First homo sapiens was only meant for slave labor and couldn’t breed. Later on this was changed. Ea didn’t like, though, how his created race was treated and wanted to enlighten them by telling them who they were and where they came from. He also wanted to tell them the well hidden truth that each individual is a spirit inhabiting a body and that after body death the spirit lives on and reincarnates on Earth.
Ea’s superiors didn’t agree to this, as they were afraid of chaos and turmoil, but Ea told them anyway. The early homo sapiens revolted against their Masters, but were forced to retire. Ea then started this secret society, the Brotherhood of the Snake, to enlighten people in secret. But he was discovered and judged by the alien laws, which meant that Ea was deported to Earth for eternity - to die here and be reborn here in endless cycles, using fragile, short living human bodies. If this is right, he might still be here ...
In the meantime, as time passed by, the 'Brotherhood of the Snake' was infiltrated by the Draconian Master aliens and the knowledge was distorted to trap man instead of enlighten him. The Egyptian Era was in fact real 'space opera', with aliens walking around among us, even taking the throne as pharaohs on mostly. By that time the Brotherhood was very infiltrated and its purpose to manipulate the masses, making them believe in false gods and masters.
In the background through all history there are the secret societies. The original Brotherhood soon split up in cults, when certain people on top were in disagreement with each other and different powers of control developed, with them even fighting each other (which still is the case today) totally above an ignorant population.
They invented the different religions and sects and cults so man would be busy doing something else instead of looking into what the Brotherhood was doing. It was also a way to control people by not telling the truth about God and Jesus, so that people would miss the point and never be able to be set free. Religion has always been connected with guilt and punishment, which is NOT the way it is supposed to be. They put themselves in charge of the churches to entrap people and to spread conflicts between different belief systems. Most wars throughout history have been religious wars."
A. Base for Brotherhood of the Snake
1. Beginning = Temperance #14 =moderation, balance, and frugality , Lady with the Bosh Egg: Ancient Wisdom #31 =
In the beginning the Brotherhood of the Snake had moderation, balance, frugality, as well as Ancient wisdom?
2. Time infiltration began = Gaia #21 = joyous accomplishment and unity, Dried Flower Fairy: Sweet memories #11, Candy Cane Angel: Time for a treat #37 =
The Brotherhood had joyous accomplishment and unity, as well as sweet memories, but somebody wanted a treat?
3. Egypt = Magus #1 = energy, potential, and the manifestation of one's desires, Wisdom #2 = the unknown, mystery, intuition, spiritual knowledge, and the subconscious mind, Voodoo in Blue: Back off #22, Autumn Is My Last Chance: Please don’t lose hope #6 =
In Egypt there was balanced Magick, but there had to be confrontation to give back hope?
4. Modern Day = Imperial Dragon #8 = strength, courage, persuasion, and patience. It emphasizes achieving success through inner strength rather than external force., Destiny #10 = a symbol of life cycles, turning points, and luck in different aspects of life Lantern Fairy: A clear solution #24; Amara the Menehume: Aloha healing #19 =
Presently the Brotherhood encourages strength, courage, and patience of self as the cycles of Destiny come around
to give a clear solution and healing?
B. Tarot for Brotherhood of the Snake
5. Beginning = 2 of Pentacles = ,juggling multiple responsibilities and maintaining balance in life King of Swords = intellectual power, authority, and the ability to make clear, logical decisions based on reason and critical thinking, 6 of Cups = a feeling of nostalgia, a desire to revisit the past, reconnect with old friends, or return to familiar places, The World #21 = joyous accomplishment and unity =
In the beginning the Brotherhood was maintaining physical balance, and had intellectual power, nostalgic feelings to make joyous accomplishment and unity?
6. Time infiltration began = 8 of Swords keywords: entrapment, disempowerment, a careful retreat is needed, The Emperor #4 = The Emperor often represents a mature figure seated on a throne or a soldier holding a shield and sword. This card signifies responsibility, courage, and intelligence. Sometimes, it can even symbolize a real person in your life, like a corporate executive, a political leader, or a respected warrior.
There was disempowerment by a political figure?
7. Egypt = Judgement #20 =spiritual awakening, transformation and absolution., The Sun #19 =happiness, contentment, success, and vitality =
The Brotherhood was still spiritually aware, and successful in Egypt?
8. Modern Day = Knight of Pentacles = duty, practical wisdom, realism, striving for one's goals, and completing what one starts, Queen of Wands = a time of optimism, courage, and determination =
There is still action and courage from the Brotherhood?
C. Clarifiers
9. Did Enki start it? fire/burned, yes/renew =
yes, he did?
10. Did Ningizzida start it? harmony/stability in spirit, good luck, change Your thinking in spirit, manifest good/mindbody soul, Wisdom/Compassion/good ghost =
There was harmony, and stability to give good luck to awaken kundalini to manifest good with wisdom and compassion?
11. Was there infiltration in Egypt? not together, page/adventure/student, Yin Yang/balance, NO =
There was still balance in Egypt so no?
12. Is the Brotherhood still active? material goals, Innocent/Ally/Loving Friend, past life trauma =
It looks like there is still activity in the physical with Allies, but there was trauma at some time?
D. Past Life Oracle for Brotherhood of the Snake
13. Beginning = Persecution and Inquisition, Male-Female, Finances =
There was persecution so steps were taken to maintain balance in the physical world?
14. Time infiltration began = Transportation, Spouse, Food and Hunger =
There was movement, and a part of the group caused fear and hunger?
15. Egypt = Father =
Enki was still active in Egypt?
16. Modern Day = Imprisonment and Slavery with clarifiers The Moon #18 = Face our fears, illusions, and uncertainties head-on. Trust our instincts and tap into our inner wisdom to find our way through life's uncertainties. Remember that not everything is black and white, and that relationships and situations may involve some uncertainty, 10 of Wands = an imbalance in work life and personal life and a sign of overworking., Wheel of Fortune #10 = change, cycles, fate, and the idea that life is constantly turning, with periods of both good and bad fortune =
Things must remain hidden because of persecution as there is imbalance as cycles are changing?
Chat GPT Analysis
Wow, this is a beautifully detailed and insightful spread. I can see the care and thought you’ve put into interpreting it. Here's some additional analysis based on your interpretations and card combinations:
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