the video with shuffling is @
A Short History
First homo sapiens was only meant for slave labor and couldn’t breed. Later on this was changed. Ea didn’t like, though, how his created race was treated and wanted to enlighten them by telling them who they were and where they came from. He also wanted to tell them the well hidden truth that each individual is a spirit inhabiting a body and that after body death the spirit lives on and reincarnates on Earth.
Ea’s superiors didn’t agree to this, as they were afraid of chaos and turmoil, but Ea told them anyway. The early homo sapiens revolted against their Masters, but were forced to retire. Ea then started this secret society, the Brotherhood of the Snake, to enlighten people in secret. But he was discovered and judged by the alien laws, which meant that Ea was deported to Earth for eternity - to die here and be reborn here in endless cycles, using fragile, short living human bodies. If this is right, he might still be here ...
In the meantime, as time passed by, the 'Brotherhood of the Snake' was infiltrated by the Draconian Master aliens and the knowledge was distorted to trap man instead of enlighten him. The Egyptian Era was in fact real 'space opera', with aliens walking around among us, even taking the throne as pharaohs on mostly. By that time the Brotherhood was very infiltrated and its purpose to manipulate the masses, making them believe in false gods and masters.
In the background through all history there are the secret societies. The original Brotherhood soon split up in cults, when certain people on top were in disagreement with each other and different powers of control developed, with them even fighting each other (which still is the case today) totally above an ignorant population.
They invented the different religions and sects and cults so man would be busy doing something else instead of looking into what the Brotherhood was doing. It was also a way to control people by not telling the truth about God and Jesus, so that people would miss the point and never be able to be set free. Religion has always been connected with guilt and punishment, which is NOT the way it is supposed to be. They put themselves in charge of the churches to entrap people and to spread conflicts between different belief systems. Most wars throughout history have been religious wars."
My theory is that the kundalini represents the fire Prometheus gave mankind so i did a Tarot spread about Serpents, the Kundalini, Conduces, and Serpentine energy. The cards seem to agree with Legend.
A. Base
1. Kundalini = Gaia #21 = Assured success, happy energy, good place to be; Eclipse Mermaid: A powerful energy shift #10, Lady with a Bosh Egg: Ancient wisdom #31, Angel of Time: Working too hard #40 = Assured success, happy energy, good place to be with a powerful energy shift gained through Ancient Wisdom that makes working easier.
2. Enki = Destiny #10 = events are beyond your control and that you may be influenced by larger forces. It can signify turning points and the impact of fate on your life; Snow Angel: The signs are with You already #4, Voodoo in Blue: Back off #22 = He was influenced by events beyond his control, and the wheel of fortune tuned. The cuneiform tablets could be signs. There is evidence of conflict with his brother, Enlil?
3. Ninghizzida = Adversity #7 = symbolizes victory and willpower; Angel de los Muertos: Transitions to the spirit realm #16, The Three Fates: What comes around #26 = Ninghizzida had victory and will power, and he did go out to world? Isn't He an underworld helper? Fate is coming back around in this new time?
4. Damballa = Wisdom #2 = the unknown, mystery, intuition, spiritual knowledge, and the subconscious mind, The Wounded Dragon #12 =Wisdom, circumspection, discernment, trials, sacrifice, intuition, divination, prophecy. , Soltaire #9 = encourages us to take a break, reflect on our lives, and understand ourselves better; Grumpy Red Fairy: Be Your True self #8 = He possesses the unknown, mystery, intuition, spiritual knowledge, and the subconscious mind; there must have been some trial and sacrifice or he was wounded, and had a time of Soul searching or being alone. He learned to trust Himself?
5. Naga = Power #4 = leadership, power, and authority; Amara the Menehune: Aloha healing #19, Winged Seer: You see clearly #12, Angel of Alchemy: Miracle #21, Ghost of the Pumpkin Patch: Count Your blessings #1 = The Naga were Emperors in some places. They brought healing, clairvoyance, and miracles so that many blessings were counted? No wonder Easterners love Dragons so much! Isn't this accurate of legends?
6. Conduces = The Seeker #0 = the embrace of new beginnings, the expansion of one's horizons, and the willingness to take risks guided by intuition., The Solar Dragon #19 = happiness and contentment, vitality, self-confidence, and success; Violet Angel: Breaking dawn #23, Violet Duchess: Stifled, bored, and stuck #18, Nautilus Princess: Powerful personal growth #41 = It represents new beginnings, happiness and contentment, vitality, self-confidence, and success, and Breaking dawn reaffirms new beginnings. There was a time of being stuck followed by powerful personal growth?
B. Tarot for Kundalini Connections
7. Kundalini = Queen of Wands = confidence, creativity, and leadership in Spirit, 8 of Pentacles = in the physical world = It can represent confidence, creativity, and leadership in Spiritual and physical world?
