this is the link for the Kali Oracle Book
Imperial Dragon Oracle
Past is Lunar Dragon
18 The Moon Tarot Card Key Meanings:
Intuition, illusion, dreams, vagueness, instability, deception, anxiety, fear, misconception, subconscious, insecurity.
General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)
The general meaning of The Moon Tarot card in an upright position is that everything is not as it seems. It is also the Major Arcana Tarot card of intuition. The Moons tells you that something about a situation or person in your life is not what it appears to be and you need to trust what your instincts are telling you in order to see past this illusion. The Moon also indicates that you should pay attention to your dreams as your subconscious may be bringing your attention to some information you’ve missed. The Moon can also signify that you are letting your anxiety or fear overwhelm you which may be having a negative effect on your outlook and causing you to suffer from mood swings, instability or insecurity. It can also represent a woman’s menstrual cycle. The Moon can also signify dormant insecurities or repressed issues resurfacing. The Moon Tarot card can represent underhanded or dodgy deals or illegal behaviour. If it appears in this context it is a warning to clean your act up before your behaviour is exposed. If you are awaiting a decision on something, The Moon indicates that the answer will either be delayed or be so vague it will add to your confusion rather than clarify matters
Love & Relationships (Upright)
If you are in a relationship, The Moon Tarot card in a love Tarot reading can indicate that you may be feeling uncertain or insecure in the relationship. If your relationship looks fine to the outside world, The Moon can show that things are not as perfect as they seem. There may be miscommunication in the relationship. There could be a lot of arguments or old issues or insecurities coming to the surface. It can also signify deception, but don’t jump to conclusions if you see it in your Tarot reading. Stay calm and wait until the facts of the matter become clearer. If you are single, The Moon can indicate deceit around you or that you may be being conned. If you are dating, be mindful that this person’s intentions may not be as honourable as they seem or you may not have all the facts about them yet. It indicates that there is some piece of information that is yet to reveal itself.
Money & Career (Upright)
With The Moon Tarot card appearing in a career context, you may be very unclear or even anxious about your career direction. There may be miscommunication between you and your colleagues or superiors in a work context which could cause problems or misunderstandings. Alternatively, someone may be holding information back from you and you may not have all the facts you need to make a decision. In terms of finance, The Moon indicates that you should be wary of undertaking investments or any big financial gambles as you may not have all the facts you need to make an informed decision. It can also indicate that someone may be purposely deceiving you to con you out of money. Don’t be overly paranoid but do trust your instincts, if it feels like it’s too good to be true it probably is!
Health (Upright)
In a Health context, The Moon can signify mental health issues. It can be an indicator of anxiety disorders and depression. The Moon may also be telling you to trust your instincts in relation to your health. If you feel you have an underlying health problem, go get a check-up and push for as many tests as you need to get to the bottom of what’s affecting you. For women, The Moon can indicate a health issue relating to the menstrual cycle or being affected by a hormonal imbalance in some way.
Spirituality (Upright)
The Moon in a spiritual context is a great card to get as it’s all about intuition. If you are interested in psychic development or healing work, you will find everything flows really naturally for you and you are open to receiving messages from spirit with this card in your Tarot reading. Pay attention to your dreams and any thoughts, visions or gut feelings you have, your spirit guides may be trying to tell you something important! Some quiet time and meditation would be helpful here.
Present is Wounded Dragon

12 The Hanged Man Tarot Card Key Meanings: Feeling trapped, confined, self-limiting, uncertainty, lack of direction, needing release, letting go.
General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)
In a general context, The Hanged Man Tarot card indicates that you are in a situation that you are not happy with. You may be feeling like you are stuck in a rut or trapped in a situation or frame of mind that is not making you happy but you have the power to release yourself. This may involve walking away from the situation or simply changing your perspective on it. The Hanged Man may also signify that you may be facing a dilemma and are unsure of what path to take. You may feel that things are not turning out the way you planned with this Major Arcana card appearing in your Tarot spread. You need to step outside yourself and look at your situation from a different angle. Give yourself time to just relax, stop trying to control things and just let them be, the correct course of action will become clear to you in time.
