Ships. Your prior lifetimes spent on ships bring bring this card to you today. As a former Sailor, crew member, or ship passenger, you've had experiences at sea that have exerted an influence on the situation you're inquiring about. You probably already have a sense of the type of life you had aboard ships. The question now because how your experiences have affected your present life. negative reactions such as fears and phobias, or positive reactions such as longings to travel or a special affinity for the ocean all may have arisen in Prior lifetimes.
Food and Hunger you didn’t have enough to eat in your past lives, causing you to over eat and horse food in this incarnation you may have weight or eating this order issues because you are associating with fear instead of hunger you harbor insecurities about whether there will be enough food in the future so you may stop supplies. You also serve yourself large portions and make sure to eat everything on your plate just in case, there won’t be enough food in the future for some people this pattern also applies to fears about having enough water to drink often just remembering the past life pattern is enough to heal. The issue. Understand that the past is over and will not repeat in this current lifetime. The goal should be to learn from it and then let it go, let fears of deprivation fade away is they are no longer necessary. Open yourself up to abundance.
Health Your relationship to health and healing is influenced by other lifetimes. You may be suffering from a physical problem that was inflicted upon you during your last life. Perhaps You reincarnated so quickly that you didn't have time to deal with the underlying issues. Your physical health has caused you hardshi, yet it has also taught you a deeper level of compassion than You could have learned in a healthy body. You've also developed healing skills that can benefit others; in fact, You may already know that you're a Healer. This knowledge was acquired in previous lifetimes when you performed healing for others. Back then, your Earthly needs were likely taken care of by the community so you may struggle with the idea of charging money for healing work in this life. It's helpful to know that in this current Western Society, everyone must charge for their work, including those who provide spiritually Based Services.
Persecution and Inquisition. You drew through this card as validation of your suspicions, you were accused of Witchcraft, being a heathen, or other crimes in the past. You suffered greatly as a result of ensuing persecution and the fear has carried forward into this life. In the past. Your character and behaviors were examine publicly, and you were blamed for crop failures and death that had nothing to do with you. Your neighbors and the government said that you were casting spells which was a capital offense. In reality, you were a good-hearted person (as You remain to this day) who had the ability to see into the Future, and use energy for healing purposes. That lifetime has made you very sensitive to gossip and rumors. If someone falsely accuses you now, you become fearful and upset because that's the behavior that led to your painful death in previous lives.
you may also be afraid openly admit that you're still a talented healer and psychic. Unconsciously, you're keeping your spiritual skills a secret to avoid recreating the pain of the past.
To heal from this, know that in this current lifetime, spiritual teachers and healers are revered instead of feared. You agreed to Incarnate at this time because your hard won Knowledge from previous lifetime is needed in this world. And the fact that you back on Earth shows that no one can harm you permanently or prevent you from pursuing your spiritual path.
Farm. Your past life on a farm is influencing the situation you're inquiring about. Perhaps you enjoyed a simple, happy life and you crave that simplicity once more. You may have enjoyed the warnth if an extended family during your farm life.
Your angels may also be nudging you to become self-sustaining by growing your own food, as you did in a prior life. You most likely carried forward your "green thumb" ability to grow plants well. Also this card may be asking you to reconnect with animals and nature which were a part of your past life on a farm.
If You had a past life accident involving farm equipment, this may carry forward to an unexplained injury in this life. You've also had relationships in that life that You're playing out in this one. Your body will tell you which situation fits, so notice any Goosebumps, chills, or other physical reactions as you read this section.
Blue Tara sweet mother of peace now bestows her gifts of clarity peace and the power to overcome any negative conditions just as a beautiful Lotus grows from Muddy Waters so too show you a rise from confusion difficult circumstances and heavy energies into sacred blossoming if you feel back or slow down by your circumstances remember that you're so has the ability to possess all experiences and become stronger not weaker they're doing so the Oracle indicates healing and a positive prediction for a peaceful future
40 Mantra Shakti. Her voice creates and dissolves universes. Her vibration within our souls creates our life path. You have the sacred power of voice. How shall You express it? To call for effective Divine assistance in all ways?
Do not allow negative thought or speech to undermine your inner spiritual connection. Claim your voice and your power to create. Listen for inner guidance and then set your course in motion. Though it may not be visible in your physical world, a new order is generating within the soul. In time, it shall manifest i transformed physical circumstances.
The Oracle indicates that you have the power of voice that your disposal. You have the power to speak your truth, to set yourself free, to choose what you say and how you say it. Your voice has the potential to profoundly affect your reality.
A message of the oracle is that you have the Divine birthright to choose how to deal with negativity. You do not need to allow it to gain influence in your being. Allow others to the choice to behave as they wish with respect to each path is unique.
44 Bhavatarini …  the Tantric priestess of Carmen release manifest with the capacity to integrate higher divine energy into even the most stubborn patterning  that has so far resisted healing when momentum is building and you don’t know how to stop fueling the fire or reverse the damage. She appears her presence indicates that this is a powerful time for spiritual work and healing practices. She will support the work and much growth can confirm it, particularly at this time no matter how wild they may seem the storms of your life. She’ll be gentle. You shall emerge unharmed.
