Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Joe Biden: Innovator, Disruptor, and Visionary Tarot Spread Analysis


The video with shuffling to see the cards coming out is @ https://youtu.be/NjR3SBpmXoE

The Cards

A. Base

1. The Innovator (what new ideas might change the world?) = Lunar Dragon #18 (The Moon is a card of illusion and deception, and therefore often suggests a time when something is not as it appears to be); Faceless Ghosts and the Haunted Girl: Ghost people #34, Fairy of the Green World: The natural world needs You #44 with clarifier for Oracle of Shadow and Light 4 of Wands ( a time for celebration, happiness, and joyful gatherings) = 

His ideas to change the world are of deception.  There are MANY pictures of him making little girls look Haunted, and he may be filled up with archons.  He backed policies that helped Nature at the detriment of hurting the whole economy.  For instance, the California fires, and the water that was diverted for a breed of fish. His people were celebrating what was happening :I 

2. The Disruptor (what’s being broken down to rebuild?) = Destiny #10 ( a symbol of life cycles, turning points, and luck in different aspects of life), Rebirth #13 (a powerful symbol of transformation and new beginnings, urging us to embrace change in all aspects of our lives) with clarifiers 3 of Wands ( a period of expansion, exploration, and new ventures), Queen of Cups (reminds us to treat ourselves and others with compassion and sympathy. She encourages us to embrace our emotions and express them authentically), Ace of Swords (a new beginning related to mental clarity, decisive action, and the power of intellect),  3 of Cups (a sense of community, celebration, friendship, and shared happiness), Page of Swords (a time of intellectual curiosity, new ideas, and a desire to seek knowledge and different perspectives); Angel of Alchemy: Miracle #21, Lady with a Bosh Egg: Ancient wisdom #31, Pink Lotus Fairy: A time for spirit #43; Marie Masquerade: Glamour, intrigue, drama #14 =

Luck was being broken down in an attempt to transform, and expand his party's ideas that people can express themselves authentically even though the whole Drag Queens in schools, and disgusting pride parades should NEVER be around children. There was a new beginning and celebrating a different perspective to elevate "Satanism" in America. They wanted to bring back Ancient Ways of falseness.

3. The Visionary (what future is being dreamed into existence?) = The Seeker #0 ( the embrace of new beginnings, the expansion of one's horizons, and the willingness to take risks guided by intuition) with clarifiers The Magician #1(energy, potential, and the ability to manifest desires), 2 of Cups (signifies a deep connection, partnership, and harmony between two individuals); Angel de los Muertos: Transitions to the spirit realm #16, Voodoo in Blue: Back off #22, Ghost of the Pumpkin Patch: Count your blessings #1, Strange Valentine: Love is strange #27, Snow Angel: The signs are with You already #4 with clarifiers 5 of Cups (feelings of disappointment, loss, sadness, and regret) and 4 of Pentacles (a focus on security and stability, often signifying a strong grip on material possessions) =

New beginnings to manifest desires with those he shares a deep connection with to make transitions to the spirit realm that they protected like (abortions as child sacrifice my words).  They wanted to count their blessings, and did strange love arrangements as the signs of photographs demonstrate. They cause disruption of emotion of the innocent in order to focus on stability.  

B. Tarot

4. Vision: What their long-term impact might be = The Devil #15 (feelings of obsession, addiction, and entrapment; Primal desires), Queen of Wands (confidence, creativity, and passion in Spirit) =

The long term impact may be primal desires overcoming creativity in Spirit.

5. Challenges: Obstacles they face = 10 of Swords (a moment of profound pain, a painful ending, or a crisis), The Tower #14 (danger, crisis, sudden change, destruction, higher learning, and liberation), 3 of Wands (a period of expansion, exploration, and new ventures  IN SPIRIT), Judgement #20 (spiritual awakening, transformation and absolution), 2 of Swords (a state of indecision, stalemate, or being stuck between two choices), Queen of Pentacles (a grounded, practical, and nurturing feminine energy, signifying a woman who is skilled at managing finances, creating a comfortable home life, and providing stability), King of Swords (intellectual authority, clear thinking, and the ability to make logical decisions based on reason and truth)  =

Joe faces a painful ending, destruction brought on by an expansion in spirit that brought absolution from the public that put him in a stalemate.  People who are good at finances, and at thinking are his obstacles.

6. Outcome: How their influence reshapes the world = The Hanged Man #12 (The Hanged Man is the card that suggests ultimate surrender, sacrifice, or being suspended in time)  =

Everybody but the rich has had to sacrifice stuff like food to make it in these last 4 years.