Love & Relationships (Upright)
In a love Tarot context if you are in a relationship, The Hanged Man indicates that you may be unhappy with the way your relationship is going at the moment. It can also signify that either you or your partner may be feeling the need to take a step back from the relationship to assess your options or where you want the relationship to lead. The Hanged Man tells you to hold off on making any decisions and just give yourself time to think things through. You may need to rethink your perceptions of what your relationship should be like and focus on the positive aspects of the relationship as it is instead of worrying about what it isn’t. Alternatively, if you find that you are truly unhappy, The Hanged Man appearing in your Tarot reading tells you that you are the only one keeping yourself in this situation. You can walk away if you want to. If you are single, The Hanged Man can indicate that you need to release yourself from situations, ideas or people that do not make you happy. This may involve releasing old negative relationship patterns. If you have been holding on to your feelings for an ex, The Hanged Man tells you it’s time to release those feelings. It may also signify that you need to release any rigid preconceptions about your ideal partner in order to open yourself up to the options around you.
Money & Career (Upright)
In a career context The Hanged Man indicates that you are feeling uncertain about your career path or feel like your career has become stagnant. You may be unclear about what steps you need to take to move your career forward. If you are struggling to make a decision, understand that you don’t have to make a decision right now. Just relax and let things unfold. Things will become clearer in time. If you’re having financial issues, The Hanged Man indicates that you need a fresh perspective. Maybe anxiety around your finances is making them seem worse than they actually are or there may be positive things happening for you in other areas that you are not appreciating because you are focusing too much on money.
Health (Upright)
If you have been experiencing health issues, The Hanged Man encourages you to consider all of your treatment options. This does not mean you should reject the treatment you’ve been offered but it tells you to rethink your health issues and consider tackling them from multiple angles. It can also indicate that whatever the issue you are experiencing, you may need to just allow yourself time to heal rather than becoming frustrated that your health is not improving as quickly as you want it to.
Spirituality (Upright)
In a spiritual context, The Hanged Man tells you to be mindful of your attitude to yourself. If you have been engaging negative thinking you need to stop this as it is may affect your outcome as well as how you feel about your life. Don’t allow yourself to get bogged down spiritually. If you release old beliefs or negative thoughts that don’t work for you anymore, you will find that whole new spiritual worlds will open up to you and free you up to connect to your higher consciousness.
Future is Rebirth

13 Death Tarot Card Key Meanings:
Spiritual transformation, new beginnings, letting go, endings, change, transition, sudden or unexpected upheaval.
General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)
Although it is the Tarot card that many people fear, Death generally does not mean physical death. As a rule you should never predict deaths (or the outcomes of illnesses or pregnancies for that matter) as a Tarot reader. It is unethical and irresponsible. Aside from the ethics, The Death Tarot Card usually signifies spiritual transformation and a time of change and new beginnings, not actual death! The transformation or change that Death can bring can be difficult, unexpected, sudden or even traumatic but it will bring with it a new lease of life. Its best to try not to resist the change the Death Tarot card brings as resisting it will only make the transition difficult and painful. Instead try to embrace the change as a fresh start. This Major Arcana card can also signify the need to let go of old issues or beliefs when it appears in a Tarot spread. It may be telling you that you need to draw a line under the past in order to move forward.
Love & Relationships (Upright)
If you are in a relationship, Death in a love tarot context can signify that you or your partner may be holding onto a relationship that’s not working or you may be clinging to old patterns that are stopping your relationship from moving forward. Death signifies that things are going to change whether you want them to or not. You can either resist the change or embrace it. If your relationship is not going well, the Death Tarot card can indicate that it may be time to walk away, it can indicate divorce or it can indicate that you and your partner need to make big changes and let go of old patterns or issues to make it work. The old issues the Death card seeks to change can be deep seated and painful. If that’s the case, you may want to consider relationship counselling. The outcome really depends on whether or not you and your partner are both willing to embrace the transformation and really want the relationship to survive because you love each other rather than because you fear not being in the relationship. The changes the Death Tarot card can bring to a relationship can be positive too, it can indicate an unexpected change like a surprise engagement or a pregnancy, you may find these changes overwhelming initially. If you are single, the Death card can indicate that you will soon be casting off the old beliefs, issues or behaviours that are no longer useful to you. Embrace this transformation as it will bring new love into your life.