20: Chinnamasta. Sacred severance is her radical grace. She is our soul’s power to shed and survive, to outgrow and evolve. When the soul needs to separate itself from that on which it once relied - be a view of ourselves, of the world, or a group or belief system that cannot support the truth of the heart -She is the capacity, sovereignty, and courage required for self -liberation. Systems of oppression within your mind and your world will be overcome. You have the power to sever your attachment to the past and focus on inner regeneration and re-orientation, healing into a path that is worthy of your heart.
43: Gauri Devi. Champion of the sweet souls with furious heart who are underestimated and passed over. She who is gentle as the deer and ruthless as the lioness,  who is the capacity within the awakened heart to rise, to overcome obstacles, to have faith without any evidence of victory, and rally the spirit and until the right moment to act, - and win- is felt. She is non-conformity and the freedom to be one true self recognize your own beauty and value irrespective of whether another has the capacity to behold it at this time. You shall shine.
23: Baglamukti. Burning golden light of divine protection, she arrests the flow of negativity, particularly that of our own making. She is divine intervention and sacred activity. She transforms our karma from that which hinders our joy to that which creates true happiness and bliss for ourselves and all beings. As you seek refuge in her, you are protected from gossip, slander, and any form of negativity for others. A positive positive turning of the tide of Fortune is predicted.
1: Smashana. She shines her blessing of divine deconstruction m, clearing away that which undermines your confidence and inhibits your
activity on your life path. With the courage born of unconditional trust, you can accept her fierce intervention in your life with openness to the positive changes that shall emerge as a result.
23: Baglamukti. Burning golden light of divine protection, she arrests the flow of negativity, particularly that of our own making. She is divine intervention and sacred activity. She transforms our karma from that which hinders our joy to that which creates true happiness and bliss for ourselves and all beings. As you seek refuge in her, you are protected from gossip, slander, and any form of negativity for others. A positive positive turning of the tide of Fortune is predicted.
42: Kali Kalmasa Nasini. She devours darkness with her endless hunger for light, peace, and redemption. She reaches the deepest places, the darkest spaces relentless in her pursuit of the lost and despairing. No soul shall ever be abandoned or betrayed by her. Those that believe in their own guilt, their sin, their shame, evoke her mighty tenderness, and she feast upon the darkness that threatens them to consume them, alleviating the weight of their suffering, allowing their hearts to become light and free.
8: Karma of Kali. She is. Completely and utterly in love with your divine essence and in her love bestows endless gifts. Your path need not be one of endless effort. connecting with pleasure as a path of personal empowerment within intention to bring spiritual benefit to the collective through softening and opening of your heart, is an act of worshiping the divine feminine. Relax into the presence of what is as you slow your pace and make swifter progress.
2. Vishvamata. With heart protection, even significant and certainty, does not need to be wrought with the despair.  There is a pathway that can shift your devastation into a palpable experience of being protected and guided through a difficulty. Trust where you are being led. Grace shall come from this.
Card 25: Sewer Mermaid.
Message: Your sensuality is beautiful. When the sewer mermaid swims in, she is here to remind you of the treasures you have that you may have labeled “bad” and perhaps even pitched away, forced underneath.  We often have negative thoughts or speak to ourselves in negative ways and we begin to feel we are not good enough.  And when this takes place, the result can be that we begin to create negative experiences, blockages, and difficulties. we push people away rather than attract them. We hide for fear that what others see will not be good enough.  The mermaid at the hidden spaces is here to show you that your dark thoughts have told you lies about your great beauty. You are your own self and all that you are is perfect whole and complete.
Card 7: Poe. Message: Time for change, to learn something new, to use technology and gadgets with wisdom. This lovely maiden is working with the constant of change. She is watching technologies advances and assessing them good and bad shadows and light so you must decide what changes you will make to keep up with the shifts not only an energy but technologies that are available to you. And somehow you will know exactly when is the right time to take your use up at a level and use technology so it helps you and keeps you connected and strong. The technologies You embrace can be used for good, and can be used to effectively let people know that what you can bring to the world.
Card 27: Strange Valentine. Message: Love is strange. Love doesn’t always look like we thought it would, thank goodness.  It’s in the strange and the surprising that the sweetest loves can be found, as this odd little pair have found much to each one’s joy, comfort, and delight. When this lovely pair comes to visit, you are about to be gifted with love, romance and friendship from an unexpected and even unusual place. dont let differences keep you apart because they are what is drawing you together and when you are as delicate and fragile as you can be, someone is strong and protective as is gorgeous, friendly yeti can be just what you need.
3:33 pm Card 4: Snow Angel. Message: the signs are with You already. This angel is one of the many blessings assign to humanity to carve out signs in the most dark and lifeless places. She leaves signs for those who cannot see and shapes them again again until one day those who deny watching over them, finally wake up. It is at that moment she can move onto another charge by acknowledging her protection. You set free and release her many blessings, so others too may benefit look around for signs of her presence in the snows of winter the harsh desert sands she has made her presence felt it is your blindness you’re unwilling to see that hold you back not life itself open your eyes to the presence of snow, angel of all angels. Their blessings begin to live life anew.
