Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Pick~a~Pile from Circle of Life Tarot: Think About, Do, Challenge, Secret Weapon

Stop and use Your intuition to choose the pile that resonates with You, then scroll down for results.  The video with shuffling is @ https://youtu.be/q2cNBvsNjUg

This blog is for entertainment purposes only.

Pile 1

What do i need to think about?

3 of Wands. A tired warrior rests against the body of a dragon. They seem to have a symbiotic partnership. The dragon’s tongue is out, revealing a red tip, suggesting that they had been successful and a small battle. The Warrior has two fiery wands strapped to her back. She holds a third down and a defensive gesture.
The Warrior nose that the two have a delicate partnership. Diamond must have the same goal or else the truce will fall apart. Keeping the torches light is another challenge the warrior faces. The Warrior concentrates on the future, planning on where to go and what next steps to take. When we take the time to properly prepare, we are carried forward towards our goals.
Meanings: preparation; creating mutual partnerships.

What do i need to do?

XVIII is the Moon. A woman riding on a squid rises from the depths of the water. She cradles the Earth in her hand and gazes to meet five of the lunar phases of the sky.

Facing the darkness is not an easy task. The moonlight casts shadows and plays tricks on what is real and what is not. Because of this, we need to exercise caution when moving around. The woman hold onto what she knows is real, her watery companion and the earth she lives on. She keeps her eyes closed to turn away from the shadows and illusions.
Meanings: nothing is as it seems; look past the illusions; get guidance some others if you feel you cannot see clearly.

What is my challenge?

5 of Pentacles meanings: worry about finishing; alienation; adapting to a situation.
A person knits a long cable filled with esoteric symbols. The work in process has been going on for some time for the fabric is long. The person seated looks worried as if she will be unable to finish her masterpiece in time.

The knitter is challenged with being able to keep her focus on the project she is doing. Esoteric symbols, dance in the fabric, suggesting that this is a spiritual endeavor. There is no one around for the knitter to show off her process and it can be alienating to create such beauty when no one will see it. This card’s lesson is to remember that what you do is part of something greater and that will bring you satisfaction.

What is my secret weapon?

Knight of Cups meanings: rescue those in need; having compassion; slow down and enjoy.
A woman pours water on her turtle companion . She knows that he needs the moisture to survive. She is generous with her share of water.

The compassion this woman has will guide her if she did not help the turtle she might not be able to get to where she wants to go. Her cup full of water helps to sustain the pair. They stand on an island that has water. It is off in the distance and seems to reach. This card tells us that helping others in their time of need is always a just cause.

Pile 2

What do i need to think about?

Knight of Pentacles meanings: nurturing, accomplishment; productivity; established security.
A Shaman, sits in the middle of a stone circle. he wears a disc with esoteric symbol over his horns. He places his staff into the ground, causing the grass to light up all around him.

They shaman is practicing his craft. He holds the key, literally, to help this area grow. Keys, symbolize something being unlocked. In this case, a gift. The staff focuses his energy into the ground to make the grass green. This card suggests that we put our knowledge to use and make magic happen.

10 of Swords meanings: a phase is ending; falling; failure.
A faerie whose body has been torn falls out of the sky. Wisps of smoke waft into the air. It appears a battle has been fought and lost.
The faerie is challenged by her demise. Not have any ability to fly, if falls to the ground. broken swords line the path. There is no hope, only release. The faerie looks down in anticipation of the ending of the fall. This card suggest that when we fall from darkness, we are ready to greet the next stage of our journey.

What do i need to do?

I or 1 the Magician meanings: using the tools you have for the right purpose, self-control, self-knowledge.
A wizard dressed and fine red robes sets off on a pilgrimage.  The tools of his trade surround him: the wand, the chalice, the pentacle, and the sword. All will aid him when he needs the support.

The magician steps out from behind his table confidently. His position on the card exudes power. He reminds us that we all have the seeds to make magic manifest in the hearing now. His robes keep him warm. His tools are all easily within reach to use. He looks to the beyond and ask us what we can do to make magic in our lives.

What is my challenge?

