Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Auntie Shy


Imperial Dragon Oracle

A. Imperial Dragon Oracle = Ideas about purpose = Solitaire/The Hermit #9, Balance/Justice #11, Power/The Emperor #4, The Lunar Dragon/The Moon #18

Past Life Oracle
 B. Past Life Oracle = Information about past lives that will help her in this life = Forgiveness, Lessons and Blessings, Communal Living, Authority Figures, Persecution and Inquisition, Spirituality and Religion 

Oracle of Shadow and Light
C. Oracle Of Shadow and Light = any messages to help Shyann feel happier = Violet Duchess: Stifled, bored, stuck #18;  Angel of Time: Working too hard # 40; Pink Lotus Fairy: A time for Spirit #43; Amara the Menuhume: Aloha healing#   ; and I Am Kali: From death comes rebirth #13

18 Violet Duchess

Message: Stifled, bored, and stuck.
Bored! Stifled! Ah yes,  she’s trying to be “good” and “nice” and polite - but it’s not working. This lovely and very passionate aristocrat has her fairy wings firmly in, not visible at all, and is sitting stiffly, listening to someone give a lecture on manners. She’s polite on the surface, but it’s easy to see (and feel) that she is bored, frustrated, and ready to fly away at the first opportunity. She is tired of the stuffiness of people around her, of being proper, formal, and ever so ladylike! She finds herself restricted by a world where manners and protocols have become more important than spontaneity, magick, and freedom, and she longs for that. For now, she will bide her time, but you can see the frustration growing beneath - and frustration is , after all, only your own life force, turned within, and longing to break free of its restraints.

Your desire to be locked to please, and to be seen as a lady or gentleman is cheating yourself out of something wonderful that you deserve to experience.

40 Angel of Time 
Message: Working too hard!
The angel of Time looks very fierce and stern, and that’s because you need to hear her message. You see if she appeared to you in a soft guise,  it would be too easy for you to overlook her message and just continue on is if she had never visited. The truth is that you are forcing yourself beyond your energetic limits at this time - working too hard, self loving and connecting with the universe way too little. So she has appeared to remind you of what it is you are turning your world into: one big machine, where you are one cog in it. You are an important, soulful, beloved being, but the world of work is not going to end if you step away from its mechanism for a while. “It is time” she says “for a time out. Will you listen?
“ i’m getting straight to the point here, because someone really has to tell you. Stop giving so much to your work. All your time. Your energy. Your passion. Take better care of your health. This is the time to fulfill all those promises you made to yourself, barely made even the key meditate eat well. Take up general exercise and change unhealthy emotional patterns that are compromising your well-being.

43 Pink Lotus Fairy: Message: A time for Spirit.
You may love your guilt-free rants, staying up too late, and happily behaving badly, but you’re about to balance all that out with some very powerful new spiritual teaching and connections.
You are to me a wise one who seems very still , very slow, and very peaceful. She will be tranquil and sane and emerged in a past the until now has felt too slow or “foreign” for you. But this teacher, who is represented by the Pink Lotus Fairy, will assist you in finding more of your soul’s true wisdom. Within this time of inner discovery, You will commit to disciplined new training in the mental realms: study and physical movement that is unfamiliar to you, which helps you to not naturally true starts that are empowering and enlivening, yet completely authentic and real. You will learn to be still and listen to the beat of your heart without giving into restlessness, are the critical voice inside, are the clichés the ego loves to trip you up with. After you have learned more discipline through peaceful practice of meditation or exercise or mantras, You will not do yourself more willingly, without guilt, Angie will have returned to a place of tranquility, self- love, and peace. You will bring into balance your own shadows and light. Don’t worry- you will be happier and more peaceful, but she won’t be boring. You never could be.

19: Amara the Menehune.
Message: Aloha healing.
Amara represents the spirit of the tropics: she is warm, sensual, sweet and laden with gifts for you. She eats fruits and flowers and dances and sings the songs of her ancestors. She is laughter and fresh, flowing water and hope and warmth. She yes at home in the world outside , in a nature field with the sound of dolphins, the music of waterfalls, the song of the warm breeze. There are also many sweet aromas when she comes to you, and she wishes for you to slow down and relax and to take your time and smell the frangipanis! There is no rush when Amara comes into your world: she knows that while you feel rushed. You are not eating right, nor digesting properly, nor connecting deeply, nor sleeping well, nor feeling fully. You are barely noticing the beauty of nature both with in and outside of you.. so it is time to treat yourself to some relaxation of the Hawaiian time when she comes to visit, and embrace the aloha spirit.
Aloha, it is time for get free time out for you when you will invite the energy of Hawaii and more self nurturing into your life . You need the power of sunshine on your body please give yourself a sunbath, natural energetic healing of pure golden light and feel the radiance warm your bones and fill you with joy!