10 of Wands: The transformation is now complete, and the new being that has been created is ready to fly outside, to the world, bringing with its success and creative and professional realizations. The 10 of Wands brings with it completion, attraction new experiences, and only in the case of indecision or doubts Can it be transformed instead into oppression, obstacles, and betrayal.
The Advice of the Dead : do not leave too many situations suspended or they will get the better of you in terms of achieving what you desire.
The High Priestess: The high priestess represents wisdom such as the rigor and commitment to attain this through study, evaluation, management, and also through the consultation and closeness of a female figure, maternal and mature. She suggest a period of waiting or perhaps isolation during which it is possible to think deeply about what we need and then to grasp the key that will open what was previously accumulated. The risk of this process; however, is to remain too closed within oneself to accumulate, perhaps secrets, and then be prey to pride, laziness, or positivity, much like a bird that certainly observed from above, from its point of view, without acting.
The Advice of the Dead:  proceeded with study and meditate on the best road that will take you where you can realize your project, without forgetting to value what you are accumulating or keeping.
The Wheel of Fortune: according to the position in which this card appears, it represents the beginning, the middle, or the end of a cycle. It represents dynamism , mutation, and the complementarity with which we move uninterrupted, changing direction and orientation. On the horizon can be seen unexpected but positive events, favorable circumstances, and successes, but one’s not to linger upon in order to avoid risking stagnation. If we do not continue to move, to be fluid, and changeable like the wheel itself we will find ourselves blocked and laziness will make our situation even more precarious.
The Advice of the Dead: Support new circumstances, and face the changes in front of you in time, if they enable you to proceed until it is necessary to change once again.
9 of Wands: Your strength to withstand adversity, and your ability to truncate what is clearly useless and stale , bring You to success and achievement of your project. Even if a period of cleansing, complications, protracted evaluations, or adversity may slow down the process of expansion, you will manage to harvest the fruits of what you have sown.
Advice of the Dead: take the situation in hand and with patience, fight for what You wish to attain while waiting for a more favorable moment.
4 of Cups: Keywords: Question for perfection, doubt, completion, ignorance.
You have perched too long in one place and have forgotten what you were waiting for. In the mists of solitude you can contemplate unhatched plans and unfulfilled dreams; You can try to remember who you were supposed to be. But if you remain seated here, you might stagnate in a fog of anguish and regret, knowing what you have failed to accomplish and what has eluded your grasp. Look over your shoulder, a possibility awaits you, if you will only notice it. Look over your shoulder.
Queen of Pentacles: Keywords: Caretaker, opulence, love of comfort, happy home, shallowness.
The soft swish of silks and velvet whispers is she steps regally into the room. There  are many pleasures and comfort to be found in this world, and this noble creature understands the value of peace and luxury. She understands and instruct on the correct forms for poise and nobility. To live well, satisfied and sharing with those around you, is to dwell in your own masterpiece. None are turned away from her doorstep for her worthy heart is open to all seek her care. The lowest beggar will find something waiting for them at her table.
Hermit: Keywords: solitude, find your own truth, search Your soul, loneliness and quiet, asceticism, retreat from the community.
What is the aim of this endless wandering? What would journeys and look like? You have heard answers from so many, but their truth is not your own. There are hidden passages known only to you that can take you to Heights where you might be at the stars and scrape wisdom down from the heavens. The stairs ascend before you by the thousands. The iron bars of the birdcage are a heavy burden as you climb and the bird bristles and its captivity, but once you attain the summit, you shall fly free.
3 of Swords: Three demons Chase one another around the circle of swords no one has been stabbed, yet. The demons in this card wield swords haphazardly. They do not realize the full potential of the weapon they have. They seem weary of one another, and have the swords pointed near towards one another. The message of this card suggests that you should be careful of who you bring close to you. Not everyone has your best interest at heart.
Meanings: heartbreak,deception, watch your back.
XIII - Death: A
Woman holding a newborn child sits between two skulls under a waxing moon. A snake protects everything and its embrace . Death is the ultimate challenge. How will we accept the ocean that we mortals die? We are comforted with the knowledge that when one person dies another new vein is born. Skulls are a reminder of mortality and that we will not be totally forgotten. Once we slough off the mortal coil. The snake protects characters on this card, bearing witness to the transformation.
Meanings: death is just another step on the journey. We are born to experience life, and then we die and go back to our roots.
Knave of Wands: A Shaman heads out to explore new territory. He wears the skin of a leopard. The two torches flame outwards, providing light and protection on his journey. A snake slivers over an ankh and near his feet.
The Shaman faces the unknown he stands his ground and waves the wands out to face whatever comes in his path. The ankh is a symbol of eternal life. The snake represents resilience and doubt. The Shaman’s test is whether or not he can face what is coming. This card’s message says to be bold and be ready to overcome your fears.
Meanings: take a stand; raise the light against your fears; taking risks.
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