Money & Career (Upright)
Death in a career context is a warning not to get too dependent on anything that is not working for you. The only thing in life that is guaranteed is that things change. If you are unhappy in your current job, start looking for a new one or the universe may force you to find a new job. If you are starting your own business but have been reluctant to quit your old job because of the security it offers, Death may be indicating that’s it’s time to consider jumping in with both feet. Money can be tightening when the Death card appears in a financial context, you may have a sudden drop in income or loss of money. If that happens don’t let it get you down, this change will lead you somewhere positive and you will learn from it. If you experience financial hardship, don’t stick your head in the sand, make practical adjustments and keep moving forward in a positive way. If you are tight on money, consider getting back to basics, swap big nights out for cosy nights in with close friends. And remember, any financial issues will be fine in the long run if you make the changes necessary.
Health (Upright)
Don’t panic if you see the Death card in health reading, again the Death card only indicates physical death in extremely rare cases and only in certain combinations! If you have been feeling like your health is never going to improve, Death can signify that a change is coming. However, how you handle this change will go a long way to determining the outcome. If your health has been bad and illness has left you feeling pessimistic, try to embrace the coming changes by changing your attitude. Try to find something positive in each day even if you feel ill. You may also try a new approach that you haven’t tried before like a different diet, holistic therapy or energy healing. Know that your current state is temporary, it will change.
Spirituality (Upright)
Physical death is a form of transformation when our spirits leave the physical body behind and transform back to the spiritual beings we all are intrinsically. The Death card represents spiritual transformation. In a spiritual Tarot reading, it indicates a time where you can deeply connect to your higher self and discover a depth of spirituality that you may not have even known you possessed. This spiritual transformation may be brought about by grief or loss or heartbreak that you have experienced. It can represent a difficult transition from an old situation to a new beginning. Try to embrace the change even if it is difficult, it’s leading you to your higher path.
This is actually a great read. The Future is reading what's happening in Your life now. Death is Rebirth, and You have been transforming.
The Last Unicorn Tarot
Issue or Previously Done
7 of Pentacles/Coins is Confidence in the physical world
8 of Pentacles/Coins is advancement, make it better, progress in the physical world
Steps to Take is 5 of Pentacles/Coins
5 of Pentacles is Change/Disruption/Challenge in the physical world
Advice is Knight of Swords & Empress
Knight of Swords is action in thought
III or 3 = Empress ~ creativity, nurturing, abundanceThe Oracle of Shadow & Light Is Issue, Advice About the Issue, and Outcome is Advice is Taken
Poe Is the issue to Address for a Happier Life
Card 7: Poe. Message: Time for change, to learn something new, to use technology and gadgets with wisdom. This lovely maiden is working with the constant of change. She is watching technologies advances and assessing them good and bad shadows and light so you must decide what changes you will make to keep up with the shifts not only an energy but technologies that are available to you. And somehow you will know exactly when is the right time to take your use up at a level and use technology so it helps you and keeps you connected and strong. The technologies You embrace can be used for good, and can be used to effectively let people know that what you can bring to the world.
Advice About the Issue is Nautilus Princess

41 Nautilus Princess Message: Powerful personal growth.
A big eyed beautiful mermaid, surrounded by her floating rich, red hair, holds tight to a nautilus shell. She is an underwater (emotional) princess, and she is growing and ways she never thought
she would- because soon she used to be the queen, and she must make decisions. She feels uncertain about how she will perform when she is elevated and unsure of whether she can wield her power. She is very thoughtful and she contemplates the future -but all around her are the symbols of her future success.