I Am Kali 13: Message: From death comes rebirth.
Kali is the blue-skinned Hindu goddess of birth, death, and rebirth. Here She represents the destruction phase of this natural cycle, and it is her role to clear away all that is no longer needed. She is out in depicted dancing with swords, and she is said to cut off the head of those who do not heed the necessity of moving through these natural cycles. Her necklace of severed heads represents the end of slavery to the overthinking, over analytical self who gets stuck when all that is needed is action. This goddess is very strong, very powerful, and a mini way extremely protective, her nature can often frighten timid souls who fear, decisive. As she is a mother goddess, she helps with issues to do with brothers and sisters, teachers and parents, and will help with painful transitions.
Once received in a message, Kali energy is already activated. Let go, and allow her to assist you in releasing all that is no longer needed, and in taking powerful action to change your life.
“I am the dancer who moves through the fire, who wields my sword and severs the cords of energy that entangle you, and who is not afraid of the death that needs to happen. Every act of destruction is an act of creation, and this is no act of pointless destruction and brutality. I am clearing all that is leeching off your energy, draining your strength, and abrading those relationships that cannot do anything but keep you stuck. Whether you realize it or not, you called on me, and I have come to clear the path, to destroy that which you have longed to let go of. Something’s times has come. And it will be born again as nothing ever truly dies-it only changes. And that time has come! I am pure fire energy, and the great mother, and as I dance, the death you face brings you to new life.”
Working with Kali is extremely powerful, but it is work we all do, and all must do. If you have drawn this card, you are working with the energy of the fire, of the dancing Mother Goddess, who will teach You how to go through the change you have been resisting and feeling was too much, and who will purify and change everything. You must not stay still with this energy/-movement is essential for working with her-and her fierce nature is in fact a test of your own strength. Can you do what needs to be done, and still dance? Can you rejoice in the purification of stale energy? Can you walk forward, without hesitating? Can you say yes to what will come for you, on the other side of Kali’s fire? And will you wear your lessons proudly, as she does her necklace, and know that this death is an incarnation within an incarnation, a new life within this lifetime, born of fire?

Santa Muerte Tarot
D. Santa Muerte = messages for Shyann from Adrian = 4 of Cups, 4 of Wands, 2 of Cups, Wheel of Fortune, Knight of Pentacles, 9 of Pentacles, The Magician, 4 of Pentacles, Temperance, 7 of Wands

4 of Chalices: The number of stability United with the suit of the emotions, brings an excess of security, a monotonous rigidity and what is stagnant ends up rotting or tiring. Therefore it is good to find the right balance that transforms the stagnation, the apathy and the boredom into harmony and a healthy restlessness.
The Advice of the Dead: The moment has come to make a decision before what you have obtained ends up, boring you and stagnating.

4 of Wands: A particularly creative card, balanced, and prosperous. The 4 of Wands makes any desire become reality, bringing it complete into the world, and also reinforcing connections, social life, or any other new construction. The only risk is becoming too attached to material concerns are allowing complacency to slow your progress.
The Advice of the Dead: Make the most of this moment is stability to fully enjoy and benefit which you have gained.

2 of Cups: Love is the imperative of this card; passion, a strong connection of reciprocal exchange and attraction, affection, complementarity, and comprehension. It can signify a gestation after an accumulation, but reversed it can also symbolize the birth of jealousy, frustration, a betrayal, and a resulting separation. 
Advice of the Dead: Gain well-being and happiness when you have rightly accumulated it, but also when you have received and prepared for the next steps to take.