XII or 12 The Hanged Man meanings: don’t struggle against what is going on; know that you are right where you need to be; sometimes a change of perspective is helpful.
A bound, angel hangs from the trunk of a tree, peacefully meditating. The full moon looms in the background, providing just enough light.

The angel is tied with cords. It’s hard to tell whether or not the cords are what hold him to the tree. Being hung upside down, gives the angel a unique perspective of the world, as he meditates and offers himself as a sacrifice. How long will he last being bound this way? His wings can unfurl and release him at any moment, and yet, he continues to stay. The Hanged Man tells us to be still, and to understand the situation you are in before you make a decision.

XIV or 14 Temperance meanings: spiritual transformation; use your power to make balance within an outside of yourself.
An archangel mixes any elixir from two chalices. He stands with one foot forward. His face is focused on his task.
The angel doesn’t use a recipe to make elixir in his hands . Will he get the mixture correctly? He experiments with two chalices until the mixture comes out just right. His crown connects him to a divine source that guides his hands. The chalices give form to the project he is working on. temperance teaches us that it takes some experimentation with what we have to make lasting changes. Keep on fiddling with the recipe until you feel connection.

What is my secret weapon?

III or 3 is the Empress meanings: enjoy the beauty of what surrounds you; cultivate your own nature; love thyself for what you are instead of what you can become.

A woman rests her hand on a mirror. Instead of looking at her reflection, she gazes over her shoulder and what is beside her. It’s as if she’s rejecting the image for the beauty of what is around her.

The Empress defies all that we know is beautiful. Instead of gazing into the mirror, she looks into the truth of what is around her. She reflects the beauty of nature, not of mankind. The roses in her hair remind us that beauty is delicate and can contain the painful thorns of truth. Her naked body shows that she has nothing to really hide from those around her. She is whole and dares to show herself to all.

Pile 3

What do i need to think about?

9 of Cups meanings: a wish come true; be proud of what you have accomplished.
A kneeling figure prepares to gather water. Along the walls are six birds drinking deeply from cups of their own.

The woman uses her container to scoop water. Will she be able to retrieve enough water from the stream trickling in? If she stands up and pours the water back out, what will happen? She sits low to the water so that she’s able to fully get the liquid into her cup as she can. The birds let her know that the water is fresh and hasn’t been tampered with. The message of this card is to enjoy the harvest of nature’s gifts.

What do i need to do?

Ten of Cups. A man sit upon an armored fish, raising his hands out in celebration. The fish calls protectively around him.

The person in this card has reached a new highlight of his life. Now that he is on top, he will need to figure out what is next. He has a companion to help him get to where he wants to go, and fuel to get him there. The fish wears armor because it knows that the journey may not always go as smoothly as possible. This card tells us to be proud and celebrate your achievements.

What is my challenge?

5 of Swords meaning: prepare for a fight; make a swift action; deceit.
A warrior holds five swords. She is poised for a battle and waits for her opponent to step forward.
This card displays a test of character. Does the creature strike first or does she wait for the enemy to strike? Either way, the bee is prepared and ready. The five curved swords help protect and defend her fragile body from attack. She faces forward and seems aware of her surroundings. This card teaches us to be prepared for what situation you are heading into.

What is my secret weapon?

V or 5 the Hierophant meanings: teaching; using the right tools to help get the message across; being a channel for Divine messages.
A priest stands on his pulpit. He holds a golden scroll of his holy text in his left hand and the chalice of life in his right. Around his neck he wears as symbol of his faith, the open palm facing downwards.

The Hierophant is a conduit between the voice of the divine and the people in his flock. He challenges us to dig deeper to know whether or not the word he speaks are from the heart of the highest good. His chalice holds the elixir of releasing emotions, of drinking the waters of life. His scroll contains the teaching of his order, the sacred text that have been passed down from generation to generation. When we listen to him, we can take the message in and decide what truth it has for us.

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Robert E. Lee Tarot Spread Analysis

  the video with the shuffling to see the cards coming out for Yourself is @  https://youtu.be/9cNT_imvXvU my blog with deep research about ...