Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Summer Part 11: Marlania Crawford, Jodie Sue, Squall Tit, Hunter, Liplocked No More

Justice for Summer+++

this blog is for entertainment purposes only!!! all statements are alleged!!!  it's just a card game!!!

i tried watching another card reader...if i don't see the cards coming out of the deck with my own 2 eyes, i don't trust the read; i wanna see the cards and their meanings for my own self... lots of these psychics lie and twist for popularity, imo... video with the shuffling is @ https://youtu.be/G4X9kSZjbBM

Marlania Crawford

The situation you’re inquiring about will be healed or improved through your willingness to release old stored anger. You May not even be consciously aware that you’ve been holding onto resentment. Your anger may show up in subtle ways such as high 
blood pressure, addictions, insomnia, and moodiness. Wouldn’t it feel great to have stable moods and more control over your health?

Forgiveness isn’t the same as saying that the actions of others were justified or acceptable. Instead, forgiveness is a statement of self empowerment. You choose to detoxify yourself all stored anger, and other negative energies. After all, when you hang onto anger, it only hurts you and not the other person .

To heal this situation be aware that meditation and introspection are important practice that can help you. See that your anger is merely a transient feeling, like a dark cloud floating across the sky. Recognize that the source comes from a past life and let it go. Forgiveness is cathartic and profoundly healing. Free yourself from negative and harmful emotions.

Was Marlania Crawford involved in what happened to Summer? risk taking, no...

Sorry, but i don't remember anything about Marlania, except that she died.  The cards gave a definite no very quickly, anyway.  So, i take that as that there's no pertinent information about her.

Jodie Sue

Food and Hunger you didn’t have enough to eat in your past lives, causing you to over eat and horse food in this incarnation you may have weight or eating this order issues because you are associating with fear instead of hunger you harbor insecurities about whether there will be enough food in the future so you may stop supplies. You also serve yourself large portions and make sure to eat everything on your plate just in case, there won’t be enough food in the future for some people this pattern also applies to fears about having enough water to drink often just remembering the past life pattern is enough to heal. The issue. Understand that the past is over and will not repeat in this current lifetime. The goal should be to learn from it and then let it go, let fears of deprivation fade away is they are no longer necessary. Open yourself up to abundance.

is Jodie in the ring? yes, does jodie make money for letting use her wifi? overcome & war...

Jodie gets suspicious cards regularly, and this is a hard yes so ill come up with more questions about her, Fred, and Cotton.

Squall Tit

Angels: you drew this card as a sign from your guardian angels who have been with you throughout your soul’s history. In between each lifetime your angels work with you to review the lessons you just learned they also help you prepare and plan for your next . 

You may have functioned as an angel during your time in heave. You help guide and heal your loved ones just like your angels do for you. As a result, you hold deep love for guardian angels.
Your guardian angels know all of the details of every lifetime and can help you gently recall significant memories that will allow you to heal in your present life. Call upon your angels as you fall asleep to reveal relevant memories while you’re sleeping; when you wake up, you may not recall all the details of your dream. However, once you, you’re prepared to consciously remember your past, the material be given to you. You’ll remember what you’re emotionally able to handle.
In addition, archangel, Michael, the angel of courage, strength, and protection Raphael, the angel of physical and emotional healing, and Raziel, the angel of God, secrets, and mysteries will help anyone who calls upon them like all archangels they’re unlimited and non-denominational they can be with everyone simultaneously off their unconditionally loving power.

Squall getting Angels is the only station card that i understand this time.  Squall Tit did come out with some great information about Jodie long ago so i wanted to record what the cards say about her.  I would be worried that cards pick up my emotions, but if that's true, they would say Richard Allen is innocent in Delphi.  

is Squall Tit lying? spiritual awareness/sorcerer, perp collaboration...is Squall Tit part of the perp collaboration? Nurture/empathy/good vamp ...

I cant help that i feel energy sometimes, and i've always liked Squall Tit's energy as it feels like she is telling the truth. New idea could be coming to the Tubes to tell what she knows, taking a stand for truth probably does cause spiritual growth.  She knows there was perp collaboration as Nurture/empathy/good Vamp is a positive card.


Scribe or Writer: This card reveals that you had a career as a writer or scribe in a past lifetime which may be why you currently desire to write. You have the natural thinking style of someone who can organize thoughts into the written word.
The fact that you had the discipline to sit down and write in that previous lifetime shows that you can exercise the same trait in this life. If you dream of being a published author, this card urges you to pursue that path. Do research on writing and publishing, and more important, write every day- which can be in the form of journaling, letters, creative, writing, or nonfiction, writing, such as blogging or articles.
If you have a strong enough desire to be a published author and you’re willing to put for the effort, you can attain your dream.

It is possible that Hunter was spinning a yarn for Chris McD like a Writer would.  

does Hunter know what happened to Summer? infinity/balance/progress, mutual interest/partners, compassion/wisdom/good ghost...did Hunter hurt Summer? new beginnings, emotions in love, fire/burned/ trafficking, lost money...wholeness/confidence in love, balance/yin yang, manifest good/mind/body/soul....did Hunter have a crush on Summer??? is hunter involved in what happened to Summer? stability in love, rich man finances...

There are so many mixed messages in this one that i will definitely look into him, and Allison next time. I don't "play" cards unless i have enough time alone to thoroughly cleanse the house after. What if he and his Mom took Summer to sell her to rich people who wanted a blue eyed blond child? Does Wisdom in read 11 mean that he knows what happened instead of the good ghost part? Do all the love cards, and Yin Yang mean his Mom or girl?  Was his Momma coaching him in that interview like it appeared?

Liplocked No More

This card indicates that you have a special relationship to trees. In Ancient times, particularly in Celtic and eastern European cultures trees were considered sacred. The Druids look to oak trees for prophetic information and ancient healers use tree ingredients, such as Willow bark for medicine.

Your connection two trees may have been spiritual, including the ability to receive messages from them and some cases, the seemingly non- sentient trees are anointed by real souls known as tree people. You may have been a tree person or a tree diva in this life or a prior lifetime. This card asked you to spend more time, connecting with trees -for healing knowledge and inner peace.

is liplocked involved in what happened to Summer in any way? page/adenture/student, scared/worried....is liplocked on the tubes to shift attention? unstable, buried, make a plan for money

Looking back on this gives me lots more questions. Student could mean newly involved in a small trafficking organization connected to bikers.  I am not stereotyping, but recalling recent biker activity in the ring in Delphi that Keegan Kline was popped in, and her old man is said to be a biker.  I need to ask if Youtube money was the plan?  Is the plan for money to dabble in trafficking?

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