X The Wheel of Fortune: according to the position in which this card appears, it represents the beginning, the middle, or the end of a cycle. It represents dynamism , mutation, and the complementarity with which we move uninterrupted, changing direction and orientation. On the horizon can be seen unexpected but positive events, favorable circumstances, and successes, but one’s not to linger upon in order to avoid risking stagnation. If we do not continue to move, to be fluid, and changeable like the wheel itself we will find ourselves blocked and laziness will make our situation even more precarious.
The Advice of the Dead: Support new circumstances, and face the changes in front of you in time, if they enable you to proceed until it is necessary to change once

Knight of Pentacles. The knight of pentacles brings with him a rabid and dynamic game, such as an assured booty. He is a resistant and persevering worker very practical and taking initiative. He can also easily be egocentric and un concerned about his own or other people’s feelings as long as he can achieve his own interest. He can also be caught between laziness and a difference.
The Advice of the Dead: Do not let a good occasion escape when it is in front of you. Take a risk even if it is your heart that is pushing you in that direction.

9 of Pentacles: With the nine of pentacles, we reach the maximum expansion thanks to long sightedness and through continual and regular movement towards development, success, and attaining new conquests. Nevertheless, we cannot continue to expand endlessly, or we will risk being suffocated by ourselves and what we have attained.
The Advice of the Dead : Properly evaluate the limits within which you can expand and you will manage to realize and consolidate even beyond what you can see and touch.

I Magician. We are facing a beginning, and we can begin with the choices in harmony with our deepest will, letting the primordial fire that illuminates the head of the magician act as the spark. Potentials, such as his talent, his abilities to persuade or astuteness are at their maximum level and it creative and receptive equilibrium, catalyzed by his instruments, such as the wand and the chalice. Where however the will is not clear but clouded, as if covered by a veil, it is then easy to act imprudently, to have prejudices to hesitate or to remain in a stalled situation, a victim of indecision.
The Advice of the Dead: Do not waste time: act. You can trust your own abilities without delay, but carefully evaluate where you aim your potential and the object of your choices.

The Four of Pentacles: The stability of four gives this card a positive balance and we can talk about savings as well as generosity, gifts, earnings, something received as an inheritance or the nearing of a favorable moment that is slowly maturing. Only a certain passitivity due to stagnation could leave us prey to superior external forces. 

The Advice of the Dead: Continue  to concentrate on your present situation, working and resisting any eventual obstacles or barriers.
XIV or 14 is Temperance: this card is protection, healing, and circulation. It forces us to mitigate, to find the middle path, and to add something valid that is capable of placating to avoid traumatic cuts. Temperance is an arcana of adaptation, reconciliation and harmony where it is corporation that determines the birth of something new, ready to spread out into the world. Whenever problems are raised, however it will be disorder and coldness that take the upper hand, unsettle the balance, and close off any kind of circulation or communication.
Advice of the Dead: Evaluate your objectives well and with moderation try to reach a balance that will enable you to make the unstable stable or move what is fixed.

7 of Wands: A moment of great rush of energy, openness, and growth towards the heights. The Seven of Wands brings with it collaboration, actions, structures that are already complete and formed but precisely for this reason, if the tendency is towards excessive conservatism, it could cause discussions, indecisions and friction.
The Advice of the Dead: Make a decision quickly, even consulting people around you, in order to proceed and go ahead. Is this not yet the time to put down roots.

ChatGPT Analysis

A. Imperial Dragon Oracle: Ideas About Purpose
  • Solitaire (The Hermit #9): She may need to take time for introspection and self-discovery. Purpose can only come when she truly knows her inner self. Encourage her to trust the wisdom gained during quiet, reflective moments.
  • Balance (Justice #11): Her purpose may involve creating harmony, fairness, or advocating for justice. It suggests a need for accountability and aligning her actions with her higher truth.
  • Power (The Emperor #4): She’s being called to step into her leadership and authority. Perhaps she has untapped strength and an ability to lead or guide others, but she might feel hesitant to embrace this role.
  • The Lunar Dragon (The Moon #18): There might be confusion, fears, or illusions around her purpose. She’s being asked to trust her intuition and explore her subconscious. Dreams or deep emotional work may reveal her true path.

Overall: These cards suggest a journey of self-discovery, aligning with her inner truth, and stepping into her power. Helping her recognize her own strength and intuition is key.