You may be a very gentle, appeasing, and attentive soul who is facing a challenge. You are being asked by the universe to step up into a more senior and conspicuous role, and you are concerned about whether you can be powerful and still be a good person. The pearls here signify that you must act from a pure place, and from a natural place, and treat this quest as a sacred task. The nautilus says you will grow in ways that are perfect, and perfectly proportioned, just as a nautilus is. And this is a natural result for you- expect to grow more and more overtime. This Is a time of spiritual and emotional transformation, which could come to you via a friend who is older or more experienced- she will share her skills and some of her secrets with you. You could be about to experience a deeper friendship, meet a teacher who really opens your mind to a new real of discovery or find a trainer who can coach you in such a way that your potential blooms strong and fast. You will be asked to deal with abundance and healthy ways. There will be responsibility and rapid growth. Dignity, truth, and wisdom are your best guides. It is now time to take yourself and your potential seriously.
Outcome if Advice is Taken is the Winged Seer
12 Winged Seer: Message: You see clearly, clairvoyance.The Winged Seer is an oracle angel: a being who can see the weavings of energy and thus the way events are set to unfold if the current energies and paths are followed. She then sends you your messages clairvoyantly, through your ability to see clearly, although your visions may seem anything but clear. As you grow to trust your own clear moments, you will have brighter and brighter flashes of insight, and you will be able to see exactly what is going on within a situation in a flash.
Past life oracle 3 card reading from book
Card 1 is what lifetime triggered my current situation?
This card your signifies that you spent time imprisoned or in slavery. Your rights were taken from you as well as your dignity and freedom. You are free now, but you still may harbor fears related to that lifetime. For example, you may feel
claustrophobic and in confined spaces or on airplanes.. Or you may have developed a form of Stockholm syndrome, where you feel empathetic towards those who abuse you.
On the other hand, your experiences can also make you feel exquisitely, compassionate towards those who suffer. You may devote yourself to defending underdogs and bringing more love and justice to the world.
To heal any residual fears from that previous lifetime, remember the details of that past life to loosen the shackles and free yourself from the symptoms. Channel your altruistic feelings and tendencies and to helping society. Acts of kindness and compassion, heal the individual as well as the world.
Card 2 is Your current status and what You need to know or work on?
Ships. Your prior lifetimes spent on ships bring bring this card to you today. As a former Sailor, crew member, or ship passenger, you've had experiences at sea that have exerted an influence on the situation you're inquiring about. You probably already have a sense of the type of life you had aboard ships. The question now because how your experiences have affected your present life. negative reactions such as fears and phobias, or positive reactions such as longings to travel or a special affinity for the ocean all may have arisen in Prior lifetimes.
Card 3 is the immediate future if You follow advice from card 2.
Male/Female ~ This card signifies that you’ve lived most of your lives as a different gender than the one you and body in this life. For example, you may now be living as a female while in most of your previous lifetime you were a male.
In such cases, gender, confusion, and even health issues are often related to this change of gender over lifetimes. Because for most of your lifetimes you’ve lived as the other sex, you may not feel comfortable in your own skin. If this is your first lifetime is a woman you may develop gynecological issues or even experienced infertility. If this is your first lifetime as a man, you may not relate to traditional masculine roles. This card asks you to have compassion for yourself, and trust it that your soul is doing the best it can. Remember that your soul is the result of all your past experience
Anymore cards that will hep Victoria?
Lessons & blessings, phobias, the arts, and wisdom
You drew this card as a sign that the situation you’re currently experiencing is a result of your prior lifetimes. Take a look at the other cards that you drew along with this one to get a sense of where or when that life occurred.
This card means that you learned important lessons, which are bringing blessings to your present lifetime. Congratulations you mastered how to turn painful events and memories into growth experiences. You can apply the same strength to every area of your life.
Phobias ~ this card comes to you compassionately to help you connect the dots between current phobias and past lifetimes. Often consciously remembering the past life source of your anxieties is enough to release their grip on you.
