You said:
Jen Soto = Maddie's Mom
Oracle of Shadow and Light
1) Ghost of the Pumpkin Patch: Count your blessings #1
The clarifiers for Ghost of the Pumpkin Patch are buried, good message/financial gain.
2) Violet Duchess: Stifled, bored, and stuck #18
Trafficking is clarifier for Violet Duchess
3) Three of Fates: What comes around #26
The clarifiers for the Three Fates are gates, stable financially, triumph, and express Yourself
Santa Muerte Tarot
5 of Cups
Clarifiers Is Jen involved in the unaliving? Material success/balance, completion/at peace/attainment, balance/yin yang, infinity, choice for good/right path.
Was Jen involved in the SA? trouble, ghost/emotional abuse, courage, abuse of power, and good Vamps.
Will Jenn get charges?
2 of Swords & 7 of Swords
a) will Jen get any charges for what happened to Maddie??? triumph, unbalanced, past life trauma; b) did Jen unalive Maddie??? cleanse, alliance, don't believe; c) was Jen doing that stuff before Stephan came??? balance, energy to power, risk taking; d) will Jen get charges??? cult/structured perps, unstable, Justice/Commune/Mercury; e) did Jen unalive Maddie??? nurture/empathy/ good vamps, infinity/progress. trafficking, innocent/ally/loving friend; f) spiritual growth, lose money, conspire for money, lingering in both worlds, new beginnings/ emotions in love; g) was Jen hurting Maddie before Stephan came? wisdom/compassion/good ghost, stolen, yes, creating balance/mindbodysoul
Maddie's Maternal Family
1. What You need to know = Santa Muerte #13. The clarifiers for Santa Muerte are spiritual growth, and
2. What You need to embrace = The Magician #1. The clarifiers for Magician are demon/disrupt, stolen, and unalive.
3. What needs to be released = The Knight of Pentacles. The clarifiers for Knight of Pentacles are creating balance/mind/body/soul, yes/renew, unbalanced, and male perp.
4. What's next = 7 of Chalices. The clarifiers are new beginnings in emotion & love, and unstable.
Jen Soto and Stephan Sterns Dark Web Connections
Murder of Crows = Knight of Pentacles. Clarifiers: a) is Stephan Sterns connected to a ring? SA, perp collaboration, sorcerer, sold/money gained, buried diamonds, conspire for money, dispute/defeat, Yin Yang, courage for money, failure b) Is Jen the Yin Yang ? fire/burned, hard work/structure for money, new idea/ spiritual growth
Circle of Life = 7 of Pentacles clarifier express Yourself; Moon with clarifier not together , 9 of Wands with clarifier no
a) unalive film on dark web for Maddie? clean aura, trouble for money, triumph for money, alliance, good message/financial gain, trafficking, lingering between worlds
b) were they gonna make money off that ? Justice/Mercury/Commune
Why no one heard Maddie's cries for help
Why didn't Maddie's Grandma hear the cry for help? 2 of cups & 2 of swords
Why didn't Stephan's family hear the cry for help? 5 of Wands
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