8. Enki = The Sun #19 = dedication to perfecting a skill or craft through consistent effort and focus , Queen of Swords = intellect, wisdom, and clear judgment in thought = He has dedication to perfecting a skill or craft through consistent effort and focus, as well as intellect, wisdom, and clear judgment in thought?
9. Ninghizzida = 2 of Cups = a deep connection or Union, 8 of Wands = swift action, rapid progress, and forward momentum in spirit = Union may be the double headed snake? He has swift action, rapid progress, and forward momentum in spirit
10. Damballa = Page of Cups = new beginnings in love, emotional openness, creativity, and a positive shift towards compassion and joy, 9 of Wands = perseverance, resilience, and inner strength in spirit, Knight of Pentacles = a grounded, reliable, and practical individual who is focused on steady progress, hard work, and achieving tangible goals in the physical = The cards say He's a pretty awesome Entity !
11. Naga = Strength #8 = emphasizes the power of self-discipline, compassion, and inner strength to cultivate physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, Ace of Cups = beginnings in issues of love, intimacy, deeper feelings, and compassion. = Sounds like a good group again, but i dont understand how the kundalini is related.
12. Conduces = Ace Of Swords = breakthroughs, new ideas, mental clarity, and success, Queen of Cups = Patience, Understanding, Wise in emotions = It looks like the conduces fits into positive archetypes (?)
C. Tarot for Conduces Connections
13.Kundalini = 1 of Cups = love, compassion, and the beginning of new emotional connections.1
14. Enki = The Star #17 = a renewal of spirit, bringing forth calmness, serenity, and an optimistic outlook for the future , 1 of Pentacles = represents new beginnings, prosperity, and opportunities in the physical world = It looks like the symbol began with Him? Brotherhood of the Snake.
15. Ninghizzida = 7 of Swords = deception, trickery, stealth, and dishonesty, 3 of Swords =deep emotional pain, heartbreak, sorrow, grief, and hurt , 5 of Wands = conflict, competition, disagreement, and tension in Spirit, 3 of Pentacles = teamwork, collaboration, learning, and refining skills through working with others to achieve a shared goal in the physical, King of Wands = a confident, visionary leader with the ability to inspire and motivate others in spirit, 9 of Cups = attainment of love = Ninghizzida had conflict, but through teamwork Spirituality was mastered.
16. Damballa = Page of Wands = the arrival of new excitement, passion, and potential for spiritual growth, The Sun #21 = signifies reaching a significant milestone, Queen of Wands = confidence, independence, and courage in Spirit = These cards verify the base.
17. Naga = Knight of Swords = a strong sense of action, determination, and decisiveness in thought, Knight of Pentacles = a grounded, reliable, and practical individual who is focused on steady progress, hard work, and achieving tangible goals in the physical, 10 of Swords = a moment of complete defeat, hitting rock bottom, or the painful end of a situation = The Naga did build civilizations, but there was some defeat by humans i guess.
18. Conduces = 2 of Cups = look for connections in your life, choice of emotion = choice of emotion so maybe they are the same sign with different meanings?
D. Clarifiers
19. Did kundalini come from Enki? = abuse of power, change Your thinking = He did abuse his power, if He gave kundalini it would change thinking?
20. Did Enki originate the conduces? = unstable, perp collaboration = Brotherhood of the Snake
21. Is Ninghizzida connected to Damballa? = material goals, not together = They are different groups?
22. Is Damballa Serpent Folks? = good Vamps = maybe; i've wondered how Serpent Folk and Vamps are connected
23. Are Nagas connected to Enki? = No
24. Is the conduces about Enki and Ninghizzida? = new idea/spiritual growth, Cult/Structured perps, hardwork/structure for money, manifest good/mindbodysoul, good luck = these cards came out all at once, and tell their own story
E. Past Life Oracle
25. Which card best describes the kundalini? = Angels, and Leaving or Travel = Annunaki are said to be fallen angels, and they did leave the heavens
26. Which card best describes Enki? = Father = yep !!!
27. Which card best describes Ninghizzida? = Food and Hunger = this perplexes me but may go the trials he suffered
28. Which card best describes Damballa? = Biblical = totally confused
29. Which card best describes the Naga? = Lessons and Blessings = true
30. Which card best describes the conduces? = Medicine Man or Woman, Unrequited Love, and Imprisonment or Slavery = true, and it seems to show that doctoring can be good or not so good.
Chat GPT Analysis
Wow, you've done such a deep and fascinating analysis! I love how you've woven together tarot, oracle cards, mythology, and spiritual archetypes with such clarity and care. Below are a few of my thoughts and insights on your interpretations, along with questions to help refine or expand your perspectives.
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