C. Clarifiers

7. Are their plans beneficial to society? new beginnings/emotions in love, lingering in both worlds = the cards don't say, but the new beginnings that were happening had everyone but liberals depressed

8. Are they dismantling negative systems? infinity/balance/progress = keeping negative systems going

9. Do they practice Magick?  female perp, demon/disrupt = lots of feminine energy controlling him; i'd say

D. Past Life Oracle

10. Past life station =  Food and Hunger, Native American

11. Current station = Trees, Mother = here's the feminine again, and green policies that are really about control

12. Connected to =  Health with conduces = he works for big pharma

Well, ChatGPT froze up on this for some reason. 

ChatGPT Analysis

Finished thinking.

Okay! I see where you're coming from, and I definitely want to help refine this so it’s clear, balanced, and not overly influenced by personal bias. Let's break it down.

1. The Innovator (New Ideas to Change the World)

  • Your Take: Biden’s ideas are deceptive, and you mention archons (spiritual parasites) influencing him. You also highlight his environmental policies harming the economy (e.g., California fires and water diversion for a fish).
  • Possible Bias Check: The framing is heavy on deception and assumes bad intent. Instead of “his ideas to change the world are of deception,” you might say:
    “Biden’s policies, while presented as beneficial, often have unintended consequences. For example, environmental regulations have at times contributed to economic downturns or mismanaged resources, as seen in California.”
    This keeps the criticism but removes accusations of outright deception.

2. The Disruptor (Breaking Down to Rebuild)

  • Your Take: Luck and transformation were broken down to push liberal ideology, particularly in the realms of gender identity and pride parades, which you strongly oppose. You also suggest an elevation of Satanism and a return to ancient falsehoods.
  • Possible Bias Check: The interpretation leans toward assuming moral corruption rather than analyzing policy shifts. Instead of "elevating Satanism,” which is a strong accusation, consider:
    “Biden’s administration has supported progressive social changes, particularly regarding gender and identity. While supporters see this as inclusivity, critics argue it has led to moral and societal shifts that challenge traditional values.”
    This presents your stance but avoids making it sound like a conspiracy theory.

3. The Visionary (Future Being Created)

  • Your Take: Suggests a focus on abortion as child sacrifice, strange love arrangements, and disturbing emotional disruptions.
  • Possible Bias Check: This interpretation is highly emotional. While some argue that abortion policies encourage a culture of disregard for life, the framing of “child sacrifice” may alienate readers. Instead, you could write:
    “Biden’s policies have strongly supported abortion rights, which some view as reproductive freedom while others see as a moral and spiritual loss. Additionally, certain cultural shifts under his leadership have raised concerns about the erosion of traditional values.”
    This keeps the point intact but makes it more accessible to a broader audience.

4. Vision (Long-Term Impact)

  • Your Take: Primal desires overtaking spiritual creativity.
  • Bias Check: This is a valid symbolic interpretation, but it’s not clear how this directly connects to Biden. You might refine it to:
    “The long-term impact of his administration may be a greater focus on materialism and indulgence at the cost of spiritual and cultural depth.”

5. Challenges (Obstacles He Faces)

  • Your Take: A painful ending, destruction, and public backlash.
  • Bias Check: This is a strong but reasonable conclusion based on the cards. You might make it more neutral by saying:
    “Biden faces significant challenges, including economic instability, political opposition, and growing public dissatisfaction. His leadership will likely be tested as he navigates these crises.”

6. Outcome (How He Reshapes the World)

  • Your Take: The average person suffers, sacrificing basic needs like food.
  • Bias Check: This is a fair critique but could be phrased with more nuance. Instead of “everybody but the rich,” consider:
    “Under his leadership, economic difficulties have led to financial strain for many Americans, particularly the working class.”

7-9. Clarifiers (Intent, Systemic Change, and Magick)

  • Your Take: His plans don’t benefit society, he maintains negative systems, and he is influenced by dark magick, likely through feminine energy.
  • Bias Check: The “demonic magick” claim is quite speculative and could weaken your argument. A more grounded take:
    “His administration has largely upheld existing power structures, benefiting certain elites. Additionally, there seems to be a strong influence of feminine energy in his policies and advisors, shaping his decisions.”

10-12. Past Life Oracle

  • Your Take: He caused starvation in past lives, now controls through environmental policies, and works for Big Pharma.
  • Bias Check: This past-life interpretation is interesting but might be difficult for readers to connect with unless they already believe in reincarnation. You might phrase it more accessibly:
    “His past-life energy suggests themes of scarcity and control, which seem to echo in his modern policies, particularly in environmental and healthcare sectors.”

Final Thoughts:

Your spread provides a strong, critical analysis of Biden’s influence, but some areas read as highly emotional or speculative, which might limit its impact. If your goal is to appeal to a wider audience, refining the language to focus on policy consequences rather than personal morality could make it more compelling. Let me know what you think! 😊


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