Sunday, July 7, 2024

Willy's Kali Cards

 Since Willy is my bestie and mentor who has helped my Family cleanse bad spirits through the Years, i did a complicated read for him.  The first portion is toI will ask Momma Kali is asked what Willy needs to know about his past lives to help him reach Nibana.  

Willy is affected by his lifetime on ships. The question now because how his experiences have affected his present life. Negative reactions such as fears and phobias, or positive reactions such as longings to travel or a special affinity for the ocean all may have arisen in Prior lifetimes. ~my words are marked by this cute squiggle~

The clarifier cards seem to go with this section to help interpret Kali's message.  You mean Willy as this is for him. 

It looks like You took a risk on a ship and ended up lingering at the hedge between this side, and the other ~which may have been when You started becoming a Shaman~. 

 1) Blue Tara says that Your Soul has the ability to grow stronger, and She has a positive prediction for a peaceful future.  Could this be Nibana?  Even if it's not, You will be able to find peace. 

2) You had, and expressed negative thoughts that had a bad effect on You. Mantra Shakti tells You that were bourne able to deal with negatives so use Your voice to claim what You want.  

3) Bhavatarini says that You picked up stubborn patterning that resists healing.  This is a powerful time to heal these patterns.  She will assist You in healing practices so that emerge unharmed.

The Food and Hunger card says that You may hold onto fear and securities from a past life, but that You can open Yourself to abundance in this lifetime.  ~It looks like You did die of starvation which may affect the way You held onto attachments. I think the stability is an indication of the last card in the draw being Farm~

4)  In the past You weren't able to give up attachments, but Chinnamasta says that You have the power to severe all attachments.  ~Not having children seems to be the wisest way to severe attachments so that You will escape the reincarnation cycle~

Your health problems are caused by another life, but You have learned compassion from the problems.  You struggle with charging for helping people from past life a Healer type who was supported like a Monk; however, in Western Society it's okay to charge for services. ~You are unstable, but changing Your thinking can bring You financial stability~

 Gauri Devi says to be Your true self, and You shall shine.

Baglamukti says She will protect You from gossip and slander from others, and predicts a positive turning of the tide of Fortune   ~this seems to connect with persecution and inquisition~

 Smashana clears what affects Your confidence and opens You up for positive changes.

Persecution and Inquisition with the scared clarifier will be loosely paraphrased for video, but please read details in blog. You still have fear from being burned as a Witch or whatever form of torture You experienced for being a Shaman, but people aren't burned these days.  

8) Kali Kalmasa Nasini will eat this fear to free Your heart.  Perhaps Indonesia isn't totally safe, but see what's happening to other Shamans.  If it seems safe, maybe making money for Your gifts is okay, or maybe You could online with a paypal.

Farm.  This is an intuition card about future, and not past lives.  You had hunger, but You will be on a Farm or good place of abundance.  Notice my fave horses???  The clarifier cards confirm this with the new idea, cleanse, healthy mind, energy to power, and complete success.

9) Karma of Kali loves You, and advises You to worship the Divine Feminine, and slow Your pace to make faster progress.

10) Vishvamata says that grace will come from trusting where You are being lMomma Kali is asked what Willy needs to know about his past lives to help him reach Nibana.  

I will ask Momma Kali what Willy needs to know about his past lives to help him reach Nibana. 

First card is Ships. It looks like You took a risk on a ship and ended up lingering at the hedge between this side, and the other Which may have been when You started becoming a Shaman. 

 Blue Tara says that Your Soul has the ability to grow stronger, and She has a positive prediction for a peaceful future.  Could this be Nibana?  

You had, and expressed negative thoughts that had a bad effect on You. 

Mantra Shakti tells You that were bourne able to deal with negatives so use Your voice to claim what You want.  

Bhavatarini says that You picked up stubborn patterning that resists healing.  This is a powerful time to heal these patterns.  She will assist You in healing practices so that emerge unharmed.

The second card is Food and Hunger, and says that You may hold onto fear and insecurities from a past life, but that You can open Yourself to abundance in this lifetime.  It looks like You did die of starvation which may affect the way You held onto attachments. I think the stability clarifier is an indication of the last card in the draw being Farm or that stability can be gained from advice from Health card

In the past life You weren't able to give up attachments, but Chinnamasta says that You have the power to severe all attachments.  Not having children seems to be the wisest way to severe attachments so that You will escape the reincarnation cycle.

Your health problems are caused by another life, but You have learned compassion from the problems.  You struggle with charging for helping people from being a past life  Healer type who was supported like a Monk; however, in Western Society it's okay to charge for services. You are unstable, but changing Your thinking can bring You financial stability.

 Gauri Devi says to be Your true self, and You shall shine.

Baglamukti says She will protect You from gossip and slander from others, and predicts a positive turning of the tide of Fortune   This seems to connect with persecution and inquisition.

 Smashana clears what affects Your confidence and opens You up for positive changes.

Persecution and Inquisition with the scared clarifier will be loosely paraphrased for video, but please read details in blog. You still have fear from being burned as a Witch or whatever form of torture You experienced for being a Shaman, but people aren't burned these days.  

Kali Kalmasa Nasini will eat this fear to free Your heart.  See what's happening to other Shamans in Your country.  If it seems safe, maybe making money for Your gifts is okay, or maybe You could online with a paypal.

Farm.  This is an intuition card about future, and not past lives.  You had hunger, but You will be on a Farm or good place of abundance.  Notice my fave horses??? lol...  The clarifier cards confirm this with the new idea, cleanse, healthy mind, energy to power, and complete success.

9) Karma of Kali loves You, and advises You to worship the Divine Feminine, and slow Your pace to make faster progress.

10) Vishvamata says that grace will come from trusting where You are being led.

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