The situation you’re inquiring about has its basis in underlying fears or phobias. These fears are energy blocks, which are slowing or prohibiting the results you desire . Phobias have to do with the impulse to have complete mastery over situations that are out of your control. They also bring up many trust issues . Your higher self and unconscious mind know the original source of any phobias you may have manifested you can ask the origin of these phobias through a past life regression or even through dream work. For example, as you’re falling asleep, ask your higher self to give you information that you’ll remember upon waking that’s related to the phobia. By directly confronting your underlying fears, you can lessen

The Arts ~ You have artistic and creative talents that desire expression. This card comes to you as a sign that she would do well in an occupation relating to the arts. it also indicates that you were involved in the arts in prior lifetime, which can explain your natural talents in the present.
As a prodigy, you have artistic skills that are innate and don’t require training or the need to practice. These inherent abilities have been passed down from power lives. It’s important to explore and give yourself permission to unleash your artistic side. Lead to a lucrative career , or a fulfilling hobby. So take arts and crafts classes and follow your inner guidance about creativity.
Wisdom ~ This card indicates that you have tremendous wisdom and knowledge from prior lifetimes that seek to resurface now. Even if you’ve never thought of yourself as particularly wise, this card indicates that you learned important lessons and information that will serve you and others if it’s reawakened now. now.
This card can indicate that it’s time for you to return to school or additional education of some sort . Yes, may be a sign that you’re changing your career path. Your emerging knowledge is guiding you toward work that is more meaningful. This card asks you to believe in yourself and to know that you have what it takes to tackle a career related to your true interest and passions.
Please Give Taz a message from Nana & Poppa with Santa Muerte
6 of Pentacles, 9 of Wands, Temperance, high priestess, 10 of swords, Page of Pentacles, Queen of Wands....
6 of Pentacles: We are in the present, but in front of a precarious equilibrium, an alternation that swings like a pendulum between positive and negative. It could make our physical and economic situation unstable, while waiting for a solution and an ulterior evolution. It will be time, fluid and unilateral, never stopping that will make the situation evolve and enable us to overcome eventual obstacles. The Advice of the Dead: Proceed with audacity, and without haste, working hard and keeping yourself focused on the present. What you desire with arrive when the time is ripe.
9 of Wands: Your strength to withstand adversity, and your ability to truncate what is clearly useless and stale , bring You to success and achievement of your project. Even if a period of cleansing, complications, protracted evaluations, or adversity may slow down the process of expansion, you will manage to harvest the fruits of what you have sown.
Advice of the Dead: take the situation in hand and with patience, fight for what You wish to attain while waiting for a more favorable moment.
XIV or 14 is Temperance: this card is protection, healing, and circulation. It forces us to mitigate, to find the middle path, and to add something valid that is capable of placating to avoid traumatic cuts. Temperance is an arcana of adaptation,
reconciliation and harmony where it is corporation that determines the birth of something new, ready to spread out into the world. Whenever problems are raised, however it will be disorder and coldness that take the upper hand, unsettle the balance, and close off any kind of circulation or communication.
Advice of the Dead: Evaluate your objectives well and with moderation try to reach a balance that will enable you to make the unstable stable or move what is fixed.
II The High Priestess: The high priestess represents wisdom such as the rigor and commitment to attain this through study, evaluation, management, and also through the consultation and closeness of a female figure, maternal and mature. She suggest a period of waiting or perhaps isolation during which it is possible to think deeply about what we need and then to grasp the key that will open what was previously accumulated. The risk of this process; however, is to remain too closed within oneself to accumulate, perhaps secrets, and then be prey to pride, laziness, or positivity, much like a bird that certainly observed from above, from its point of view, without acting.
The Advice of the Dead: proceeded with study and meditate on the best road that will take you where you can realize your project, without forgetting to value what you are accumulating or keeping.
