Friday, August 16, 2024

Pick~a~Pile Murder of Crows: Topic, What's Been Previously Done, the Tarot's Suggestion

this blog is for entertainment purposes only!!!

Use Your intuition to pick the pile that resonates with You, and scroll down for results.  The shuffling video is @

I don't know Your circumstances so please interpret the cards for Yourself.

Pile 1

Are You bitter because of something that happened related to religion or dogma?  In the past You dwelled in pain or had anxiety.  The Crows suggest charity, self care, or balancing energies.


Queen of Swords keywords: wise governance, accomplishing difficult tasks, femme fatale, bitterness.
- Here is a spirit who never hesitates to step over courses in her pursuits. She has felt much pain, but always gained incredible wisdom from the experience, crafting a resolute, diamond-hard will. She has learned to edit things out of her life with surgical precision, keeping only what she needs to gain power and achieve her goals. Fools think they can outsmart her, but she cleans their blood from her blade all the same. Their mistake was forgetting that no one is entirely as they seem, just look at her shadow and you will see there is more to her than meets the eye.

V or 5. Hierophant Keywords: traditional values conservative approaches, submit to a higher power, gatekeeping, the voice of heaven, cooperate, earn your place, dogmatic approaches.

- Bells of Bronze sing out between the mountains and over the valleys of this Strange land, calling the faithful to attend to what is needful. A cathedral soars before you, strong, imposing and ancient beyond memory. Within its halls, the mysteries are made plain. A narrow door opens out upon the world and a robed man stands in your path.  To submit, is to be made worthy to join the choir of fellowship and sing the ancient hymns. The only path into this Hallowed Hall requires going through this pious guardian.

What was previously done

5 of Cups key meanings: Disappointment, dwelling on mistakes, anxiety.
- As you cry into the night, the startled members of your murder flap their wings, taking to the darkened skies. If you hold your agony silently, you let it take root too far inside to ever be free of it. So let loose the whoop of pain, of loss of fatigue, of condemnation. You dig sharp talons into the soil. What does not kill us makes it stronger or stranger.

What does the tarot suggest You do

5 of Pentacles Keywords: Charity, redistributing, resources, balancing energy, self-care.

- Hands open, hungry mouths feed. Wings flapping against one another, each in the little family stakes its claim to its rightful portion. You must give so that others might eat. In the end, who really serves and who is served? You stretch your hands forth to mouths that never cease crying for more.

Pile 2

In the past You have been industrious and played Your strengths concerning friends while Your not sure if caution or economy in action is better?  The tarot suggests forging forward like the Queen of Wands.

3 of Cups keywords: Friendship, benevolence, harvest.
-In the places of the world you will find your tribe. You teach them your songs and learn those in return. They will allow you all of your needed fictions and accept the masks you have chosen to wear. They take your story as it is given and spin it forth to weave with their own. Sublime delights are exchanged without expectations other than a few moments of peace and revelry.

What was previously done

3 of Pentacles keywords: industrious, skill, playing to your strengths.

-You don’t have to leave the world the way you found it. Change your surroundings to your liking, find a small part to make more like yourself. Tear out what does not belong and fill the void that cried out for you to shape it.

2 of Pentacles keywords: economy of action, caution.

-It is difficult to serve two masters. While the soul longs to dance, your feet are planted on solid earth. Now it’s time for balance, for cautious choices, for move followed by counter move. Each thing you love, gives you its blessing. By giving them proper attention, you maintain equilibrium.

What does the tarot suggest You do

Queen of Wands keywords: the last of the party, incomparable charisma, intense focus, a flair for drama.
-a savage, unbound beauty in love with all that is less than alive. She demonstrates the wonder to be found in experiencing the world with all her senses, and never apologizes for her intensity. Her charisma is intoxicating and her speech is direct and uncompromising. Hear the crunch and crack is she uses her staff to tear away the brambles that attempt to block her path. If she let such petty inconveniences slow her down, she would never have become queen of this realm. The wise learn to follow her lead bowing to her incredible will.

Pile 3


Do You feel like You need to avoid disaster like in the past?  The Crows suggest taking the fork in the road to make changes or remain sorta stuck.

5 of Pentacles keywords: Failure, loss, lack of help or resources.
-In a world ruled by machines living inhabitants feel lost, abandoned, alone. The vice grips tightly and we ache for assistance and support. Our pleas are meant by mocking laughter.

What was previously done

XVI or 16. The Tower keywords: imminent disaster, a shake up in the natural order, a chance to relinquish old ways of thinking, uncomfortable truths rise to the surface.

- All day the birds have squawked omens of doom, black wing prophets, urging you to flee. You hear the roar and feel the air crackle as the lightning bolt strikes the palace walls. Stone shivers around you it cannot hold for long. “ stay in this place of opulence “-a voice whispers- “here you have been safe”. But the birds’ warnings screech in defiance, ringing truer than the honey-sweet words. You seek the door as beams creek and moan

What does the tarot suggest You do

2 of Wands keywords: the desire for adventure, fear of failure, a fork in the road, the will to proceed.
- Into this world you are thrown. The maps here are not yet written, and it will take your hands to tame the land before you, two car a pass so the others may follow in your footsteps. Or you can choose to risk nothing, feel no pain and forever regret not answering adventure’s calls. Doubt is the first obstacle. You must defeat your doubts before you can take your very first step.

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