B. Past Life Oracle: Insights from Past Lives

  • Forgiveness: Past life wounds may involve betrayal, guilt, or resentment. Healing her purpose in this life may require releasing old hurts and extending forgiveness to herself and others.
  • Lessons and Blessings: Each experience, whether positive or negative, was meant to teach her something. These lessons are now blessings—remind her to look at her life as a tapestry of growth.
  • Communal Living: She may have struggled with individual identity in past lives. This could be why she feels unsure of her potential now. Encourage her to strike a balance between independence and community.
  • Authority Figures: She could have unresolved issues with authority or leadership. Perhaps in this life, she’s learning how to navigate power dynamics or step into her own authority.
  • Persecution and Inquisition: Fear of judgment or punishment may hold her back from embracing her full potential. This could tie into her hesitation to stand out or lead.
  • Spirituality and Religion: Her connection to spirituality may feel deeply rooted, but past life trauma (e.g., persecution) may make her wary. Remind her that she can create her own spiritual path without fear.

Overall: Encourage her to reflect on themes of independence, authority, and healing through forgiveness. Embracing her spiritual self in this life will be a powerful step forward.

C. Oracle of Shadow and Light: Messages for Happiness

  1. Violet Duchess (#18): Stifled, bored, stuck
    Present: She feels stagnant or restricted in her current environment or routine. This may tie into why she’s not fully shining in her abilities. A change in environment, routine, or mindset could help spark her creativity and joy.

  2. Angel of Time (#40): Working too hard
    Action: She might be overworking herself or prioritizing responsibilities over her happiness. Encourage her to slow down, set boundaries, and make space for rest and self-care.

  3. Pink Lotus Fairy (#43): A time for Spirit
    Future: Spiritual practices, such as meditation or connecting with nature, will help her feel grounded and open her to new insights. This aligns with her past life card, Spirituality and Religion.

  4. Amara the Menehune: Aloha Healing
    Healing is key to moving forward. Encourage her to explore healing modalities—emotional, physical, or spiritual—that resonate with her.

  5. I Am Kali (#13): From Death Comes Rebirth
    Major transformation is on the horizon. She might need to release old habits, patterns, or relationships that no longer serve her. This rebirth process can bring immense growth and happiness.

Overall: This spread shows her moving from a place of stagnation to renewal and healing. Encourage her to slow down, connect spiritually, and embrace transformation.

D. Santa Muerte: Messages from Adrian

  1. 4 of Cups: Adrian may sense she’s feeling discontent or unmotivated. He wants her to notice opportunities or blessings she might be overlooking.
  2. 4 of Wands: He sees a celebration or stability in her future—possibly family harmony or success.
  3. 2 of Cups: Adrian might be reminding her of the importance of partnerships and mutual love. It could also symbolize healing a key relationship in her life.
  4. Wheel of Fortune: Changes are coming, and Adrian wants her to know that life’s ups and downs are part of her growth.
  5. Knight of Pentacles: Steady, practical progress is key. He may be encouraging her to focus on building something meaningful, even if it takes time.
  6. 9 of Pentacles: Adrian sees her potential for independence, abundance, and self-reliance. He wants her to believe in her ability to thrive.
  7. The Magician: She has all the tools and resources she needs to create the life she wants. Adrian is telling her she is capable of manifesting her desires.
  8. 4 of Pentacles: He may caution against holding on too tightly to old ways or fears. Letting go is necessary for growth.
  9. Temperance: Balance is key. Adrian wants her to seek harmony and moderation in all aspects of life.
  10. 7 of Wands: He acknowledges her struggles but reminds her to stand her ground. She’s stronger than she realizes.

Overall: Adrian’s message is one of encouragement and empowerment. He wants her to know she’s capable of achieving stability, love, and independence, but she must stay open to change and trust her abilities.


  • Purpose (Spread A): Shyann is on a path of self-discovery, requiring her to embrace her inner power and intuition.
  • Past Life Lessons (Spread B): She’s healing themes of forgiveness, independence, and authority, while reconnecting with her spirituality.
  • Happiness (Spread C): She’s moving from stagnation and overwork into healing and spiritual renewal. Transformation is coming.
  • Adrian’s Messages (Spread D): He sees her strength and potential and encourages her to trust herself, embrace change, and move forward with balance.

She's a red head and i pegged her as a "Witch" long ago. I saw the same message in Oracle of Shadow and Light, and thanks so much for helping with Past Life Oracle. I cried when reading Granddad's message <3

 Her being a redhead and your intuitive recognition of her as a "Witch" align beautifully with the energy in these cards—she’s clearly got some deep, transformative magic within her! 💫

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Auntie Shy

  Imperial Dragon Oracle A.   Imperial Dragon Oracle = Ideas about purpose = Solitaire/The Hermit #9, Balance/Justice #11, Power/The Emperor...