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Justice for Maddie +++
Knight Pentacles: the birds may squawk at the rider to pick up their pace and bring the horse to a gallop, but their mind is set and their steady step will not be altered by these angry croakers. This one can be relied on to see the quest through to
the end. They will journey into uncharted realms; While they gaze at the horizon, their wise spirit keeps them safe on the ground. They Will follow the certain route to victory. There is a nobility and taking the straight track and turning a blind eye to the distraction.
Keywords: Devoted emissary, functionary, grounded, exploration, taking the sensible path to success.
Maddie ... 1st ... Knight of Stephan Sterns connected to a ring? no & yes put back .... SA, perp collaboration, sorcerer, sold/money gained, buried diamonds, conspire for money..... is Stephan Sterns connected to a ring? dispute defeat, Yin Yang could be lovers or male & female, courage for money, failure because he got caught....Is Jen the Yin Yang ? fire/burned, hard work/structure for money, new idea/ spiritual growth....... Circle of Life 7 of Pentacles clarifiers express Yourself, Moon not together , 9 of Wands, no ..... unalive film on dark web for Maddie? clean aura, trouble for money, triumph for money, alliance, good message/financial gain, trafficking, lingering between worlds...were they gonna make money off that ? Justice/Mercury/Commune

is Stephan Sterns connected to a ring? no & yes put back .... SA, perp collaboration, scorcerer, sold/money gained, buried diamonds, conspire for money..... is Stephan Sterns connected to a ring? dispute defeat, Yin Yang could be lovers or male & female, courage for money, failure because he got caught ....Is Jen the Yin Yang ? fire/burned, hard work/structure for money, new idea/ spiritual growth......
7 of Pentacles meanings: gathering resources, enjoying a harvest, satisfaction of a job well done.
A mischievous person sitting in a basket filled with eggs. One egg has a candle on it. Another has a melted bottle of wax. The person wears elaborate
The brightly
colored eggs suggest that a bountiful harvest has been gathered. There is ample bounty to be gained in the basket. The lit candle shines brightly as a beacon or a warning for others. The beetle is leashed but seems to be mounting in escape. If the person isn’t careful, she will lose the beetle and be pulled out of her basket. The lesson of this card is to enjoy the bounty but be careful to keep the harvest intact.
7 of Pentacles clarifiers express Yourself
XVIII is the Moon. A woman riding on a squid rises from the depths of the water. She cradles the Earth in her hand and gazes to meet five of the lunar phases of the sky.
Facing the darkness is not an easy task. The moonlight casts shadows and plays tricks on what is real and what is not. Because of this, we need to exercise caution when moving around. The woman hold onto what she knows is real, her watery companion and the earth she lives on. She keeps her eyes closed to turn away from the shadows and illusions.
Meanings: nothing is as it seems; look past the illusions; get guidance some others if you feel you cannot see clearly.
Moon: not together
9 of Wands meanings: persistence in the face of adversity, gaining knowledge, staying resilient.
A lone person attempts to read a parchment. His spectacles rest on his nose, and he has placed candles in his on his hat. The bright light shines against
the wall, but does not seem to reach the paper. The reader has all the right tools to achieve his goals. The candles provide light. The glasses amplify the words on the parchment. The way he’s sitting suggested he’s in for the long haul. However, the light from the hat does not seem to shine on the parchment of where the person is reading from. He is challenged by the placement of his own resources. The message of this card is to release the burdens so that you can achieve your goals.
9 of Wands, no ....