10 of Swords: The chrysalis has closed and the moth is now complete, evolved and able to hang from a height to have a total impartial view. The pain, the problems we have dealt with, the tears we have spilt, have reached their apex and are transformed, ready to overcome the situation by grabbing the opportunities that are presented in front of us and that we are now able to deal with. The Advice of the Dead: Sublimate all the negative events that have passed and make the most of all the possibilities that are manifesting around you as soon as possible.
Page of Pentacles: The Page of Pentacles, even though in a phase of maturation, brings an impetus towards a positive affirming search and with this initiative, good news and the first, if moderate earnings. The only risk is that of an excessive
lightness, superficiality, and vanity that could bring premature waste and superficial investment.
The Advice of the Dead: Carefully evaluate the right moment for acting and invest your resources with the aim of avoiding any type of waste.
Queen of Wands: The Queen of Wands represents a person who is very dynamic and energetic, projected towards success and capable of optimal and generous advice. Her experience will also bring protection, self-assurance, and professional objectives.
Only an excess of authoritarianism or obstinacy could cause instability, caprice, possessiveness or the inability to communicate one’s own ideas.
The Advice of the Dead: Concentrate your energies on the fundamental things in order to realize your projects, economizing and cutting off anything superfluous.
Murder of Crows Advice for Victoria
9 of Wands, carriage, heirophant, 7 of cups, 6 of wands, fool
9 of Wands keywords: Defending your position, facing adversity, endurance, struggle.How quickly things can turn ! Your boon companions, your faithful guides now dart about you, pecking mercilessly. You teeter on the brink, a breath away from falling
into vines that will cut you and hold you fast. You rally your strength to defend the hill you have worked so hard to climb. They won’t take this from you, not today.
VII or 7 Chariot keywords: Victory, movement and travel, vehicles, power over others, exert control over the external world, conquest, vengeance.
In this new world of doubt and fear you cannot remain small and hidden forever. The time has come to
choose to rise above and be more than you have been. Step into the cart and you can fly faster and farther, all you need to do is hang on for dear life. Bring the chaotic strands together and weave them into the harness that will fuel your travels. Harness power, put on the mask you wish to present the world.
V or 5. Hierophant - Bells of Bronze sing out between the mountains and over the valleys of this Strange land, calling the faithful to attend to what is needful. A cathedral soars before you, strong, imposing and ancient beyond memory. Within its halls, the mysteries are made plain. A narrow door opens out upon the world and a robed man stands in your path. To submit, is to be made worthy to join the choir of fellowship and sing the ancient hymns. The only path into this Hallowed Hall requires going through this pious guardian. Keywords: traditional values conservative approaches, submit to a higher power, gatekeeping, the voice of heaven, cooperate, earn your place, dogmatic approaches.
7 of Cups keywords: illusionary fears, a choice of approach, personal revelation.Phantoms and doubt drift before you and passage seems impossible. You feel ill equipped and uneasy. But the shades who haunt your mind are powerless when you reveal
your true self to them. Your guides in this realm have never truly left you. Their many gifts can be found within; they add their power to your own. They helped you to perceive the mini facets, real and potential. You need only make the right choice to overcome the present obstacle.
6 of Wands keywords: Rising to meet the challenge, progress, overcoming obstacles, leadership, arrogance.Long have you wondered over unforgiven to rain, finally reaching a boundary marker. To continue continue, you must go up and over the border,
flouting the limitations others try to impose.. you know within your soul that if you delete this fence, others will follow and eventually the restraining walls will crumble and fall. You rise up and go forth. Your spirit cannot be contained.
0 The Fool keywords: The call of the Unknown, the step yet untaken, human frailty.
It begins with a cry in the darkness, the first herald of a lonesome journey. The trail and unrolls itself before you through unfamiliar terrain. Here and now you could be exactly who you say you are. Your first step is eminent and it cannot be retaken. Heed the bird’s warning. Allow its full-throated cry to echo before you, calling the path ahead out of the smoke and mire. Set yourself into motion, even though the second and third steps remain uncertain.