the video with shuffling is @
the video with the visual summary is @
Greetings! Welcome to my blog. I have a lot going on, and the tarot cards are largely to gather data so i've decided to stop worrying about formatting. All the letters and colors are from copy paste, and leaving that format seems easy to show it's information from somewhere else.
President Trump's Vision for Renewal Card Summary President Trump is a figure of transformation, willing to sacrifice himself to dismantle outdated and negative systems, paving the way for a future rooted in happiness and justice. His journey, much like the mythic Wounded Dragon, represents strength born from hardship and wisdom gained through adversity. The cards reveal the essence of his mission: 10 of Cups: A vision of emotional fulfillment, harmony, and societal contentment. Knight of Wands: A surge of passion, energy, and the drive to take bold initiatives. 3 of Swords: A reminder of the pain and sorrow life brings. As this card teaches, "It teaches us the importance of releasing emotional pain, embracing optimism, and finding forgiveness. Through the healing process, we can transform our pain into growth and learn valuable lessons along the way." These symbols align with Trump's desire to foster renewal and justice, even as challenges arise. The final cards—Medicine Man or Woman, Trust and Faith, and Wisdom—further confirm that his journey is one of profound transformation and healing.
The Cards
A. Base
1. The Innovator (what new ideas might change the world?) = Magus #1 = Ability to manifest desires, The Wounded Dragon #14 = represents a need for surrender, sacrifice, and letting go of the ego ; Fairy of the Divine Hand: Intoxication, distorted view, over indulgence #2 with 3 of Cups (represents a group of people coming together for a shared emotional goal). 4 of Pentacles = represents a strong focus on security, control, and possessiveness, and Death #13 = It can represent endings, transitions, and new beginnings. clarifiers; Out Trick or Treating: We're he-reee # =
Ability to manifest desires, and make things disappear. Wounded Dragon can mean a leader sacrificing too? Donald Trump seems to be going all in. There's an overindulgence of planning with a emotions with a a strong focus on security, control, and possessiveness to cause a death and rebirth. I will do my colors in purple.
2. The Disruptor (what’s being broken down to rebuild? = Gaia #21 = cosmic consciousness; the potential of perfect union with the One Power of the universe, Power #4 =responsibility, courage, and intelligence. Sometimes, it can even symbolize a real person in your life, like a corporate executive, a political leader, , Mercy #5 = spiritual knowledge, tradition and adherence to established customs. , Temperance #14 moderation, balance, and frugality; Fairy of the Highlands: It's time to be brave #20 =
He is dealing with dilemmas all over the World, and using his political power break down other political, and some established customs to return balance so be brave.
3. The Visionary (what future is being dreamed into existence) = Mischief #15 (Ravage, violence, vehemence, extraordinary efforts, force, fatality; that which is predestined but is not for this reason evil.) with clarifiers Judgement #20 (, spiritual awakening, transformation and absolution) and 7 of Wands (the act of defending your position, standing firm against challenges, and persevering in the face of opposition); Grumpy Red Fairy: Be true to Yourself #8, Winged Seer: You see clearly, clairvoyance #12 =
He's dreaming extraordinary efforts, force, fatality; that which is predestined but is not for this reason evil for transformation and absolution in the the act of defending your position, standing firm against challenges, and persevering in the face of opposition. Be true to Yourself as You see clearly, clairvoyance.
B. Tarot
4. Vision: What their long-term impact might be = Justice #11 = balance, fairness and truth in order to achieve spiritual growth
Justice is excellent!!!
5. Challenges: Obstacles they face = 4 of Wands = celebration, harmony, stability, and a sense of accomplishment, often representing a time to enjoy the fruits of your labor and take a moment to appreciate positive achievements in your life; gratitude, setting firm boundaries to protect yourself and always notice the stability you have on offer to you , 7 of Pentacles = signifies the need for patience, perseverance, and waiting for the results of hard work to manifest, 9 of Cups = a feeling of complete satisfaction, achieving your desires, and experiencing a sense of "wish fulfillment"
Setting firm boundaries to protect yourself and always notice the stability you have on offer to you tells me boundaries will be violated; the need for patience, perseverance, and waiting for the results of hard work to manifest tells me that there will be tests and attacks by people with sense of "wish fulfillment" that Orange Man is Bad.
6. Outcome: How their influence reshapes the world = 2 of Pentacles = represents the need to find balance and juggle multiple priorities in life,, 6 of Cups = represents nostalgia, memories, and a desire to revisit the past, 10 of Cups = represents a state of complete emotional fulfillment, happiness, harmony, and contentment, Knight of Wands = represents a surge of energy, passion, action, and a drive to take initiative, 3 of Swords = a powerful reminder of the pain and sorrow we experience in life. It teaches us the importance of releasing emotional pain, embracing optimism, and finding forgiveness. Through the healing process, we can transform our pain into growth and learn valuable lessons along the way. =
His influence will balance and juggle multiple priorities in life because of a desire to revisit the past. The outcome is a state of complete emotional fulfillment, happiness, harmony, and contentment. There will be a surge of energy, passion, action, and a drive to take initiative, The cards teach us the importance of releasing emotional pain, embracing optimism, and finding forgiveness. Through the healing process, we can transform our pain into growth and learn valuable lessons along the way.
C. Clarifiers
7. Are their plans beneficial to society? abuse of power with clarifiers = 4 of Cups = signifies a state of apathy, boredom, or dissatisfaction with one's current situation, often stemming from being too focused on oneself and overlooking the good things already present, essentially missing opportunities right in front of you due to a lack of appreciation or perspective; it encourages a shift towards recognizing and embracing what you have and opening yourself up to new possibilities. , and The Fool #0 = represents new beginnings, taking risks, and being open to new experiences. =
He will abuse some power due to dissatisfaction with one's current situation. He will make new beginnings by taking risks, and being open to new experiences.
8. Are they dismantling negative systems? buried, old relations =
yep, they are
9. Do they practice Magick? stability in love
can't tell, but has love
D. Past Life Oracle
10. Past life station = Medicine Man or Woman
11. Current station = Trust and Faith
12. Connected to = Wisdom
= These are all positive cards so i feel he is making changes for the right reasons from what the cards say?
ChatGPT Analysis
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