide for fear that what others see will not be good enough.  The mermaid at the hidden spaces is here to show you that your dark thoughts have told you lies about your great beauty. You are your own self and all that you are is perfect whole and complete.
Murder of Crows = past, present, future
past is Queen of Swords
Queen of Swords keywords: wise governance, accomplishing difficult tasks, femme fatale, bitterness.
- Here is a spirit who never hesitates to step over courses in her pursuits. She has felt much pain, but always gained incredible wisdom from the experience, crafting a resolute, diamond-hard will. She has learned to edit things out of her life with surgical precision, keeping only what she needs to gain power and achieve her goals. Fools think they can outsmart her, but she cleans their blood from her blade all the same. Their mistake was forgetting that no one is entirely as they seem, just look at her shadow and you will see there is more to her than meets the eye.
present is 9 of Swords
9 of Swords keywords: Fears, oppression, insomnia.
Of all the horrors You face in this land, the most overwhelming are those that take shape in your mind. Pitiless wings, the color of the void unfold before you. A shrill cry penetrates your bones. The demons in your dreams, your own demons, rob you of sleep.
future is Knight of Pentacles
Knight Pentacles: the birds may squawk at the rider to pick up their pace and bring the horse to a gallop, but their mind is set and their steady step will not be altered by these angry croakers. This one can be relied on to see the quest through to the end. They will journey into uncharted realms; While they gaze at the horizon, their wise spirit keeps them safe on the ground. They Will follow the certain route to victory. There is a nobility and taking the straight track and turning a blind eye to the distraction. Keywords: Devoted emissary, functionary, grounded, exploration, taking the sensible path to success.
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